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BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights BLUElink ocean prediction system transitioned to full operational system, July 2007 7day forecast,

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Presentation on theme: "BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights BLUElink ocean prediction system transitioned to full operational system, July 2007 7day forecast,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights BLUElink ocean prediction system transitioned to full operational system, July 2007 7day forecast, Monday and Thursday Analysis (~8days BRT) and Near real-time analysis (5days BRT) Envisat, Jason-1, AMSR-E, GTS, USGODAE(Argo), Coriolis(Argo) Technical specification ( BLUElink high resolution SST analysis transitioned to operations, March 2007 Regional, 1/12 degree BLUElink website launched First public products officially launched, Aug 2007 Project viewed positively as a success Good national media coverage GODAE research data service Restricted password services only Authentication, administrative extensions to OPeNDAP BLUElinkII project, 3.5 years, initiated BRAN2.1 (1992-2006) completed July (registration required) Documentation of BRAN1.5

2 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights

3 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights

4 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - highlights

5 BLUElink Australia

6 BLUElink Australia Woodside operations

7 BLUElink Australia National report

8 BLUElink Australia

9 BLUElink Australia

10 BLUElink Australia

11 BLUElink Australia

12 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - national activities

13 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - national activities

14 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - national activities IMOS - Integrated Ocean Observing System Launched 2007- $50M program ( Regional office user forum Chart discussion - forecaster training Programs Bluewater and climate Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System NSW-IMOS, SAIMOS, WAIMOS NCRIS - National Launched BLUEnet OPeNDAP project

15 BLUElink Australia IMOS Project: Sea Surface Temperature Sensors for Australian Vessels Commencing 2007 BoM: Equip 8 - 12 Australian VOS with hull- mounted temperature sensors (more accurate than buoys) and transmit real-time, 3-hourly SSTs via GTS CSIRO: NRT thermosalinograph SSTs from Rottnest Is ferry AIMS: NRT SSTs from  Whitsunday to Hook Reef ferry (radiometer)  Heron Is ferry (thermosalinograph) Data Streams QC’d data will be supplied to the GHRSST-PP in NRT and to IMOS via the Australian ocean portal. 2005 cruise tracks for 8 AVOF vessels Installed with automatic weather stations

16 BLUElink Australia IMOS Project: Satellite SST Data Products Covering the Australian Region Commencing 2007 In collaboration with CSIRO, NOAA and University of Leicester, convert Australia’s existing satellite SST processing systems to produce level 2 and level 3 skin and bulk SST data files in the GHRSST-PP L2P and L3P formats from direct broadcast AVHRR SST data from existing and future polar- orbiting satellites (NOAA-17, NOAA-18, METOP-A, NOAA-N’, VIIRS on NPOES …) received at groundstations in Townsville, Darwin, Perth, Alice Springs, Melbourne, Hobart and Casey (Antarctica). HRPT 1 km AVHRR SST Data Streams L2P and L3P files will be produced in real-time and made available to the GHRSST-PP GDAC and the IMOS Australian Ocean DAAC. Commencing 2008 raw AVHRR data back to ~1990 will also be reprocessed to L2P and L3P files and made available to the GHRSST-PP global re-analysis project and the IMOS AO-DAAC.

17 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - plans Plans BLUElink ocean prediction system Regional office user forum Chart discussion - forecaster training Product development Forecast products GODAE metric products GODAE research data service Authentication, administrative extensions to OPeNDAP/NSF project NCRIS project BLUElinkII project OFAMII, MOM4p1, 4  spatial resolution (8  cost) CLAM, MOM4p1, UM-TC Integrated Marine Observing System Argo HF-radar AUV’s IMBER SPICE WAMSI EAC pilot drifter program, NOAA-Bureau

18 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - plans

19 BLUElink Australia National report 2007 - summary BLUElink> is live

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