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Report on the TAC meeting 8 June 2009 TERENA General Assembly Malaga, Spain, 11-12 June 2009 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Report on the TAC meeting 8 June 2009 TERENA General Assembly Malaga, Spain, 11-12 June 2009 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Report on the TAC meeting 8 June 2009 TERENA General Assembly Malaga, Spain, 11-12 June 2009 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme

2 Slide 2 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

3 Slide 3 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

4 How to deal with content providers who are not federated Lígia Maria Ribeiro TERENA Technical Advisory Council TERENA Networking Conference Malaga, Monday, 8 June 2009

5 What about IdM? ProviderShibboleth compliance Ebsco (SS - health)YES American Chemical SocietyYES American Institute of PhysicsNO Annual ReviewsNO Association for Computing MachineryNO BlackwellYES CambridgeYES ElsevierYES EmeraldNO ISI / Web of knowlegementYES IEEENOT YET Institute of PhysicsYES OxfordYES NatureYES Royal Society of ChemistryYES Sage, CSAYES ScienceNO Society for Industrial and Applied MathematicsNO SpringerYES Taylor & FrancisYES WileyYES Zentralblatt ? FCCN, April 2009 ~64% compliance

6 National Initiative + direct negotiation – Bulgaria Ministry of Education and Science – Hungary Hungarian Electronic Information Services (EISZ) – Ireland Ireland's National Education & Research Network (HEAnet) – Poland Ministry of Science and Higher Education + “consortia” (e.g. Polish Academy of Science Institutes; Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computation Modelling) – Portugal National Foundation for Scientific Computation (FCCN) – Portuguese NREN – Switzerland Consortium Suisse des Bibliothèques Universitaire Access to e-journals

7 Slide 7 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

8 Diego R. Lopez RedIRIS JRES2005, Marseille Málaga, June 2009 On the SCS Model Shall We Apply It Elsewhere?

9 TAC. Málaga, June 2009 Some Historical Facts First ideas launched in June 2004 8 NRENs + TERENA combined forces First tender First certificate issued on 16 March 2006 ~ 20000 certificates Second tender resolved in February 2009 19 NRENs + TERENA New provider and richer profiles

10 TAC. Málaga, June 2009 Lessons Learned Economy of scale is possible  And very much welcome by our constituencies A clear problem space is required  Know what fails  Know how you’d solve it  Know why you ask Providers are receptive  Figures  Coolness  Experimentation  Knowledge You have to blaze your trail .com ≠.edu  Doable if trust exists within the community

11 Slide 11 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

12 GRID middleware and security, the missing bits David Kelsey TAC, Malaga 8 Jun 2009

13 NRENS & Grids Identity Management –Inter-federation already happening, but room for growth –Room to work together, e.g. on LoA Attribute Management (AuthZ) –How to build a scalable trust fabric –Attributes defined in SCHAC? Operational Security –not replacing national CSIRTS, but adding value –encourage collaboration 8 Jun 09Grids, TAC, Kelsey13

14 Slide 14 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

15 Slide 15 TERENA ‘Voice and Video’ history 1/2 ›TF-Stream ›1999-2001 - use of audio/video streaming and conferencing over the Internet ›TF-Netcast ›2003-2004 – portal for live streaming announcements ›TF-VVC (Voice, Video and Collaboration) ›2004-2006 – suitability of voice, video and collaboration technologies for NRENs ›IP Telephony Cookbook ›GDS admin table ›TF-VSS (Videoconference Service Studies) ›2006-2007 - Europe-wide videoconferencing service for the higher education and research communities ›TF-ECS (Enhanced Communication Services) ›2006-2008 – collaboration tools and technologies that go beyond simple voice and video conferencing › service ›N-ECS server image and SIP Handbook

16 Slide 16 TERENA ‘Voice and Video’ history 2/2 ›BoF: ‘DoyoutubeUtoo’ ›TNC’08 – 22 participants, extensive discussions ”The NRENs’ community has found that it is in a good position to provide audio and video recording, repository and distribution services to universities (where e.g., lectures can be recorded, archived and distributed), taking into account special requirements.” ›Media Management and Distribution Workshop ›January 2009 – 45+ participants, lot of interest ›Topics: ›1) Video Content Management Systems ›2) Federating Media Repositories

