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1 PreCam Data Mini-Workshop Report Douglas L. Tucker DES-Calib/PreCam Telecon 11 February 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 PreCam Data Mini-Workshop Report Douglas L. Tucker DES-Calib/PreCam Telecon 11 February 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 PreCam Data Mini-Workshop Report Douglas L. Tucker DES-Calib/PreCam Telecon 11 February 2011

2 2 Overview Tuesday, February 8 DES doc-db event: Luiz da Costa’s report on data processing status and plans: DES-doc#5287 Marcio Maia’s “PreCam Reduced Data: The Horror Gallery”: DES-doc#5284)

3 3 From Luiz’s Report (Text in blue commentary by DLT) code from Tomasz, Steve code from Douglas DESDM code – some help with SCAMP? PTC curve flats + stellar data – who? Also bad pixel maps, cross-talk measurements, and other tests from the PreCam Observing wiki – who?

4 4 People to help look at the data From Luiz’s Report (Text in blue commentary by DLT)

5 5 Nights with the most trouble-free data? Look-up table; image id->RA,DEC & field name Lots of scattered light in many of the images People looking at the reduced data Doc-db # for “flat-fields vs. date” document

6 6 Lots of scary pictures from the Horror Gallery + … From Marcio’s Report (Text in blue commentary by DLT) (Useful for people to look at global properties of data…)

7 7 Other stuff… Understanding the DESDM algorithms DESDM SVN repository under DESDM home page: …but requires a password. Don Petravick is looking into read-only version that is accessible to the collaboration. Access to the PreCam pipeline reductions portal -- soon. Proposal for plan for next step of data processing (small group discussion at Fermilab immediately following the Mini-Workshop): Process all calibration frames (biases, flats) from all the nights before a general processing of the data. Choose a few nights to process and re-process as a test bed for rapidly achieving data reduction quality goals before moving on to a general processing of the full data set.

8 8 Other stuff (not quite from the Mini-Workshop, but related…) PreCam in-dome and on-sky tests: plan/commissioning-and-periodic-tests

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