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Observation. Information collected with the senses Evidence/Facts.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation. Information collected with the senses Evidence/Facts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation

2 Information collected with the senses Evidence/Facts

3 Inference

4 A conclusion based on observations Educated Guess/Assumption

5 Observation: 1)I hear people screaming Inferences: ?

6 Observation: 1)I hear people screaming Inferences: 1)Something bad is happening 2)Someone is in trouble 3)Someone is having fun 4)Etc.

7 Observation: 1)I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers Inferences: ?

8 Observation: 1)I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers Inferences: 1)I'm at a circus 2)I'm at a carnival 3)I'm at a movie 4)Etc.

9 Explicit

10 Clearly stated

11 Implicit

12 Indirectly/Not clearly stated

13 Why am I showing you this? Observe the Explicit Surface Infer the Implicit Depths

14 Look at these two sets of animal tracks. In your notebook: List 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

15 Tell me your observations and inference!

16 Now what do you think? In your notebook: Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

17 Tell me your observations and inference!

18 Now what do you think? In your notebook: Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

19 Tell me your observations and inference!

20 We do not make inferences to prove how clever we are. We make inferences to help us draw conclusions and develop opinions about what we are observing. When you draw a conclusion from something, you reach inside it and pull out the larger meaning or message. You decide WHAT THE WHOLE THING MEANS. How can sharpening this skill help you in life?

21 Solving mysteries Figuring out if your friends are actually making fun of you rather than complimenting you Figuring out if you should stay in a certain situation or get out of it immediately Figuring out if your significant other has really started a new boxing class, or if they're actually cheating on you Removing a paper jam from the copy machine at work

22 What are these people really trying to say? (what is IMPLIED?) "Your hair looks so much better today!" "We'll keep your resume on file." "Can't we just be friends?" "You're not working to your true potential." "No, really, I find this class totally fascinating!"

23 In your notebook: Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

24 In your notebook: Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE

25 Answer the following question in your notebook: What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?


27  2nd picture has

28 What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?  2nd picture has hearts (love?) and a girl in a thought bubble (girl friend?).

29 What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?  2nd picture has hearts (love?) and a girl in a thought bubble (girl friend?). More likely he is going to meet

30 What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?  2nd picture has hearts (love?) and a girl in a thought bubble (girl friend?). More likely he is going to meet his girlfriend than the other guy.

31 What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?  2nd picture has hearts (love?) and a girl in a thought bubble (girl friend?). More likely he is going to meet his girlfriend than the other guy. What conclusion can you draw from the above?

32 What different observation(s) about these 2 pictures allow you to make different inferences? Why?  2nd picture has hearts (love?) and a girl in a thought bubble (girl friend?). More likely he is going to meet his girlfriend than the other guy. What conclusion can you draw from the above? The more evidence/observations you have, the more educated/accurate your inference will be.

33 Look only at the first two opening frames from “The Veil” on page 3 In your notebooks: List as many observations about the two frames as possible.

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