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Incoming 7 th Grade Course Selection Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

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Presentation on theme: "Incoming 7 th Grade Course Selection Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incoming 7 th Grade Course Selection Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

2 Welcome -Dr. Sean O’Sullivan -Dr. Sean O’Sullivan

3 Mr. Bashaw Assistant Principal Assistant Principal 7 th Grade The blueprint to your child’s future!

4 Ms. Michener Teacher on Special Assignment Teacher on Special Assignment The blueprint to your child’s future!

5 Program Of Studies Rising 7 th Graders will be receiving the Program of Studies Booklet Booklet Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

6 Middle School Structure Teaming- Teaming-  Adventurers  Discoverers  Explorers  Navigators  All major subjects teachers are on your team. (English, social studies, math, science, reading) (English, social studies, math, science, reading) One schedule choice- One schedule choice-  Music (orchestra, band, chorus, exploring music) (orchestra, band, chorus, exploring music) Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

7 Middle School Structure the students will see Multiple teachers throughout the day! Homeroom (10) Period one (43) Period two (43) Lunch (30) Period three (43) Period four (43) Period five (43) Period six (43) Period seven (43) E3 (homeroom)- (33) Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

8 Middle School Structure A typical six (6) day school cycle.

9 Middle School Structure E3- (Educational Excellence for Everyone) E3- (Educational Excellence for Everyone)  The Educational Excellence for Everyone period creates the opportunity for students to remediate or enrich in a structured classroom setting.  This period is specifically scheduled at the end of the day to minimize loss of instructional time with end of day sports and activities. Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

10 Home Access Center For Families Home Access Center Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

11 Home Access Center


13 Make payments to your child’s meal account 24x7, 365 days a year! View cafeteria purchases and menus online! View nutritional data about cafeteria foods! Track meal account balances! Set up low-balance email reminders! Schedule recurring payments!

14 Middle School Structure Lockers = Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

15 Our 7 th Grade Guidance Department Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor (S-Z) Mr. Harvey Guidance Counselor (A-R) Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

16 Major Subjects English Social Studies Mathematics Life Science Developmental Reading/ Gifted Seminar (All major subjects meet everyday of the six day cycle.) Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

17 Required Minor Electives Penndale Middle School (Quarterly- 6x/cycle) Art 1 Technology 7 Family and Consumer Science Health (Yearly- 2x/cycle) Exploratory Language (French, German, Latin, Spanish) Physical Education Music (Band, Chorus, Orchestra or Exploring Music)

18 Course Leveling Level 5- Standard Level 6H- Honors Level 6P- High Potential Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

19 Course Selection Process TEACHERS WILL- TEACHERS WILL-  Place levels on cards for: English English Math Math Social Studies Social Studies Science Science Reading Reading  If you have any questions pertaining to your child’s levels, please contact your elementary teacher or guidance counselor. Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

20 Course Selection Process STUDENTS: STUDENTS:  Choose one Music class Band Band Chorus Chorus Orchestra Orchestra Exploring Music Exploring Music  Choose one Physical Education class Male or Female Male or Female Penndale Middle School

21 Rising 7 th Grade Course Selection Timeline January 30 - Algebra Prognosis Testing Window February 7 February 7 February 2 Penndale Course Selection/ Open House Night February 1-16 6 th Grade Teachers Prepare Course Level Recommendations April- MayMiddle School Counselors/ Principals hold meetings with sending elementary students to present information about Penndale If you have any questions pertaining to the recommended level, please contact your elementary school. Any other questions, please contact the Penndale Guidance Department. Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

22 Rising 7 th Grade Course Selection Timeline By March 27Verification letters sent to elementary school s for distribution with the elementary report cards (3/26) April 4Verification letters returned to Penndale ONLY IF changes/corrections need to be made May 29Elementary school students visit Penndale June20 Verification letters sent to elementary schools for distribution with the final elementary report cards June 20 Verification letters sent to elementary schools for distribution with the final elementary report cards June 28Final changes to 2012-13 course requests August 30½ day orientation for 7 th grade students Penndale Middle School

23 Get involved at Penndale! Penndale Our School Penndale Guidance School Activities

24 Penndale Tour - sponsored by NJHS, Student council & JROTC

25 Art Department 7 th Grade Team (Discoverers) Guidance Department Computer Lab (227) Technology Department IMC Family Consumer Science (FCS) 7 th Grade Team (Adventurers) Cafeteria

26 For more information… (available in the lobby) The following personnel will be in the lobby to answer any specific questions: Mrs. Hershman: Special Education Department Chair Mr. Harvey Guidance Counselor (A-R) Mrs. Sturgeon: Math Department Chair Ms. Manalo Guidance Counselor (S-Z) Mr. Kennedy: (via email) Music Department Chair Achieving Greatness, One Student at a Time!

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