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Hello and welcome to Mr. Betz’s 7 th grade Social Studies Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Hello and welcome to Mr. Betz’s 7 th grade Social Studies Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello and welcome to Mr. Betz’s 7 th grade Social Studies Class!

2 Who is Mr. Betz? -Education Background: -I graduated from Wheeler H.S. in 2000 and went on to receive my Physical Education degree and run Division I Cross Country and Track and Field for Indiana State University. Go Sycamores! -I received my Social Studies degree with a Mediterranean Concentration while studying abroad at the University of Malta in Europe in 2004. (Can anyone point to that on a map!?) -Taught Elementary P.E. for 2 years in P.G. County (Washington D.C.) -I received my Health degree from Indiana Wesleyan in 2007. -I went on to teach Physical Education here @ the Colonel for 3 years. -This is now my 5 th year teaching 7 th grade Social Studies. -I am the head track and cross country coach here @ the Colonel. -I enjoy running, golfing, playing basketball, baseball and football. -I love the Cubs, Bears, Bulls, IU and ISU. -If you are on the dance team then you already know my wife Mrs. Betz who teaches 8 th grade science…oh and we have a dog and two cats! :)

3 Now that you know a little about me, WHO ARE YOU???? Intro activity: When I point to you, stand up and tell us all your name, one of your hobbies and what the most fun thing was you did this summer or something unique about yourself. But first, know that you have to follow Mr. Betz’s classroom rules of conduct: 1. Always be respectful (ex. if someone says something that you think is weird it doesn’t mean you laugh at them.) Laughing is an action that is supposed to be fun, and it is, but if you are laughing at the detriment of another student it is no longer a pleasant action. That means no mocking, no name calling, no ridiculing and no putting someone else down in any way. This goes for internet discussions as well. There will be consequences for inappropriate behavior. We will discuss these in a bit. 2. Don’t be afraid to express yourself! Every one is different and we all have our own opinion. That’s what makes us unique! That’s what makes this such a wonderful world! Don’t ever be afraid to ask questions or voice your opinion. Debates are an excellent primer for learning. Just remember to raise your hand to speak up and never speak when someone else has the floor. Also, if it is an online discussion we are having, make sure your points are relevant to the conversation. Now back to the ACTIVITY!

4 What you will be downloading to your brains! You think you know the world!? You have no idea! This year we will be learning all about the Eastern World. You will learn the history, geography, government, cultures and economies of Egypt, China, Japan, Australia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates to name a few!

5 Mr. Betz’s Classroom Expectations: Classroom rules: 1. Be on time and in your seat before class begins. 2. Be prepared (bring your book, a pencil, your social studies notebook, computer and agenda book every day.) 3. Do not talk when teacher is talking Also, do not talk over another student during a class discussion. 4. Be respectful. Computer Rules: 1.Only use an electronic device approved by the teacher and only use this device after receiving permission. 2.Computers are used in this classroom as a supplementary learning tool! They are not for games or social media! 3.Never plagiarize information you find on the internet. Who can tell me what plagiarize means? CONSEQUENCES FOR MISBEHAVIORS APPEAR ON THE NEXT SLIDE

6 Consequences for violations of classroom/computer rules: 1 st offense- verbal warning 2 nd offense- behavior sheet signature 3 rd offense- behavior sheet signature and phone call home to parents 4 th and up offense- behavior sheet signature, office referral, teacher/parent conference

7 You Will Be Graded On Formative Assessments= chapter tests and lesson quizzes Summative Assessments= final exam Projects=A vast array of individual and group projects Homework= worksheets, maps, study guides, etc. Classroom/Online Discussions= relevant and timely participation

8 Technology in the Classroom Crown Point is moving to a blended classroom! What does that mean for you? 1.You will be required to bring an approved electronic device to class each day to be used to supplement learning. 2.This does not mean you will spend all day on the laptops! Blended learning means you will learn through a combination of traditional lecture, online and class discussions, online research activities, multimedia supplements, group projects, traditional WKSH’s, online assignments, and a combination of online and traditional formative and summative assessments. 3.Blended learning will prepare all CP students for college, career and life long learning! Online Etiquette (Netiquette): While online you need to remember to be respectful to others. Do not bully, make fun of or ridicule any one that you communicate with online. Consequences for digital misbehaviors will be dealt with the same as classroom consequences. (see consequences slide.) Remember what you do online will be seen by others. What does Netiquette mean to you? Use of electronic devices: You may only use devices approved by the teacher. You may only use these devices when told to do so. These devices are a learning tool, NOT for playing games or using social media. Digital Rules for Individual work: 1. Display proper netiquette. 2. Plagiarism is forbidden! 3. Make sure you complete/submit all assignments on time. Digital Rules for Small Groups: 1. Display proper Netiqutte. 2. Contribute equally to the completion of the assignment. 3. Be positive and compromise. 4. Complete/submit assignments on time.

9 OUR GOALS: 1.Students will accomplish all the short term and long term goals that the 7 th grade Social Studies Dept. has developed for you. 2.Students will pass the Social Studies ISTEP. *How about PASS+ !!!! 3.Students will receive a 90% or higher on the 7 th grade Social Studies Final Exam. 4. Team Kalahari S.S. ISTEP Goal= 93%! Below is a look at how my classes before you scored on the 7 th grade S.S. ISTEP: 1 st year- 93% 2 nd year- 91% 3rd year- 92% 4th year- 95%! 5 th year- ????

10 Extra Info: School Phone # 663-2173 ext: 13249 Email: Website w/daily homework calendar: 2012, 2013 Lake Porter Cross Country and Track and Field Conference Champs!!! Over 250 combined boys and girls on the Track team! Come join us!!!!

11 Now, Let’s make it a GREAT year!!!!

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