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1 Integrated Marketing Communications: An Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Integrated Marketing Communications: An Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Integrated Marketing Communications: An Overview

2 2 Our Objectives Today Get to know each other Course expectations Your expectations My expectations What is integrated marketing communications?

3 3 My Expectations That you come to class prepared That you participate, question and discuss That you deliver things professionally and on time That you have some fun

4 4 What you can expect from me Be here and prepared Available as a resource - quick response Fair evaluation Open to your ideas Committed to your success Have fun!

5 5 How to reach me Marianne Marando Room C2027 Email: Voicemail :416-491-5050 ext. 6022

6 6 The most important source of information … Check before every class – Class cancellations and changes Class notes Assignments Due dates

7 7 The Text

8 8 Course Expectations - Outline Tests (2)30% Workshops (best 4 of 6) 20% IMC Plan (2 reports)30% IMC Plan presentation10% Hot Topic Presentation10% Check Blackboard often for updates

9 9 Hot Topic Presentation Details and schedule

10 10 Integrated Marketing Communications “The coordination of all forms of marketing communications into a unified program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other customers.”

11 11 IMC Mix Target Market Target Market Advertising Public Relations Public Relations Sales Promotion Sales Promotion Personal Selling Personal Selling Events and Sponsorship Events and Sponsorship Direct Response Direct Response Online Interactive Online Interactive

12 12 Why Integration? 1.Organizations are looking for a “total solutions” communications approach to solving business problems. 2.There is a demand for comprehensive, seamless campaigns.

13 13 Advertising “A persuasive form of marketing communication that stimulates a positive response from a target market.” 1.Product Advertising – communicates benefits and builds brand image. 2.Promotional Advertising – communicates specific offers to encourage immediate response.

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15 15 Great Advertising Can Strike a Responsive Chord in Consumers Wendy’s Video

16 16 Direct-Response Communications “Delivering a message to a target audience of one. The messages goes directly from the organization to the customer.” 1.Direct Mail 2.Direct-Response Television 3.Direct-Response Print Image concerns aside, blue chip companies use this form of communication frequently.

17 17 Bose Uses Direct Response Advertising

18 18 Interactive Communications “Communications by the Internet, CD-ROM and other interactive sources.” Database marketing techniques and a desire to implement customer relationship management programs are fueling growth in interactive communications.

19 19 American Airlines Encourages Customers to Do It All Online

20 20 Sales Promotion “Activities (incentives) that stimulate an immediate reaction from consumers and distributors.” 1.Consumer Promotion for “pull” 2.Trade Promotion for “push”

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22 22 Personal Selling “The delivery of a personalized message between a seller and a buyer.” Personal selling is the human component of integrated marketing communications. Sellers work with distributors to get a product into distribution; they make the product available to final users.

23 23 Public Relations “Communications that are designed to gain public understanding and acceptance.” 1.Messages are placed at no cost. 2.Messages can promote a brand or company. 3.Messages often deal with crisis situations.

24 24 DuPont Uses Public Relations to Enhance Its Corporate Image

25 25 Event Marketing and Sponsorships “Planning and marketing an event by a company or brand or supporting an event financially in return for advertising privileges.”

26 26 Trends Conducive to IMC 1.Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 2.Database Management Techniques 3.Communications Technologies Are Changing 4.Demand for Efficiency and Accountability

27 27 For next class Read Chapter 1 of text Read article – “Gatorade’s Secret Weapon” and be prepared to discuss the following question for next class: How has Gatorade demonstrated IMC? Give specific examples. Sign up for Hot Topic date

28 28 Consumer Behaviour “The behaviour of individuals in obtaining and using goods and services, including the decision-making processes that precede and determine the purchase.” Organizations invest a considerable sum in marketing research to learn about consumer behaviour.

29 29 Needs and Motivation Theory Need Motive Absence of something useful Condition prompting action to satisfy a need

30 30 Ads Help Consumers Recognize Needs

31 31 The Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological

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34 34 Personality Personality refers to a person’s distinguishing psychological characteristics that lead to fairly consistent responses. Real Self Real Self Self- Image Self- Image Looking- Glass Self Looking- Glass Self Ideal Self Ideal Self Many communications plans revolve around the looking- glass self and the ideal self.

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36 36 Attitudes Attitude One’s feelings about an idea or object. 1.Attitudes are influenced by friends, family, trendsetters, opinion leaders, and advertising. 2.Gaining acceptance is easier if the product fits the attitudes held by the target.

37 37 Perception Individuals receive and interpret messages differently. Selective Exposure Selective Perception Selective Retention We notice things of interest. Tuning out information that conflicts with attitudes. We remember what we want to.

38 38 Reference Group Influence Reference Group Reference Group A group of people with a common interest. The desire to “fit in” affects behaviour and buying decisions.

39 39 Family Influences Each family member has some influence on the behaviour of other family members. Changing roles and responsibilities of family members has necessitated “double targeting” by marketing organizations.

40 40 Market Segmentation DEMOGRAPHIC Age, income, education, household formation

41 41 Market Segmentation DEMOGRAPHIC Age, income, education, household formation PSYCHOGRAPHIC

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44 44 Market Segmentation DEMOGRAPHIC Age, income, education, household formation PSYCHOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHIC

45 45 Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning Develop profiles of resulting segments Market Segmentation Develop measures of segment attractiveness Select the target segment(s) Develop positioning for each segment Develop marketing mix for each segment Identify bases for segmenting market Market targeting Market positioning

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