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Time. Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Blackboard Collaborate Communication Tools 3.

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1 Time

2 Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Blackboard Collaborate Communication Tools 3

3 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Collaborate Tools Sliders adjust mic and speaker volume Press to Talk and activate Video Sliders adjust mic and speaker volume Press to Talk and activate Video Chat Tool Participant Tools: Emoticons Step Away Raise Hand Polling Participant Tools: Emoticons Step Away Raise Hand Polling 4

4 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Participant Features Audio Setup Wizard Audio Setup Wizard Audio & Video Settings 5

5 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Testing the Audio Setup Wizard 6

6 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Participant Features Audio & Video Volume Controls Video On and Off Talk On and Off Video Preview Keep the Talk and Video off when not speaking. 7

7 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Questions? ① Please raise your hand. ② Wait to be called on. ③ Turn on Talk (and Video!) button. ④ Ask your question. ⑤ When done, please turn off Talk button. ① Please raise your hand. ② Wait to be called on. ③ Turn on Talk (and Video!) button. ④ Ask your question. ⑤ When done, please turn off Talk button. 8

8 Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. 9

9 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Connections to Survey Results Q2.1a Class sizes are reasonable such that teachers have the time available to meet the needs of all students. Q2.1b Teachers have time available to collaborate with colleagues. Q2.1c Teachers are allowed to focus on educating students with minimal interruptions Q2.1d The non-instructional time provided for teachers in my school is sufficient. Q2.1e Efforts are made to minimize the amount of routine paperwork teachers are required to do. Q2.1f Teachers have sufficient instructional time to meet the needs of all students. Q2.1g Teachers are protected from duties that interfere with their essential role of educating students. 10

10 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Connector – Populate with your TELL Ohio School Results Fill in the circle of the category that best describes your school conditions

11 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. How Time is Used in School Academic Learning Time Instructional Time Allocated Classroom Time Allocated School Time Elena Silva (2007) On the Clock

12 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Different Kinds of Time Student time at school The number of hours between arrival and dismissal each day Instructional time The total number of hours of instruction

13 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Different Kinds of Time Core academic time Time in English, math, science, social students and foreign language courses Noncore academic time Time in all other academic courses, including physical education

14 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Different Kinds of Time Support and enrichment time Supervised study time, tutorial time, advisory periods, or other enrichment activities such as internships Maintenance and unassigned time Passing periods, lunch, and free periods, including study halls in which students are not directly supervised by certified staff Release time Time that students are excused from attending school either for work, because they are ahead on graduation requirements, or for some other reason

15 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Consider TimeElementaryMiddleHighAverage Time at School6.4 hours 6.6 hours6.5 hours Instructional time  Core Academic  Noncore classes 4.9 hours 3.6 hours 1.3 hours 4.6 hours 3.1 hours 1.5 hours 4.6 hours 2.75 hours 1.85 hours 4.7 hours 3.3 hours 1.4 hours Support and Enrichment0.3 hours0.4 hours0.5 hours0.4 hours Maintenance1.2 hours1.4 hours1.5 hours1.3 hours Release time0Varies N/A

16 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. When Considering Next Steps There is no magic pill Conditions shaped by Individual school characteristics Successful school improvement lives and dies by faculty buy in How are faculty included in decision making? Often, the best solutions reside within your own staff How to leverage best practices and ideas within your school?

17 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Harvesting Your Faculty’s Best Ideas 1.Individual Item Prompts 2.What is Working / What is Not Working What is Ideal / What are the Challenges These tools are accessible on the website under the ‘tools’ button at the

18 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Individual Item Prompts Guide reflective, collaborative conversations about specific school conditions Are a series of reflective prompts for nearly every question in the survey and are available on-line Provide a starting point for dialogue 19

19 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Sample Item Prompt 2.1B: Teachers have time available to collaborate with their colleagues.

20 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. 2.1B: Reflections

21 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Considerations for Analyzing an Identified Item 22 What is working? What is not working? What is ideal? What are the challenges?

22 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. What is Working / What is Not Working

23 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. What is Ideal / What are the Challenges

24 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Some Strategies for Developing Solutions:

25 Copyright © 2011 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved.Copyright © 2013 New Teacher Center. All Rights Reserved. Next Steps Consider ways your can include your faculty in discussion and problem solving regarding issues of time Can it be framed as a teacher empowerment opportunity? Are there specific staff members that model solutions? Committee vs whole faculty C ommit to support a collaborative application of TELL data to enhance teaching and learning conditions and inform school improvement

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