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Strategy Development Blank Slide Pack
Reference: PCD12-B Released: 21/04/2015
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Project Plan An example project plan which following the steps of the Procurement Journey is attached (in excel format). Within your organisation you may use an alternative format/tool for project planning. Things to remember are:
Stakeholder Map template
Impact of Commodity on Stakeholder Low Med High Impact on success High Low Advocacy and Ownership Support and Buy-in Awareness Commitment and Action Understanding Unaware Med Level of Engagement
UIG Welcome Pack It is useful to issue a Welcome Pack to members either prior to or at the initial UIG meeting. The pack includes Terms of Reference of the group along with information on roles and responsibilities, core competencies and business conduct. Things to remember are:
UIG Charter Group Objectives Scope & Activities Key Areas For Success
Measures Milestones Deliverables
Add Commodity Name here
UIG Membership Add Commodity Name here Name Location Dept. Role Tel.
Current Status of Commodity/Contracts
1 - Commodity Definition Commodity Name Definition Source Things to remember are:
Current Status of Commodity/Contracts
2 – Current Contracts Contract Detail Contract Scope Expiry Date Current Pricing Things to remember are: Current contract(s) status Uptake of contract(s) Contract(s) expiry Spend covered by contract(s) Product specification Internal customers Any agreements to hold prices for a certain amount of time (e.g. 6/12 months) and how price increases are negotiated (e.g. index linked to RPI or National Statistics); History of price increases Contract change notices (CCN’s) etc., which can be incorporated into the analysis of key commodity characteristics (as described in the next section of the toolkit).
Current Status of Commodity/Contracts
3 – Relevant Policies/ Processes Policy detail Reason of impact Source Things to remember are: Consistency/Inconsistency of policy across the organisation or sector Current Purchasing Procedures Supplier Management Service Levels and KPIs
Spend Analysis Create your Spend Analysis and add it here. This is an example of one format Things to remember are: Consistency/Inconsistency of policy across the organisation or sector Current Purchasing Procedures Supplier Management Service Levels and KPIs
Sustainability Aspects
Considerations Actions Social Economic Environmental
Classifying a Commodity
<Add Text for Details> <INSERT COMMODITY> <INSERT CATEGORY> <Add Text for Details> <Add Text for Details> <Add Text for Details> <Add Text for Details>
Commodity Tree - Example
Level 1 Level 2 Out Of Scope
Key Commodity Characteristics
Functionality End User Requirements Organisation Requirements Future Trends Constraints
Market Summary Template
Factor Findings from research Market definition Market Overview Trade Associations Key Suppliers Market growth Trends and developments Supply market trends
External Data Sources Reference No. Source Dated Web address
1) <Add source/report title> <Add date of report/article/quote> <Add website address for future reference> 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
Probability/ Impact Result
Risk Register Project Name / Contract Title Risks identified as at - Risk ID Owner Description of Risk Probability/ Impact Result Date of Assessment Mitigating Actions Next review date
Supplier Profile Analysis
X Supplier is the global leader in the provision of Y solutions Organization and History Strategy and Key Market Segments Products, Service Range and Operations Key Financials and Other Developments Insert commodity specific Supplier Data. Use 1 slide for each of the top 5 suppliers. You should base the top 5 on whether you think the market is global, European, or UK only
Porter’s 5 forces – Competitive Positioning
Threats of Substitutes <Add Opportunity Notes> <Add Comment> <Add Opportunity Notes> Power of Supplier Competition in Industry Power of Buyer <Add Comment> <Add Comment> <Add Comment> Threats of New Entrants <Add Comment> <Add Opportunity Notes> <Add Opportunity Notes>
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Text
Add overall statement of findings here
Supply Market Analysis
Supplier Name Annual Turnover in Scotland £000 Annual Turnover in UK £000 Current Expenditure £000 Percentage of turnover Scotland Percentage of turnover UK Sub-Total Spend with Top 10 Suppliers
Supplier Cost Drivers Cost Element
(e.g. Material, Labour, Sub-contract, Transport, Overheads…) % of Overall Price (Use estimates, market, supplier and existing analysis) Source of Data Data Confidence (Low, Medium, High)
