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Lumberport Elementary Schoolwide Title I. What is Title I? Title I is the largest federally funded education program in the nation. Title I funding helps.

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Presentation on theme: "Lumberport Elementary Schoolwide Title I. What is Title I? Title I is the largest federally funded education program in the nation. Title I funding helps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lumberport Elementary Schoolwide Title I

2 What is Title I? Title I is the largest federally funded education program in the nation. Title I funding helps local school systems provide equal educational opportunities for low-performing students with economic need. The goal of Title I is to assist students in achieving grade level standards in the area of reading and math. Title I is committed to the shared effort of closing the achievement gap between all students and to provide high quality, engaging instruction that will motivate students to become lifelong readers and learners. The Title I program helps schools and students meet state and local educational standards.

3 Title I programs generally offer: Smaller classes or special instructional spaces. Smaller classes or special instructional spaces. Additional teachers. Additional teachers. Opportunities for professional development for school staff. Opportunities for professional development for school staff. Extra time for teaching students the skills they need. Extra time for teaching students the skills they need. A variety of supplementary teaching methods A variety of supplementary teaching methods An individualized program for students. An individualized program for students. Additional teaching materials which supplement their regular instruction. Additional teaching materials which supplement their regular instruction.

4 Parents… you can influence the success of your child in school more than any teacher or federal program: Serve as a role model, showing your child that you Serve as a role model, showing your child that you support his/her education. support his/her education. Assure that you are aware of your child’s educational Assure that you are aware of your child’s educational progress, thereby demonstrating how important that progress, thereby demonstrating how important that progress is to you. progress is to you. Teach your student that your input at the school is Teach your student that your input at the school is appreciated and that you support its efforts. appreciated and that you support its efforts.

5 Research shows that how well a child does in school depends a great deal upon how much their parents get involved in their education. You can become more involved by: Supporting school extra-curricular activities. Supporting school extra-curricular activities. Volunteering at the school. Volunteering at the school. Attending parent-teacher conferences. Attending parent-teacher conferences. Communicating with your child’s teacher regularly, by Communicating with your child’s teacher regularly, by writing notes, telephoning the school, etc. writing notes, telephoning the school, etc. Keeping your child’s teacher informed about events in your Keeping your child’s teacher informed about events in your child’s life which may affect his/her performance at school. child’s life which may affect his/her performance at school. Discussing with your child’s teacher and parent organizations Discussing with your child’s teacher and parent organizations other ideas for parent involvement. other ideas for parent involvement.

6 Open House The students will be introduced to their new teacher and classroom. The parents are given an overview of the new year. Title I Programs

7 Primary Partners in Print This activity will involve students in grades K-2 and their parents. Parents will participate with their child in literacy workshops to enhance their child's reading skills at home. The students will take the activities home and practice them with a parent. Title I Programs

8 Intermediate Partners in Print This activity will involve students in grades 3-5 and their parents. Parents will participate with their child in literacy activites to enhance their child's reading skills at home. Title I Programs

9 Primary Math Mates This activity will involve students in grades K-2 and their parents. Parents will participate with their child in math workshops to enhance their child's math skills at home. The students will take these activities home and play them with a parent. Title I Programs

10 Intermediate Math Mates This activity will involve students in grades 3-5 and their parents. Parents will participate with their child in math workshops to enhance their child's math skills at home. Title I Programs

11 Intermediate Odyssey and LiveGrades Training Parents and students in grades 3-5 will be trained on Odyssey and LiveGrades. LiveGrades is used by the classroom teacher to keep track of grades. The parents will be trained on how to access LiveGrades from home. Title I Programs

12 Family Math Night This activity will include parents and students in grades K-5. The parents and students will work together on fun hands on math activities. Title I Programs

13 Homeward Bound Books The students will choose a book on their reading level. The students will read their new book with an adult at home. Title I Programs

14 DIBELS is used in grades K-3 to measure early literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. Parents will receive DIBELS results three times a year – beginning, middle, and end of the year. DIBELS

15 Response To Intervention (RTI) is a method of academic intervention used to provide early, effective assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. Response to intervention was also designed as a process of diagnosing learning disabilities. RTI seeks to prevent academic failure through early intervention and frequent progress measurement. What is RTI?

16 Principal Ms. Luchuck Lumberport Elementary Staff

17 Kindergarten Teacher - Mrs. Gentilozzi Aide – Mrs. Totten Teacher – Mrs. Folio Aide – Mrs. Miller Lumberport Elementary Staff

18 1 st Grade Mrs. Kidd Mrs. Jones Lumberport Elementary Staff

19 2 nd Grade Mrs. Skinner Mrs. Navarini Lumberport Elementary Staff

20 3 rd Grade Mrs. Robinson Mrs. Williams Lumberport Elementary Staff

21 4 th Grade Mrs. Haught Mrs. Howell Lumberport Elementary Staff

22 5 th Grade Mrs. Hawkins Miss Britton Lumberport Elementary Staff

23 Title I Mrs. Forinash Miss Southern Mrs. Williams Lumberport Elementary Staff

24 Planning Library/Computer – Mrs. Ballard Physical Education – Mrs. DeMarco Lumberport Elementary Staff

25 Thanks for coming and enjoy the rest of Family Math Night!

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