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Chapter 4 AHSGE (Vocabulary & Chapter Review). Vocabulary.

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1 Chapter 4 AHSGE (Vocabulary & Chapter Review)

2 Vocabulary

3 What term refers to a woman who worked for women’s right to vote? ? ANSWER: suffragette

4 Who was the Indian interpreter for the expedition which explored the Louisiana Purchase? ? ANSWER: Sacajawea

5 What term refers to the belief that it was God’s will that the U.S. expand and posses the entire continent? ? ANSWER: Manifest Destiny

6 What term refers to a network of people who helped slaves escape to the North? ? ANSWER: Underground Railroad

7 Who developed the first effective steamboat? ? ANSWER: Robert Fulton

8 Who invented the cotton gin and introduced the idea of interchangeable parts? ? ANSWER: Eli Whitney

9 When was Alabama admitted into the Union as a state? ? ANSWER: 1819

10 Who was the former slave (a man) who spoke for the abolition movement? ? ANSWER: Frederick Douglas

11 The Doctrine of ________________ was promoted by Senator John C. Calhoun of South Carolina. It stated that if Congress passed a bill harmful to a particular state then the state was not obligated to enforce the law. ? ANSWER: Nullification

12 What term refers to a group of people who supported the total abstinence from alcohol? ? ANSWER: Temperance

13 What term refers to the policy of removing political opponents from government jobs and putting political friends into the position? This was started by Andrew Jackson. ? ANSWER: Spoils System

14 What term refers to a presidential attempt to prevent any European nation from recolonizing North and South America? He warned Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere. ? ANSWER: Monroe Doctrine

15 What religious group was founded by George Fox? This group believed in personal divine revelation. Also, they objected to war and slavery. ? ANSWER: Quakers

16 What term refers to a new transportation link (infrastructure) from Buffalo, New York on Lake Erie to Albany, New York on the Hudson River? This started a new era of transportation and prosperity for New York. ? ANSWER: Erie Canal

17 The _________ Movement refers to a group of people who worked to end slavery. ? ANSWER: Abolitionist

18 Which senator from Kentucky proposed the American System (a balance between those favoring state’s rights and strong federal government? ? ANSWER: Henry Clay

19 What term refers to the journey of thousands of Creeks, Cherokee, and Choctaw who were forced to leave their homelands in the Southeast and move to Oklahoma? ? ANSWER: Trail of Tears

20 The ________ road was a federally funded road from Cumberland, Maryland to Vadalia, Illinois. ? ANSWER: National

21 What term refers to the fifth presidency that was marked by optimism and national unity? ? ANSWER: Era of Good Feelings

22 What term refers to an ideal community where people would live in peace and harmony? ? ANSWER: utopia

23 Which two men set out from St. Louis to explore the Louisiana Purchase to the coast of the Pacific Ocean? ? ANSWER: Lewis and Clark

24 Who was the fifth president of the U.S.? During his presidency, states cooperated with each other building roads, canals, and railroads. ? ANSWER: James Monroe

25 What term refers to legislation that required all Native Americans to relocate to land west of the Mississippi River? ? ANSWER: Indian Removal Act

26 What term refers to a Christian sect that established farming communities in Pennsylvania, the Midwest, and Canada? They lived a life of simplicity and hard work. ? ANSWER: Amish

27 Who was the first man born into poverty that became president? ? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson

28 What term refers to Congress passing legislation to protect American industries from competing with lower priced European goods by raising the tax on imports? ? ANSWER: Tariff of 1816

29 Chapter Review Questions (Students must also know vocabulary)

30 Which two contribution(s) did Eli Whitney make to industry? ? ANSWER: interchangeable parts and cotton gin

31 Who proposed the American System? ? ANSWER: Henry Clay

32 Who was the first to be born into poverty but rise to the presidency? ? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson

33 Who led the transcendental movement? ? ANSWER: Ralph Waldo Emerson

34 Who wrote about sin, punishment, and atonement? One of his famous novels was The Scarlet Letter (1850). ? ANSWER: Nathaniel Hawthorne

35 After escaping from slavery in Maryland, who became the most prominent African American speaker for abolition? ? ANSWER: Frederick Douglas

36 The dropping of property qualifications was most associated with _______ Democracy. ? ANSWER: Jacksonian

37 The Erie Canal helped establish the city of ___________ as a major place of commerce. ? ANSWER: New York

38 Who was the Native American translator that guided Lewis and Clark? ? ANSWER: Sacajawea

39 In 1845, the United States entered a war with Mexico over a dispute concerning the boundary of the Texas Republic. The United States was victorious, and Mexican Territory from the Rio Grande to the coast of California was annexed to the United States. Which of the following ideals contributed/lead to fighting this war? ? ANSWER: Manifest Destiny