Total Cost of Ownership: Considerations
Acquisition Ownership Operation Disposal
Best Value Triangle – Identifying Opportunities
Improve Specification Restructure Relationships Competition Increase Restructure Supply Base Reduce Consumption Optimise Total Supply Chain Costs Reduce / Eliminate Transactions Total Cost Management Purchase Demand Management Supply Base Management Reduce Total Life cycle / Ownership Costs Cost Quality Service Innovation Sustainability Consolidated Spend Improve Specification Consolidate Spend Increase Competition Restructure Supply Base Optimise Supply Chain Costs Reduce Total Ownership Costs Reduce/Eliminate Transactions
Best Value Opportunity Assessment
Best Value – Tabled version Best Value Opportunity Assessment Description Ease Time Benefits Resources Pros Cons Purchase Demand Management “Have you considered this?” Reduce Consumption Consolidate Spend Improve Specification Supply Base Management Restructure Relationships Increase Competition Restructure Supply Base Total Cost Management Optimise Total Supply Chain Costs Reduce Total Ownership Costs Reduce Transactions
Opportunity Assessment
Complete one slide for each opportunity identified using the Best Value Triangle Opportunity Group (Link to BVT) Opportunity Sub-Group (Link to BVT) Description & Scope of Activity Implementation Resources Estimate of Savings Other Benefits Identified Ease Timing Risks & Issues Description Assessment Result (Probability/Impact) Date of Assessment Mitigating Actions Next Review Next Steps/Recommendation
The current and future state relationship between buyer & the supplier
Current State Possible Future State BUYER PERSPECTIVE LEVERAGE STRATEGIC LEVERAGE STRATEGIC Use competitive advantage to reduce total costs Use enterprise-wide sourcing volumes as a negotiation tool Use competitive advantage to reduce total costs Use enterprise-wide sourcing volumes as a negotiation tool Ensure long term availability of supply Focus on relationship building and process integration with supplier Ensure long term availability of supply Focus on relationship building and process integration with supplier Business Impact High Business Impact High ROUTINE BOTTLENECK ROUTINE BOTTLENECK Simplify and streamline acquisition process to achieve efficiencies / cost reduction Reduce number of suppliers and simplify sourcing process Reduce/eliminate company’s risk and exposure to price increases/supply disruption Secure existing sources of supply and search for possible substitutes Simplify and streamline acquisition process to achieve efficiencies / cost reduction Reduce number of suppliers and simplify sourcing process Reduce/eliminate company’s risk and exposure to price increases/supply disruption Secure existing sources of supply and search for possible substitutes Market Challenge High Market Challenge High SUPPLIER PERSPECTIVE DEVELOPMENT CORE DEVELOPMENT CORE Nurture & Expand Business Seek opportunities Develop Business together Defend vigorously expand if possible Potential long term relationship Nurture & Expand Business Seek opportunities Develop Business together Defend vigorously expand if possible Potential long term relationship Account attractiveness High NUISANCE EXPLOITABLE Account attractiveness High NUISANCE EXPLOITABLE Give low attention Lose without pain Change supplier Raise attractiveness Exploit commercially Risk losing High Risk Give low attention Lose without pain Change supplier Raise attractiveness Exploit commercially Risk losing High Risk Relative Value of Business Relative Value of Business
Recommendation & Justification
Options Decision Matrix & Summary Complete the table below with the various options available for Procurement Route, OJEU Procedure (if applicable), Lotting Strategy and Suppliers (examples provided) and detail the benefits/concerns associated with each before recommending a preferred option with justification. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Recommendation & Justification 1 Procurement Route Not applicable Do nothing Use existing framework Develop bespoke contract Benefits & Concerns 2 OJEU Procedure Open Restricted Competitive Dialogue Other
Recommendation & Justification
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Recommendation & Justification 3 Lots Not applicable 1 Lot Geographical Product / Service Benefits & Concerns 4 Suppliers Per Lot 1 Supplier 3 – 5 Suppliers 5 + Suppliers
Executive Summary Key Findings
Benchmarking and Opportunities, Options Considered Recommendations and key actions Benefits, Justification and projected savings Key Risks and Resource Implications
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