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Extended Bell Schedule WHY? Meadowdale Middle School January 23, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Bell Schedule WHY? Meadowdale Middle School January 23, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Bell Schedule WHY? Meadowdale Middle School January 23, 2009

2 Student Achievement Data Only 1 of 11 Black 8 th grade students passed Math WASL Only 3 of 34 7 th grade Special Education students passed Math WASL Only 2 of 21 8 th grade Special Education students passed Math WASL Only 34 of 83 Low Income 7 th graders passed the Math WASL Only 23 of 55 Low Income 8 th graders passed the Math WASL Only 6 of 34 Special Education 7 th graders passed the Reading WASL.

3 Continued… White 7 th grade students (current 8 th grade students) are at risk of failing AYP in Math, this year. Last year, they passed AYP only by 2%. 31% of our 7 th graders failed the Reading WASL. 47% of our 7 th graders failed the Math WASL. 26% of our 8 th graders failed the Reading WASL. 39% of our 8 th graders failed the Math WASL.

4 Vision for New MMS Relevant Staff Development & Adequate Prep Time Small Learning Communities Team Teaching Personalization Multidisciplinary Curricula with Block Scheduling

5 Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment 1. More time to go deeply into curriculum 2. More time for guided practice 3. More time to promote differentiation 4. More time for project based learning, simulations, debates, socratic seminars, labs, mock trial, etc. 5. Time for warm-up, full lessons, and summary all in one class period

6 Continued… 6. Activities would be less rushed 7. Promote learning for all ability levels, especially slower learners 8. Time for pull-out para-educator & specialist support within the class period

7 Continued… 9. Less overwhelming for students 10.Counselors could be more involved and have more opportunity to observe students. 11.Can provide time in music for group practice, grouping by sections, and individual practice 12.Less “brain switching” for kids

8 Continued… 13.More opportunity to be intentional with planning relevant and engaging learning activities. 14.Time to assess the Learning Target on a daily basis to inform the next day’s lesson plan. 15.Promote retention of learning by completing big ideas in one day.

9 Continued… 15.Longer periods for PE, which promotes greater understanding of sports due to more playing time. 16.Scaffold learning more in one period rather than over two days. 17.Promotes opportunity to practice and implement more formative assessments 18.Promotes opportunity to practice and implement standards-referenced grading

10 Continued… 19.Promotes opportunity to personalize student learning and allow students to take ownership of their learning process. 20.Provides time to check for understanding in a meaningful way.

11 Academic Interventions 1. Students can focus on a few classes each night 2. Learning Support, Para-Educator, and Specialists can support student learning within the class period by assisting with differentiation. 3. Time to embed literacy strategies into all content areas. 4. Study Club model could be modified and move into the school day!

12 Culture & Climate 1. Fewer passing periods – less unstructured & unsafe time in the hallways 2. More time to connect with students, build rapport, and promote relationships 3. Longer planning period 4. Less traumatic transition to high school 5. More opportunity to improve transition to middle school by replicating elementary reading & writing workshop model.

13 Continued…. 6. More relaxed pace, less stressful for students. 7. Reduce the frequency of teachers needing to provide passing period supervision

14 Construction of New MMS 1. No lockers in the New MMS, so time to practice carrying less per day 2. PE will be without a locker room from Fall ’09- Winter ‘10 – this will allow for students to dress “PE appropriate” (like elementary) on PE days. 3. Music will be without their teaching space for 1 ½ school years – this will allow for less stress by reducing transitions per day

15 Continued…. 4. PE & Music may need to share space in NEW Gym for ½ - 1 ½ school years – this will allow extra class time to utilize nearby facilities, fields, etc. 5. Promotes student safety by reducing student traffic through construction zone 6. Tech Ed is in a temporary facility for 2 years – may reduce stress

16 Concerns 1) Can students stay focused & engaged for longer period of times? Is it developmentally appropriate? 2) Instructional strategies must change to not fill time with busy work or bore students. 3) Won’t see students every day – can they remember the last lesson? 4) Not enough time to research pros/cons & to begin professional development

17 Continued… 5) 1 st order change; however, can provide opportunity to achieve 2 nd order change if change in teaching practices is embraced. 6) Planning period is every other day. 7) Daily practice for music & math will be compromised.

18 The Proposal

19 Winter ’09- Ad Hoc Committee explores extended bell schedules & makes a recommendation to Staff by April. Commitment to Professional Development = Spring ’09 thru Spring ’11. Spring ’11 = MIC will review student achievement data, implementation gap of best practices in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment & will present to staff results of 2 year trial of Extended Bell Schedule. Spring ’11 = Staff will vote on Bell Schedule for New MMS.

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