17 Slide 17 Media Management and Distribution follow-up ›The common interest area has been identified: ›”to collect ideas, knowledge and experiences about technical and legal aspects of a federated multimedia management and distribution service on a pan-European scale exploring the architectures, workflow processes of the digital media content management and distribution systems, services, as well as the possibility to federate media repositories.” ›On-going discussions with the interested parties to formulate a potential new TERENA task force… ›E-mail discussions on the potential work items ›Organise the 2nd meeting later this year

18 Slide 18 TAC Agenda -How to deal with content providers who are not federated (Ligia Ribeiro) -The SCS model (Diego Lopez) -GRID middleware and security, the missing bits (David Kelsey) -Media Management and Distribution activities (Peter Szegedi) -NREN’s interest in research on the Internet of the future (Christoph Graf)

19 NREN’s presumed interest area (in network provisioning) Slide 19 Lifecycle Scope IdeaPilot Service EOL Optimisation DesignOperation Experiment Campus NREN Regional Tier2 Tier1 GN3 RoTIotFNGN WS1&2 NGN WS3

20 NORDUnet Nordic Infrastructure for Research & Education TF NOC – a proposal Lars Fischer & Stefan Liström NORDUnet TERENA GA Malaga, June 2009

21 NORDUnet Nordic infrastructure for Research & Education Why TF NOC Most NREN’s and many campuses have a NOC function Costly and critical NOC functions central to delivering good service for users Requires major (human) resources Growing requirements Layer 1 & 2 operations and provisioning Additional services (AAI, Storage, Grid, …) Substantial (usually local/private) development of workflows, tools and processes over many years We don’t know what other NREN are doing Excellent tools that are not widely known Lots of experience that is not shared

22 TERENA Technical Programme Update TERENA General Assembly Malaga, Spain, 11-12 June 2009 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme

23 Overview ›Special Interest Areas (SIAs) ›Technical Task Forces: ›TF-CSIRT, TF-EMC2, TF-Mobility, TF-Storage ›Related Services and Spin-offs: ›TACAR, REFEDs, SCHAC, SCS/TCS, TI ›External Projects: ›FEDERICA ›Technical Workshops/Initiatives: ›NRENs and Grids ›E2E Provisioning Workshop ›Media Management and Distribution Workshop ›“TF-NOC” proposal Slide 23

24 SIAs (updated May 2008) › Lower-layer technologies (Layers 0-4) › Security › Middleware › Mobility › Voice and Video Collaboration › Virtualisation In addition, Campus and End-to-End issue coordination are challenges that have an impact across all special interest areas, while Grid collaborations span many of the areas. Slide 24

25 Slide 25 TF-CSIRT ›THE networking platform for security teams in Europe ›Information sharing, coordination, building up trust relationships ›Beyond NRENs (GovCERTs, ISPs) & liaising beyond Europe ›Currently 70+ participants at meetings 3 times/year ›Running period: 2000 - May 2010 ›Task Force Chair: Gorazd Božič -> Lionel Ferrette ›Task Force Secretary: Kevin Meynell, TERENA ›Services: ›Trusted Introducer (TI), TRANSITS courses ›Activities: ›IRT object in RIPE database ›Open-source incident handling system (RTIR) ›Security toolkit training (with GN2 JRA2) ›CSIRT drill exercises (with ENISA) ›Establishment of new CSIRTs

26 TF-EMC2 ›T he “middleware kitchen” with lots of food, many pots and many cooks with a common sense for good food ›Running period: October 2008 – October 2010 ›Chair: Diego Lopez, RedIRIS ›Secretary: Brook Schofield, TERENA ›Number of participants 40-45, active members 20-25 ›Activities/achievements: ›Spin-off projects/activities such as: SCHAC, SCS/TCS, TACAR, REFEDS ›Internationally acknowledged group to discuss and get feedback on middleware issues ›Exploring reputation systems, including national anti-spam initiatives ›Follow up on BeyondWebSingle SignOn BOF from TNC2008 ›Providing feedback to GN3 Slide 26

