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Hinduism The Ancient Caste System

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1 Hinduism The Ancient Caste System
Social Structure in traditional India

2 Traditional Hindu Society
In traditional Hindu society, Each person had a certain social position in life All life was arranged as a hierarchy, from highest to lowest Performing good deeds and following their assigned code of behaviour determined whether people had earned the right to be born at a higher level Source: World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective

3 Traditional Hindu Society
These traditional beliefs were expressed in Hindu society’s division into castes. Roles, jobs, social standing, and religious structures were organized according to the hierarchy of castes. Source: World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective

4 How Caste Shapes Society
Rigid, hereditary membership into birth caste Marriage only among member of same caste Occupation choices restricted Personal contact with other castes restricted Acceptance of fixed place in society

5 Traditional Hindu Society
The caste system is said to have come to ancient India around 1500 BCE, with the Aryans. The caste system had four groups: priests, defenders of the realm, business people, and farmers. More recently, another caste developed: the Untouchables or outcastes. This is not a part of Hindu philosophy and counter to the spirit of Hinduism! Source: World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective

6 Caste Systems Benefits
Members of a caste rely on each other for support

7 Each caste is born out of Brahman (the creator)
Caste Systems Benefits Each caste is born out of Brahman (the creator) Brahmins—thinkers/knowers Kshatriya—doers Vaisya—provide food for the belly Sudra—do the work

8 The Castes Brahmins: This is the priestly caste. Their roles were to study and teach in matters of faith, especially the Vedas. They lead most key rituals. Kshatriyas: This has been called the warrior caste. Their roles were to protect the people and run a fair government.

9 Brahmins - Priests Purpose is to help people of other castes fulfill their dharma Perform rituals and observe vows for the sake of others

10 Kshatriyas - Warriors and Rulers
Responsible for leadership of the people Often rely on advice from Brahmins

11 The Castes Vaishyas: This caste consisted of producers – traders, merchants, farmers, artists, and business people. This group traditionally took care of the economic needs of the community. Sudras: This was traditionally the lowest caste. Their main purpose was to serve the three higher castes. This group included unskilled workers, servants, and anyone doing menial work

12 Vaisyas – Skilled Traders, Merchants
Shopkeepers who sell products (unlike the Shudra who sell services)

13 Sudras – Unskilled Workers
Each subgroup of this caste performs a specific service. Jobs include gardeners, potters, and clothes washers

14 The Untouchables Also called ‘outcastes”, people in this group were considered outsiders: they could not interact in any way with members of the four castes. Traditionally, they did the dirtiest work in society and lived apart, in small communities. The 20th Century saw a change when quotas were put in place to ensure that members of this caste had access to better jobs.

15 Untouchables - The Outcastes
Belong to no caste Expected to do the “dirty” jobs Come in contact with animal skins, dead bodies and human feces Avoid contact with “caste” Indians for fear of “pollution” 15

16 How Caste is Determined
According to traditional Hindu belief, following one’s dharma means strictly following rules of caste. The best way for a person to move to a higher caste in the next life is to act according to one’s caste in this life. – Laws of Manu (smriti) Acting above one’s caste in this life is seen as ignoring dharma and generates bad karma, so it hurts a person’s chances of being promoted in the next life The belief is that people are born into the lower castes based on the karma of their previous lives

17 How One’s Caste is Determined
Reincarnation A person is born, lives, dies, and is reborn again many times. Souls are reborn many times until they are pure enough to be with the creator, Brahman Karma A person’s social position in the next life is determined by his conduct in the present life.

18 How One’s Caste is Determined
Dharma Code of behavior or set of moral and ethical rules that govern the conduct of each social class. Each group has a different set of rules to live by. Laws of Manu Hindu book of sacred law Rules and restrictions for daily life

19 Is the Caste System…a thing of the past?
Today in India, discrimination based on caste or occupation is illegal. Many Hindu teachers now argue that the Hindu sacred writings never intended the social and occupational discrimination of the caste system. Here in Canada, caste is no longer important for many Hindu families.

20 INDIA UNTOUCHED (documentary)

21 Source

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