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© 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Work on a Defect from QA Liu Xue Ning.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Work on a Defect from QA Liu Xue Ning."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Work on a Defect from QA Liu Xue Ning

2 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Overall Defect Tracking Process Green are recommended, general state transition Add comments to ask question and provide answer

3 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Defect Fill in all mandatory Fields When Submitting a defect Draft the summary to describe the problem in one simple sentence Search for potential duplicate by click button right up. Check the duplication list to ensure duplicate or not. If not duplicate, continue. Add Found in build in the link panel Add attachment and / or add subscribers Link the work item that this defect found by the change set delivered into Comment with test cases id if the defect is found by test case execution Component Leader should triage the blocker/critical/major defect in 1 days after creation Fill in the cause of defect from QA perspective Fill in the case of defect when start working on it Monitor the defect status after open it. Make sure the DEV take over the defect timely Screen the comments added, answer questions from DEV and other stakeholders, and provide more detail information like reproduce steps, logs and others

4 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Open Defect – What to Input in RTC Mandatory: Summary: Short sentence to descripe the defect Type: defect Severity: Blocker, Critical, Major, Normal, Minor File Against: The component the defect related Optional Description: list the detail steps to reproduce the defect Found in Version: release number Fould in Build: build number How Found: FVT \ SVT \ Unit Test… OS: Browser: DBVendor:

5 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series All mandatory Fields When Submitting a defect Left: Original Mandatory field  Right: Updated Mandatory field highlighted in Red circle

6 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series All mandatory Fields When Submitting a defect –Con’d

7 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Summary Draft the summary to describe the problem in one simple sentence Search for potential duplicate by click button right up. Check the duplication list to ensure duplicate or not. If not duplicate, continue.

8 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Add Found in build in the link panel Connect to Rational Insight Private project area Search the build under Builds- >Install-Insight-Offering Select the build on which you find the defect Drag the build number in to link panel and marked as “Add as Reported against builds” Tips: Dev can add the change sets about the defect resolving and the builds which delivered the fixed codes

9 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Fill in the Fields Select severity: – blocker: for a blocking defect; – critical: equals to DS1 – Major: equals to DS2 – Normal: equals to DS3 – Minor: equals to DS4 Found in Version – select the build stream you're testing, e.g., 1.0.1 Found in Build – Input the build number DB – Newly supported field – Fill “Not applicable when it is not related with browser instead of “Unassigned” OS – Fill “Not applicable when it is not related with browser instead of “Unassigned” Browser – Fill “Not applicable when it is not related with browser instead of “Unassigned” File Against – Component / subcomponent

10 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Fill in the Fields – con’d How Found – The defect should be found when it is introduced. It is used to differentiate the defect founding stage to see the gap.

11 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Fill in the Fields – con’d Testing Category – It is used to differentiated the testing defect distribution.

12 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Description Draft description, please include the related detailed test environment and reproduce steps – Configuration: – *******(OS, Application server, browser, etc.) – ********* (problem description with several sentences.) – Steps to Reproduce: – 1. – 2. – 3. – Expected Result: **** – Actual Result: ***** – See attachment. (if any) – ****** (Cause or analysis if any)

13 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Verify and Close Resolved Work Item RTC Fields PurposeRoles Close  QA are only responsible for verification of defect and enhancement. Task should be closed by Dev self.  The QA assigned to verify the work item is set using the Verified By field.  If pass, Close the work item, Input the build ID which you used to verify defect in Discussion field  By default, work item submitter should be responsible for verification after work item resolved.  When closing a defect QA must validate it in the original configuration that the defect was reported. If you validate it in an additional configuration, provide this information in the Discussion field  When closing a defect which no test case covered, add new test case to test suite to avoid regression problem, or revise current test case, add verification point accordingly QA ReopenIf failed, Reopen work item, post the build ID in Discussion section.Dev

14 © 2012 IBM Corporation Rational Insight | Back to Basis Series Resolve a Work Item RTC FieldsPurposeRoles StateSelect Resolved from the State property drop-down list. This action should only be taken once the code change has been checked in and delivered to the build stream and component build included the fix. The owner of the defect should remain with the developer who resolved it. Resolve comments should be filled Owner ResolutionChoose one of the resolution from drop-down list. “Duplicate” need to specify the work item duplicated in links section. “Won’t Fix” indicate that this is an issue but won’t be fixed for some reason. “Works for Me” means it works as designed “Invalid” indicate that it is an invalid defect Owner Time SpentFill in the total time spent on this work item.Owner DiscussionEnter a comment in the Discussion section that further explains your actions, including (a) Resolution of this work item (b) How to verify the fix if developer think QA may not know it Owner Release NoteMark it as Needed if this work item needs to be recorded by technoteOwner/CL/QA Root CauseIf resolution data is later than due date, Owner need to fill in questionnaire for root cause analysis. If close data is later than Iteration end date, Verifier need to fill in questionnaire for root cause analysis Owner/QA

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