40 A woman who worked for women’s right to vote was called a ? ANSWER: suffragette

41 Which ___________ trail was established to allow a religious group to relocate. ? ANSWER: Mormon

42 Marriage to more than one wife is called ? ANSWER: polygamy

43 At which battle was Santa Anna defeated? ? ANSWER: San Jacinto

44 Which amendment gave women the right to vote? ? ANSWER: 19 th

45 Who founded the Quakers (a group who believed that each person was gifted with the “inner light”? ? ANSWER: George Fox

46 Study the list below. – Spoils System – Nullification Crisis – Growth of Democracy – Indian Removal Act Which president is MOST associated with these terms? ? ANSWER: Andrew Jackson

47 Which of the following men made an agreement with the Mexican government to colonize/settle Texas? ? ANSWER: Moses Austin

48 Who created the first state board of education? ? ANSWER: Horace Mann

49 Who created the first American Dictionary of the English Language? ? ANSWER: Noah Webster

50 Who became famous for writing mysterious and macabre tales such “Fall of the House of Usher” and the poem, “The Raven”? ? ANSWER: Edgar Allen Poe

51 Alabama was admitted as a slave state in _____________. ? ANSWER: 1819

52 Who published the anti-slavery newspaper called the Liberator ? ? ANSWER: William Lloyd Garrison

53 Which reformer worked to improve living conditions for the mentally ill and prisoners? ? ANSWER: Dorothea Dix

54 Who wrote the short stories “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (1820)? ? ANSWER: Washington Irving

55 Which reformer organized the first women’s rights convention at Seneca Falls? ? ANSWER: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

56 What were the tiny areas/parcels of low quality land where Indians were sent to live called? ? ANSWER: reservations

57 Which novelist became known as the first great American writer? He wrote The Last of the Mohicans (1826). ? ANSWER: James Fenimore Cooper

58 Who wrote the famous novel about a slave’s family life called Uncle Tom’s Cabin? ? ANSWER: Harriet Beecher Stowe

59 Who wrote poems about love, death, and immortality? This poet lived in seclusion but is today regarded as one of the greatest and most influential American poets. ? ANSWER: Emily Dickinson

60 Who was the woman who escaped slavery and helped others escape through a network called the Underground Railroad? ? ANSWER: Harriet Tubman

61 Encouraged by Senator John C. Calhoun from South Carolina; it states that if Congress passes a bill that is harmful to a particular state, then that state is not required to enforce it. ? ANSWER: Doctrine of Nullification

62 When President Jackson came into office, he gave his friends and supporters high government positions. This practice was known as ________________. ? ANSWER: the Spoils System

63 Who led the Texans in their fight against Mexico? ? ANSWER: Sam Houston

64 Which territory was bought from Napoleon in 1803 for $15 million? ? ANSWER: Louisiana Purchase

65 Which trail was the result of the Indian Removal Act (1830)? ? ANSWER: Trail of Tears

66 Study the following list. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 - Created a new territory north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River - Provided a plan for territorial legislature and application for statehood - Guaranteed certain rights - ? The list above shows the provisions of the Northwest Ordinance passed by the Congress in 1787. Which of the following BEST completes the list? imposed duties on all British goods admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state established a weak central government banned slavery from the Northwest territory ANSWER: banned slavery from the Northwest territory

67 What stated that the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of European countries? ? ANSWER: Monroe Doctrine

68 Who wrote Moby Dick? ? ANSWER: Herman Melville

69 Who was president during the “Era of Good Feelings”? ? ANSWER: James Monroe

70 Who was the commander opposing the Texans at the Alamo? (He was also the Mexican dictator.) ? ANSWER: Santa Anna

71 Which Utopian religious movement whose followers practiced celibacy? ? ANSWER: Shakers

72 Lewis and Clark followed the Missouri River in an attempt to find a route to the ? ANSWER: Pacific Ocean

73 Which president presided over the Louisiana Purchase? ? ANSWER: Thomas Jefferson

74 The _______________ and the Maine Laws both focused on moderating or stopping the consumption of alcohol. ? ANSWER: Temperance Movement

75 Who wrote “Civil Disobedience” and Walden? ? ANSWER: Henry David Thoreau

76 The End Study!

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