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Resource/data WG Summary Yoshio Tanaka Mason Katz.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource/data WG Summary Yoshio Tanaka Mason Katz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource/data WG Summary Yoshio Tanaka Mason Katz

2 WG Agenda Monday –Moving towards data grid Resource & Data WG are now one WG Gfarm intro / discussion Status of AIST/UCSD Gfarm production Grid FS Applications and milestones –Dedicated use of PRAGMA for specific purposes –Updates by CNIC –Updates of MOGAS –Hosting Bio Grid Portal –Updates by APAC Tuesday –Presentations from Application Drivers –Plan for work from now to next meeting Other issues?

3 Moving towards Data Grid - status - Latest version: 1.3.1 AIST, SDSC: New version done ASGCC, KISTI, NCSA, TITECH, UZurich –Need to be upgraded NECTEC, BII, NCHC, Tsukuba, Osaka, APAC, NGO, ThaiGrid, CNIC, MIMOS –Have interests Gfarm 1.4 will be available soon (early Nov.) wait it !

4 Moving towards Data Grid - Done and To Do - Identify applications –GriddLeS (MU) –iGap –AMBER (for sharing data) –Savanna Milestones? –All sites upgrade or deploy Gfarm at least by Jan. ~ Feb. including monitoring by SCMSWeb. –Contact to MU soon to ask test run on the current Data Grid testbed.

5 Dedicated use of PRAGMA Grid for specific purposes

6 Motivation PRAGMA Grid is used routinely as a shared infrastructure. –No reservation, dedication is supported. –Users cannot estimate when his job will be running. –Users cannot expect co-allocation. PRAGMA Grid is expected to be dedicated for specific purposes. –Experiments –Demonstration

7 Decision We agreed that PRAGMA Grid allows dedicated use. Procedure for the dedication. –The driver sends an application form. –The application will be reviewed and approved/rejected by each resource owner. –Policies and criteria Depends on sites policy –To do Consider how to prioritize multiple requests Implementation –Site admin should decide how to provide dedication. –PRAGMA admin will announce the other application drivers the schedule of the dedication. –PRAGMA admin will remind the other application drivers the dedication is approaching.

8 Procedure: Application Application form (proposal) –Name(s) / Affiliation(s) –Resources (Sites) and account name in each site –Duration the start time / end time (time zone must be indicated) –Proposal Purpose Expected outcome Example –Yoshio Tanaka / AIST –AIST (yoshio), SDSC (yoshio), USM (yoshio) –Nov. 6 09:00 - Nov. 9 09:00 (UTC) –Proposal (should be more detailed) Purpose: QM/MD experiments on PRAGMA/TeraGrid Expected outcome: Scientific results and contribution to GIN

9 Hosting Bio Grid Portal Resource WG will host Bio Grid Portal –Install Web server and deploy Bio Grid Portal By SDSC Ask Rajesh and Wilfred about installation –Myproxy will be hosted by APAC –New Authentication Profile will be drafted and proposed to the IGTF by Yoshio (at the TAGPMA meeting in the end of Nov.)

10 Reports from routine-basis drivers GridFMO by Tsutomu Ikegami –Presented the experimental results –Impression of PRAGMA Grid AMEXg by Habibah A Wahab –Complaints to Resource Group –Not complaints but insights and suggestions ! Bio WG activities by Wilfred –Introduction of Bio WG activities and relation to the Resource WG. MPICH-GX by Kwon

11 Plans for work from now to next meeting Build DataGrid Testbed by Jan.~Feb. –17 sites will install Gfarm 1.4 –Verification via SCMSWeb Test run of Gfarm application (start soon) –GriddLeS –iGap –AMBER (for sharing data) –Savanna (compare with the current one) Dedication –Draft summary and procedures, circulate by Friday –AIST will request the dedication next week Bio Portal hosted by PRAGMA –Portal Server by SDSC –MyProxy Server by APAC –IGTF AP by Yoshio

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