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Career Flow: Constructing Careers in the New Economy Presented by: Dr. Norm Amundson & Dr. Roberta Neault

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Presentation on theme: "Career Flow: Constructing Careers in the New Economy Presented by: Dr. Norm Amundson & Dr. Roberta Neault"— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Flow: Constructing Careers in the New Economy Presented by: Dr. Norm Amundson & Dr. Roberta Neault

2 Agenda The Inspiration The Metaphor The Model The Competencies Hope Self-Reflection Self-Clarity Visioning Goal-Setting and Planning Implementing and Adapting The Book

3 The Inspiration Positive Psychology e.g., Seligman, 2002 Optimal Experience “the way that people describe their state of mind when consciousness is harmoniously ordered, and they want to pursue whatever they are doing for its own sake.” ~Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; p. 6

4 FLOW Low SKILLS/RESOURCES High High CHALLENGESCHALLENGES Anxiety Arousal FLOW Worry Apathy Boredom Relaxation Control Adapted from Csikszentmihalyi’s (1997) Finding Flow

5 Optimal “Flow” This involves participating in activities that: Completely capture our attention Reflect our values and call upon our strengths Allow us to feel as though we can express who we are Engage us in appropriately challenging tasks

6 6 Career Flow Experiences Focus on a career flow experience Be concrete Imagine all the different aspects

7 7 Examine Your Career Flow Experience What were you doing at the time? Was your involvement self-initiated? Who were you with? What was the setting? What values were you expressing? What skills were you using? What interests were you manifesting? How did it feel?

8 8 Optimal Career Flow Identify When it occurs Skills you are using Values you are expressing Interests you are manifesting Note Tasks you are performing Environment in which it is occurring Your reaction to it Keep an optimal career flow log

9 The “Career Flow” Metaphor Steady flow White water Waterfalls Still water Stagnant water Flow interrupted…

10 10 “Whitewater,” “Steady Flow,” or “Still Water” Flow Experiences What were you doing at the time? Were there other people involved? What was the setting? What skills were you using? What, if anything, could have made this experience more positive? How did it feel?

11 11 Career Flow - Stillwater Reflect Remember Re-imagine Use Meditation Journaling Career counselling / Guided imagery Brainstorm possibilities - be creative!

12 12 “Waterfalls” or “Stagnant” Flow Experiences What were you doing at the time? What was the setting? What was missing? What, if anything, could have made the experience more positive? How did it feel? How did you get out if it?

13 Career Flow - Whitewater Communicate Connect with resources Complete most important/doable tasks first Use Stress management Time management Self-care activities Maintain a sense of perspective

14 14 Career Flow - Stagnant Water Be Aware Proactive Intentional Bold! Use Self-awareness / Assertiveness Networking / Job search strategies Problem-solving skills Take action!

15 Self-Reflection (Self / Circumstances) Self-Clarity (Objective, Subjective, Life role) Visioning (Possibilities / Future Outcomes) Goal Setting & Planning (Long and Short-Term / Action Steps) Implementing & Adapting (Action / Flexibility) Hope EnvironmentEnvironment Environment Environment Career Flow Competencies

16 Hope at the centre Self-reflection and self-clarity The Wheel as a framework Goal setting and planning Career exploration and research Implementing Resumes, cover letters, portfolios Generating leads Interviewing Adapting Flow interrupted / White water / Still water

17 Career Flow: The Book Spencer G. Niles, Norman E. Amundson, Roberta A. Neault 1. Introducing Career Flow 2. Essential Career Flow Competencies 3. Pursuing Your Interests (Passions) 4. Mapping Your Skills 5. Personality Style 6. Understanding Values 7. Connecting With Others: Social, Emotional, and Financial Support 8. Optimal Career Flow / Setting Goals 9. Connecting to the World of Work 10. Turning Possibilities into Realities 11. Engaging the Search 12. Career Flow Interrupted - Realizing Your Dreams in Challenging Times 13. Whitewater and Stillwater 14. Expanding the Career Flow Metaphor Career as a journey Your life as a book Your legacy ©2011 Pearson Education Inc, Boston, MA

18 Career Flow For information about the book, contact: Norm Amundson Roberta Neault /

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