27 REFEDs ›REFEDs = Research & Education FEDerations ›REFEDs is an international group: ›Not only for Europe; ›But also Australia, Americas, Asia. ›REFEDs provides a forum for exchanging, developing and harmonising federation policies and processes to facilitate inter-federation ›Mainly looking at HE ›Seeking endorsement/collaboration from/with other bodies: ›Article 29 Working Party, STORK, Liberty Alliance, Kantara Slide 27

28 TF-Mobility ›Roaming technologies, beyond eduroam & eduroam beyond Europe, discussion forum beyond NRENs ›Running period: October 2008- October 2010 ›Chair: Klaas Wierenga, Cisco Systems ›Secretary: Brook Schofield, TERENA ›Number of participants: ± 20, Active members: 15 ›Activities span over: ›Looking at new roaming technologies, including 3G, 802.11u, WiMAX ›Network endpoint assessment and roaming ›Sensor networks (mainly from a security PoV) ›Location based services ›Mesh networks ›Looking at applications and DNSSEC, BoF at TNC Slide 28

29 Slide 29 ›Contract signed with Comodo Ltd, after competitive tender process. ›18 NRENs signed up + 3 others interested ›Available Certificate types ›Server (hosts) ›Client (individuals) ›Codesigning (organisational) ›e-Science server, conforming to Grid requirements ›e-Science client, conforming to Grid requirements TERENA Certificate Service

30 Slide 30 TF-Storage ›Investigate storage services / storage as a service in the NREN world ›Running period: February 2008 - February 2010 ›Task Force Chair: Jan Meijer, UNINETT ›Task Force Secretary: Peter Szegedi, TERENA ›Num. of participants: ~20 organisations (~30-35 people, Active participants: ~8-10 organisations ›Activities: ›Sharing information and ideas, building up the community, discussion on best practice and requirements ›Back up services and Disaster Recovery Services ›Small project from UNINETT/HEANet and AARNet to develop a large-file sharing open source platform, evolution of Poste Restante service development

31 Slide 31 FEDERICA Project ›E-infrastructure for future Internet research ›Network, computing and virtualisation as building blocks (similar to GENI) ›Users: researchers in academia and private environment ›Running period: January 2008 - June 2010 ›Core infrastructure up and running ›Successful Project Review held in April 2009 ›Project manager: Mauro Campanella, GARR ›20 participating organisations ›Kevin Meynell leader of NA4(dissemination & training) ›Peter Szegedi leader of NA2(user community), JRA2(future Internet architecture & end user control) ›TERENA results so far: ›‘Early FEDERICA User Requirements’, ‘FEDERICA User Community and Requirements’ (NA2) ›‘Architectures for virtual infrastructures, new Internet paradigms and business models’ and ‘Prototype for interoperability between IPsphere and MANTICORE’ (JRA2) ›FEDERICA session and Training/User consultation event at TNC

32 NRENs and Grids Workshops ›last workshop was in September, 2008 where we tried to keep the balance and discuss the middleware and networking issues equally ›next NRENs&Grids Workshop should be focused more on the networking side. ›plan is to organise a joint "EGEE-SA2 - TERENA NRENs&Grids" session during the EGEE'09 Conference, 21-25 September, 2009, Barcelona. ›This one-day workshop session would be part of the EGEE'09 programme: ›Monitoring and operation of network services, advanced services, including multi-domain support and SLAs, Grid middleware and IPv6

33 E2E Provisioning Workshops ›The 1st E2E Provisioning workshop was held on ›1-2 December 2008, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands ›The key issues were: ›Physical connectivity (in the last-mile) ›Lightpath provisioning (in multi-domain core) ›Impact on Layer 3 (e.g., routing integrity) ›Non-technical issues (e.g., business models, scheduling, fairness) ›The potential way forward: 1.Organise the 2nd E2E Provisioning workshop ›Later this year ›Focusing on selected issues 2.Organise hands-on training in coordination with GN3 AutoBAHN ›Similar to DCN hands-on in US ›Coordinate with GN3-SAs/NAs

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