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The Human Resource Frame Chapters 6 - 8. The Human Resource Frame This perspective regards people’s skills, attitudes, energy, and commitment as vital.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Resource Frame Chapters 6 - 8. The Human Resource Frame This perspective regards people’s skills, attitudes, energy, and commitment as vital."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Resource Frame Chapters 6 - 8

2 The Human Resource Frame This perspective regards people’s skills, attitudes, energy, and commitment as vital resources capable of either making or breaking an enterprise. Core Assumptions: Org’s exist to serve human needs People and org’s need each other When the fit is poor, one or both suffer A good fit benefits both

3 Human Needs Do we have them? Maslow McClelland McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

4 Argyris’ 6 Ways of Dealing with Frustrations Withdrawal Withdraw psychologically Resistance Promotion Form groups to redress power imbalances Socialize children to believe work is unrewarding

5 What is a Human Resource Philosophy? Develop a long-term philosophy Invest in people Empower employees and redesign Participation

6 Riane Eisler’s The Chalice and the Blade

7 Model 1 Assume the problem is caused by the other person(s). Develop a private, unilateral diagnosis and solution. Since the other person is the cause, get them to change. If the other person resists, this proves you are right. Respond to resistance by intensifying If you aren’t successful, it isn’t your fault

8 Model 2 Emphasize common goals and mutual influence Communicate openly and test assumptions Combine advocacy with inquiry Advocacy is statements about how you think, what you know, want or feel Inquiry is finding out what others, think, know, want or feel

9 Covey’s Habit 5 Seek first to understand and then to be understood

10 5 Dimensions of Win/Win Character Integrity Maturity – the balance between courage and consideration Abundance Mentality Relationships Agreements Supportive Systems Processes

11 5 Elements of Win/Win Desired Results Guidelines Resources Accountability Consequences

12 Processes 1. See the problem from the other point of view. 2. Identify the key issues and concerns. 3. Determine what results would constitute a fully acceptable solution. 4. Identify possible new options to achieve those results.

13 Seek First to Understand Empathic Listening Mimic Content Rephrase Content Reflect Feeling Rephrase Content and Reflect Feeling

14 Autobiographical Responses Evaluate – agree or disagree Probe – ask questions from our own frame of reference Advise – give counsel based on our own experience Interpret – try to figure people out based on our own motives and behavior

15 Defensive Communication Defensive Behaviors 1 Evaluation 2 Control 3 Strategy 4 Neutrality 5 Superiority 6 Certainty Supportive Behaviors 1 Description 2 Problem Orientation 3 Spontaneity 4 Empathy 5 Equality 6 Provisionalism


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