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NetTech Solutions Working with Web Elements Lesson 6.

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Presentation on theme: "NetTech Solutions Working with Web Elements Lesson 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 NetTech Solutions Working with Web Elements Lesson 6

2 NetTech Solutions Agenda Understanding HTML Looking at Word and Web Pages Using Some Advance Web Features Working with Frames Understanding the Basics of XML Using XML Features in Word

3 NetTech Solutions Understanding HTML A web site is a collection of pages written in HTML code that is stored on a Web Server. Structure of the pages look something like this:

4 NetTech Solutions HTML tags Simple page viewed in Notepad

5 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill Open an HTML file –Page 126

6 NetTech Solutions HTML and Pictures Pictures and other files are stored separately on the web server

7 NetTech Solutions Adding Pictures You add pictures by using special code: Learn the Skill –Add a picture Page 130

8 NetTech Solutions Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) This add features to the HTML code. Learn the Skill –Interpret a style sheet Page 131

9 NetTech Solutions Looking at Word and Web Pages There are many web design tools available today. MS Word also allows you to edit web pages. MS Word allows you to save documents as web pages.

10 NetTech Solutions Save as Web Page

11 NetTech Solutions Problem with Word MS Word is not as efficient as FrontPage MS Word adds extra information FrontPage creates the tags needed in web page development.

12 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill Create a web page –Page 134 Save a web page –Page 136 Create a single file web page –Page 137 Normally saving to a web server requires FTP services Publish a web page –Page 137 (optional)

13 NetTech Solutions Using Some Advance Web Features In MS Word you have: –Setting web options –Adding hyperlinks –Inserting pictures –Attaching a style sheet –Use tables

14 NetTech Solutions Set Web Options Tools, Options, General tab Web Options

15 NetTech Solutions Web Options Five tabs to manage web options:

16 NetTech Solutions Hyperlinks Hyperlinks allow users to move from page to page or to different web sites.

17 NetTech Solutions To Insert a Picture Picture properties allow you to manage your pictures

18 NetTech Solutions Pictures The compress button lets you manage the size of your picture

19 NetTech Solutions Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Cascading Style Sheets are managed through Tools, Templates and Add-ins

20 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill Access and change web options –Page 139 Insert Hyperlinks –Page 140 Insert pictures –Page 142 Apply CSS –Page 143 Insert a table –Page 144

21 NetTech Solutions Working with Frames Frames are really more than one web page combined

22 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill Look at a typical frames page –Page 146 Create a frames page –Page 147 Set Properties on a frames page –Page 148 Links inside a frames page –Page 150 Link to non-frame pages –Page 152

23 NetTech Solutions Understanding the Basics of XML XML is Extensible Markup Language The organization that oversees XML is W3C or the World Wide Web Consortium Get more information from

24 NetTech Solutions XML Data Tags They are similar to HTML Example note.xml file

25 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill View XML data file –Page 155

26 NetTech Solutions Using XML Features in Word Note that saving as XML is not creating an XML system; instead, it is a way of turning a Word document into an XML data file so that it could be used in different programs or systems.

27 NetTech Solutions Learn the Skill Save a document as XML and view it. –Page 160 Using Transforms with Word –Page 162 Applying a transform –Page 164 Using Schema –Page 166 Adding data to an XML file –Page 168

28 NetTech Solutions Summary Understanding HTML Looking at Word and Web Pages Using Some Advance Web Features Working with Frames Understanding the Basics of XML Using XML Features in Word

29 NetTech Solutions Evaluations Now is the time to fill out the online Evaluation for the course.

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