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Standard Grade PE Mechanical Principles  Transfer of weight  Follow through.

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1 Standard Grade PE Mechanical Principles  Transfer of weight  Follow through

2 Learning Outcomes  At the end of this lesson you should:  Understand the mechanical principle of transfer of weight.  Understand the importance of follow through in kicking, striking and throwing actions

3 Transfer of Weight  Transfer of weight is very important in physical activities. It involves you moving your body from one place to another

4 BENEFITS OF TRANSFER OF WEIGHT  Transferring your weight during a skill can benefit your performance by: Generating more powerGenerating more power Increase accuracyIncrease accuracy

5 Transfer of Weight  Basketball Chest pass Weight is transferred from back foot to front foot as the ball is released.  Gymnastics Cartwheel Weight can also be transferred from/to other body parts.

6 Transfer of Weight BBy transferring his weight forward the softball player can exert a greater force on the ball, thus hitting it further  Transferring weight is important in activities where an object has to be struck with power

7 Transfer of Weight  Hockey Push Pass  Weight is moved from the back foot to the front when passing the ball  Badminton Smash shot Weight transfers from back to front foot

8 Follow Through  When completing different skills and techniques it is important that kicking, striking and throwing actions have a good follow through.  This is part of effective performance and follows on from the preparation and action phases.

9  A footballer follows through in the direction of a pass or shot.  The pitchers arm follows through in the intended direction of the throw.

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