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Welcome Seminar Participants! We are thrilled that you are here to take part in our seminar. We recognize physical education to be a highly debated topic,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Seminar Participants! We are thrilled that you are here to take part in our seminar. We recognize physical education to be a highly debated topic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Seminar Participants! We are thrilled that you are here to take part in our seminar. We recognize physical education to be a highly debated topic, and we believe that inquiring about its value is important. Your participation is not only valued but necessary in the designing of an excellent physical education program on a budget. Let’s get started! Please find your name, enjoy some pie, and take a few minutes to fill out a brief pre-assessment survey. Thank you!

2 Schedule TimeActivity 3:30-3:35-Seminar welcome -Enjoy pie. -Fill out a brief pre-assessment survey. 3:35-3:50Seminar Presentation 3:50-4:10Small Group Discussion 4:10-4:25Participants create a physical education budget using a pie chart. 4:25-4:45Participants share and discuss pie charts. 4:45-4:50-Concluding remarks -Complete post assessment survey. -Participants provide feedback.

3 Designing a physical education program to meet the needs of elementary students, while sticking to a budget. Physical Education Budget A seminar brought to you by: Amanda Marshall, Monica Gallagher, Michael Chapman, and Sarah Willingham

4 Seminar Goals Throughout the course of the seminar, we would like for all the participants to form opinions about the following questions:  What is the value of a physical education program as reflected in the budget of a school?  What aspects of it are the most important? (i.e. specialized teachers, equipment, monitoring equipment, facilities, curriculum, etc.) By the end of the seminar, we want the participants to make informed decisions to create a good physical education program on a budget.

5 Role Play: Board Meeting  Sarah: President of the school board  Monica: Secretary  Seminar Participants: Members of the board  Michael & Amanda: Representatives from other schools here to share their physical education programs.  Evaluate the proposed physical education programs.  Analyze the pros and cons of each.  Create and propose a physical education program. RolesGoals:

6 School Background Barbara VygotskyElementary School  Current Program Outline:  Gymnasium Upkeep  One part-time parent volunteer  Sports-centered curriculum  We are looking to make a better curriculum for our “Khirallah-Bears” while spending the same or less money than we currently spend due to district wide budget cuts.

7 School Background Barbara VygotskyElementary School Overall School Budget: $550,000  PE budget: $5,900 (about 1.08% of total budget)  Goal: beginning next school year, we are looking to revamp our current physical education program.

8 Things to Consider:  Specialized Teachers  Sports Equipment  Monitoring Equipment  Facilities  Curriculum  What are the most important aspects?  Are some more important that others?  In considering a budget, are there aspects that can be done without? Questions to Consider: Aspects of a Good Physical Education Program:

9 Providence Academy Scenario 1

10 Providence Budget  Overall School Budget: $540,000  PE budget: $5,850 (about 1.08% of total budget) Specialized Teacher Salary Equipment Monitoring Equipment (i.e heart monitors) Facilities Curriculum

11 Providence Specialized Teacher Salary  $5,000 part-time certified teacher  $240 Dance Instructor  UWL college physical education students

12 Providence Equipment  The Basics: bats, balls, parachutes, hula hoops etc.  Box Tops and Campbell’s soup Labels  Few Donations

13 Monitoring Equipment  Don’t use heart rate monitors  No money  Use Stopwatches

14 Providence Facilities  $600 on upkeep of our gym  $500 for waxing floor  $100 for incidentals (i.e light bulbs, score board maintenance etc.)

15 Providence Curriculum  Teacher designates curriculum Goal: Get kids to develop healthy lifestyle habits. Make physical activity apart of their everyday lives. No textbooks: $100 for printed handouts

16 The Providence PE Budget

17 Good Luck!

18 Faux-Naperville Elementary School Scenario 2

19 Faux-Naperville’s Budget Overall School Budget: $560,000 PE Allocation: $6,000 (1.07% of total) This $6,000 is divided five ways: 1. Specialized Teacher Salary 2. Equipment 3. Monitoring Equipment 4. Facilities 5. Curriculum

20 Faux-Naperville’s Specialized Teacher Salary We have a few parent volunteers, pro bonum. Pros: Frees the budget up Cons: Lesser caliber teacher; not as good at handling students.

21 Faux-Naperville’s Equipment Annual allocation: $500 We spend a limited amount on sports equipment every year. It is distributed among classes and used for recess as well as physical education classes. Pros: Students are given more options to fit their physical needs. Cons: It sacrifices a large portion of our small budget.

22 Faux-Naperville’s Monitoring Equipment Here is what makes our school unique. 25 Heart Rate Monitors - $40 each for 25 students = $1,000 Students are assessed on effort. Since we have started using these, obesity rates at the school have plummeted. Standardized testing scores have increased. Pros: Academic excellence, healthy students, fair assessment in PE classes. Cons: Expensive, with potential for further expenses.

23 Faux-Naperville’s Facilities Our facilities suffer due to a lack of funds. We have no gym, but we have a football field and a baseball field. Pros: Frees up budget for our famous curriculum. Cons: PE classes can be hindered by inclement weather. Students often complain about the lack of a multi- purpose gymnasium.

24 Faux-Naperville’s Curriculum We use a specialized curriculum based on the famous Naperville model (no association with Faux-Naperville elementary). We allocate $4,500 a year to maintain this curriculum. This includes annual renewal of our program and equipment. Pros: This model has gained national fame for its impressive academic and social results. Cons: Some students do not like heart- rate monitor based PE.

25 The Faux-Naperville PE Budget Red: Facilities Purple: Sports Equipment Green: Specialized Teacher Blue: Curriculum Orange: Monitoring Equipment

26 Despite the occasional complaint, our results speak for themselves!

27 Small Group Discussion Questions Scenario 1: 3:50-4:00 Scenario 2: 4:00-4:10 Please spend approximately 10 minutes per scenario discussing the pros and cons of each. Guiding Questions:  What aspects of a good physical education program are the most important?  Are some more important that others?  In considering a budget, are there aspects that can be done without?  Which scenario has the best program for its budget?  How can you incorporate aspects of both to create the best physical education program to meet the needs of students?

28 Developing and Proposing Pie Charts Please spend the next 15 minutes designing a pie chart that reflects how your group thinks the budget should be distributed. You do not need to include every aspect, but you will be expected to present your reasoning. Your group should be prepared to present your pie chart for 5-6 minutes. After all three groups have presented, all members of the school board will vote individually on the budget allocation they think would best benefit the students of Barbara Vygotsky Elementary.

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