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Vancouver EA 2015 Bargaining Survey Results April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Vancouver EA 2015 Bargaining Survey Results April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vancouver EA 2015 Bargaining Survey Results April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research April 23, 2015 Bethany Gordon, WEA Research 1

2 Overview Vancouver EA survey administration About the Respondents Results for All Respondents Open Comments 2

3 Vancouver EA Survey Administration 3 Online survey administered in late March – April 2015 674 respondents, about 50% of membership WEA Research likes to see at least a 50% response rate.

4 About the Respondents 4

5 Almost 2/3 (65%) of respondents have the primary work assignment of general education classroom teacher. 5 About the Respondents Work Assignment (Q12, page 4 of statistics) Numbers in parentheses indicate how many respondents chose that option.

6 60% of respondents have worked in VSD for 9+ years. 6 About the Respondents Years in VSD (Q13, page 5 of statistics)

7 The most common subject taught by respondents is elementary education. 7 About the Respondents Subject(s) Taught Majority of the Time, could select more than one (Q14, page 6 of statistics) Number of Respondents

8 Almost half (49%) of respondents work at the elementary level. 8 About the Respondents Grade Level (Q15, page 7 of statistics)

9 Respondents were from various buildings. 9 About the Respondents Building Worked the Majority of the Time (Q16, pages 8-9 of statistics) Number of Respondents

10 Results for All Respondents 10

11 Importance To Improve Items 1-8 All importance to improve items had the same 4-point scale: o Very important = 4 o Somewhat important = 3 o Somewhat unimportant = 2 o Very unimportant = 1 o Choosing ‘don’t know or not sure,’ ‘not applicable’ or skipping the question isn’t given a value. The scale mean (“average” importance to improve) is 2.50. Means* of 2.50 or higher indicate a higher importance to improve level for all respondents. o Green bar = mean of 2.50 – 2.99 o Blue bar = mean of 3.00 or higher Means lower than 2.50 indicate a lower importance to improve level for all respondents. o Yellow bar = mean of 2.01 – 2.49 o Orange bar = mean of 2.00 or lower * The calculated mean for each item is the weighted average and excludes those who selected ‘don’t know or not sure,’ ‘not applicable’ or who skipped the item. 11

12 2 of the 8 Importance To Improve Items Had a Mean Above 3.00 Importance To Improve Items 1-8 in Rank Order by Mean, page 10 of statistics 12 Questions truncated for the purpose of this chart. Scale Mean = 2.50 Very unimportant  Very important

13 Uncompensated Hours Beyond Normal Work Week 13 How many uncompensated hours do you spend, on average, on school-related activities? (Q9, page 2) 79% of respondents spend 6 or more uncompensated hours per week, on average, on school-related activities.

14 Professional Educator 14 How important is it to you to feel valued as a professional educator by the administration? (Q10, page 2) 97% of respondents think it is important (78% very important / 19% somewhat important) to feel valued as a professional educator by the administration.

15 Working Relationship Question 11 Working relationship question (Q11) had 5-point scale: o Mostly cooperative/productive = 5 o Tends to be cooperative/productive = 4 o Neutral = 3 o Tends to be conflictive/unproductive = 2 o Mostly conflictive/unproductive = 1 o Choosing ‘don’t know or not sure’ or skipping the question isn’t given a value. The scale mean (“neutral”) is 3.00. Means* of 3.00 or higher indicate a more cooperative/productive level for all respondents. o Green bar = mean of 2.50 – 2.99 o Blue bar = mean of 3.00 or higher Means lower than 3.00 indicate a more conflictive/unproductive level for all respondents. o Yellow bar = mean of 2.01 – 2.49 o Orange bar = mean of 2.00 or lower * The calculated mean for each item is the weighted average and excludes those who selected ‘don’t know or not sure,’ ‘not applicable’ or who skipped the item. 15

16 Working Relationship Mean Well Above Scale Mean Question 11 For All Respondents, page 11 of statistics 16 Questions truncated for the purpose of this chart. Scale Mean = 3.00 Mostly uncooperative  Mostly cooperative

17 Open Comments- Major Themes 17 Time Compensation Issues Substitute Shortage TPEP Issues Respect/ Equity / Professionalism Other specific individual concerns (will be shared at Labor Management)

18 Communication With Members 18 Members appreciated being asked their opinions. Members also appreciate knowing how their opinions will be used and the next steps.

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