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Biology: The Study Of Life. 1.Biology – the study of life 2.From Greek – bio meaning “life” & -ology meaning “study of” 3.Anything that is capable of.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology: The Study Of Life. 1.Biology – the study of life 2.From Greek – bio meaning “life” & -ology meaning “study of” 3.Anything that is capable of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology: The Study Of Life

2 1.Biology – the study of life 2.From Greek – bio meaning “life” & -ology meaning “study of” 3.Anything that is capable of carrying on the processes or characteristics of life is called an ORGANISM BacteriaProtist FungiPlantAnimal

3 1.How living things interact with other living things 2.How living things interact with their environment 3.Problems, such as disease and endangered species, and propose solutions

4 1.Are made of organized CELLS 2.Use Energy 3.REPRODUCE 4.GROW and DEVELOP 5.ADJUST to their surroundings 6.ADAPT, and EVOLVE with its environment

5 1.A CELL is the smallest possible unit of life a)Many organisms, such as bacteria, are UNICELLULAR and are made of only ONE cell that contains DNA. b)Other organisms such as animals and plants are MULTICELLULAR and are made of MANY cells.


7 1.Cells – smallest unit of life 2.Tissue – group of cells that perform common function 3.Organ – group of tissues that perform common function 4.Organ system – group of organs that perform common function 5.Organism – any complete living thing Living things show organization with specialized parts that perform particular functions.


9 1.Living things take in energy and use it for maintenance and growth 2.Two ways organisms take in and use energy: a)Photosynthesis b)Cellular Respiration

10 1.Organisms don’t live forever. 2.Reproduction is not required for the survival of a single individual it is required for the survival of the SPECIES as a whole. 3.A SPECIES is a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature. 4.Without reproduction a species will eventually go EXTINCT.

11 1.ASEXUAL reproduction – a single parent makes an identical offspring a)Producing offspring without the use of gametes b)Cloning, binary fission, budding, mitosis 2.SEXUAL reproduction – two parents combine DNA to make a unique offspring a)Producing offspring by the joining of sex cells b)Internal/External Fertilization

12 1.All life begins with a single cell. 2.Over the course of an organism’s life, they will: a)GROW: an increase in the amount of living material and the formation of new structures b)DEVELOP: All of the changes that take place during the life of an organism c)E.g. A fertilized chicken egg will grow and develop into an adult chicken


14 1.All life can ADJUST or react to their surroundings. a)Possible things that an organism can adjust to: i.Light ii.Temperature iii.Other Organisms

15 1.A STIMULUS is anything in an organism’s environment that causes the organism to react. a)E.g. Loud noise, smell of food, predator 2.A RESPONSE is a reaction to a stimulus. a)E.g. Flinching at the sound of a noise, moving toward food, running from sight of predator 3.A behavior is a complex set of responses

16 1.STIMULUS: Cold dry weather RESPONSE: Trees lose leaves 2.STIMULUS: Touch a hot stove RESPONSE: Jerk hand away 3.STIMULUS: Fox sees a rabbit RESPONSE: Fox kills and eats rabbit

17 1.All living things must maintain an internal balance in their bodies. 2.HOMEOSTASIS is the maintenance of an internal balance in all organisms a)EXAMPLES: i.Sweating (too hot) ii.Shivering (too cold) iii.Keeping the same blood pressure iv.Balance of water and nutrients

18 1.All organisms have ADAPTATIONS to help them survive. a)An ADAPTATION is any inherited structure or behavior giving an organism an advantage in a certain environment 2.Adaptations are inherited TRAITS from previous generations and can be passed on to offspring. 3.The gradual changes in a species through adaptations over time is called EVOLUTION.

19 1.Which is not a characteristic of all organisms? a)Made of one or more cells b)Grows and develops c)Capable of rational thought d)Maintains homeostasis

20 1.What is the process of change that takes place during the life of an organism? a)Adaptation b)Development c)Growth d)maturation

21 1.Some species of plants begin opening their flowers in the morning when they are exposed to sunlight. What characteristic of living things does this represent? a)Acquiring energy b)Adapting to the environment c)Displaying organization d)Responding to a stimuli

22 1.Do all living things have all of the characteristics of life? If your answer is no, give an example. 2.Name some non-living thing that uses energy. 3.Name some non-living thing that grows.

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