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Unit 7 Covalent Bonding.

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1 Unit 7 Covalent Bonding

2 Bonding A metal & a nonmetal transfer electrons An ionic bond
Two metals mix An alloy (Metallic bond) What do two nonmetals do? Neither one will give away an electron So they share their valence electrons This is a covalent bond

3 Covalent Bonding Nonmetals hold on to their valence electrons
They can’t give away electrons to bond Still want to be stable! Need noble gas configuration (octet rule) Get it by sharing valence electrons with each other. By sharing, both atoms get to count the electrons toward noble gas configuration.

4 F F Covalent Bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons
A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… Both end with full orbitals F F

5 F F Covalent bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons
A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons… Both end with full orbitals F F 8 Valence electrons

6 F F Covalent bonding Fluorine has seven valence electrons
A second atom also has seven By sharing electrons Both end with full orbitals F F 8 Valence electrons

7 Ways to Illustrate Covalent Bonds
Molecular formula: shows the number of atoms of each element in a molecule. Ex. PF3 Lewis Structures: uses dots to represent bonding between molecular compounds Structural Formulas: shows the arrangement of atoms and bonds Shared electron dots are replaced with a dash Models: ball and stick (3-D versions)

8 Single Covalent Bond Occurs between nonmetals or a nonmetal & hydrogen
Sharing of two valence electrons (1 pair) Different from an ionic bond – electrons are SHARED not transferred

9 An example with dots… It’s like a jigsaw puzzle
You will be given the formula You put the pieces together to make everyone stable or happy  Most atoms need an octet H & He need a duo Carbon is often the center

10 H O Water Each hydrogen has 1 valence electron and wants 1 more
The oxygen has 6 valence electrons and wants 2 more They share to make each other “happy” H O

11 H O Water Put the pieces together The first hydrogen is happy
The oxygen still wants one more H O

12 H O H Water The second hydrogen attaches
Every atom has full energy levels H O H

13 Structural formula… Replace shared dots with a dash H O H

14 Practice – Dots & Structures
CH3I H2S CH2Cl2 NH3 C2H6 SCl2 AsF3 SiH4 CHF3

15 Multiple Bonds Sometimes atoms share more than one pair of valence electrons. A double bond is when atoms share two pair (4) of electrons. A triple bond is when atoms share three pair (6) of electrons.

16 C O Carbon dioxide CO2 - Carbon is central atom
Carbon has 4 valence electrons Wants 4 more Oxygen has 6 valence electrons Wants 2 more C O

17 Carbon dioxide Attaching 1 oxygen leaves the oxygen 1 short and the carbon 3 short C O

18 Carbon dioxide Attaching the second oxygen leaves both oxygen 1 short and the carbon 2 short O C O

19 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

20 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

21 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

22 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

23 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

24 Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more O C O

25 O C O Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more
CO2 requires two double bonds Each atom gets to count all the atoms in the bond O C O

26 O C O Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more
CO2 requires two double bonds Each atom gets to count all the atoms in the bond 8 valence electrons O C O

27 O C O Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more
CO2 requires two double bonds Each atom gets to count all the atoms in the bond 8 valence electrons O C O

28 O C O Carbon dioxide The only solution is to share more
CO2 requires two double bonds Each atom gets to count all the atoms in the bond 8 valence electrons O C O

29 Carbon Dioxide Replace the shared pairs with dashes O C O

30 Practice O2 CS2 CH2O N2F2 NO2 HCN (triple) C2H2 (triple)

31 Exceptions to the Octet Rule/Patterns of Bonding
1. Some elements with odd number of valence electrons BF3 PCl5 2. Coordinate covalent bonding

32 Coordinate Covalent Bond
When one atom donates both electrons in a covalent bond Carbon monoxide (CO) O C

33 Coordinate Covalent Bond
When one atom donates both electrons in a covalent bond. Carbon monoxide (CO) C O

34 Coordinate Covalent Bond
When one atom donates both electrons in a covalent bond. Carbon monoxide (CO) C O O C

35 Summary of Covalent Bonding
Covalent bonds occur by SHARING electrons Occurs between NONMETALS End product is called a MOLECULE 1. Molecular compound - formed with different elements 2. Diatomic molecules - 2 of the same atom There are 7 elements that always form diatomic molecules H2 , N2 , O2 , F2 , Cl2 , Br2 , and I2

36 Diatomic Molecules

37 Naming Molecular Compounds
Easier than ionic compounds No balancing charges 1 mono- 2 di- 3 tri- 4 tetra- 5 penta- 6 hexa – 7 hepta – 8 octa – 9 nona – 10 deca –

38 Naming Molecular Compounds
1st element – add the prefix that matches the subscript Exception – do not add “mono-” if there is 1 atom No aa, oo, or ao double vowels 2nd element – add the prefix that matches the subscript Still ends in -ide

39 Naming CO2 1st element = Carbon; subscript 1 Remember exception
2nd element = oxygen; subscript 2 Prefix for 2 is di- “Dioxide” Full name = carbon dioxide

40 Practice Naming S2Cl2 Disulfur dichloride CS2 Carbon disulfide SO3
Sulfur trioxide P4O10 Tetraphosphorus decoxide

41 Name  Formula Just look at the prefixes! Carbon tetrachloride
1 Carbon, 4 Chlorine atoms CCl4 Iodine heptaflouride Dinitrogen monoxide Sulfur dioxide

42 Common Names NH3 – Nitrogen trihydride Ammonia
H2O – dihydrogen monoxide Water  NH3 – Nitrogen trihydride Ammonia CH4 – carbon tetrahydride Methane HCl – Hydrogen monochloride Hydrochloric acid

43 Names to know! NH3 - Ammonia H2O - Water CO – Carbon monoxide
CO2 – Carbon dioxide SO2 – Sulfur dioxide CFl4 – Carbon Tetraflouride

44 Molecular Shapes Lewis diagrams & structural formulas are 2-dimensional Real molecules are 3-D If there are 2 atoms, the molecule has a LINEAR shape (no other options!) Carbon monoxide (CO) If it has more than 2, how do we figure out the shape?

45 VSEPR Theory Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
Used to predict shape of a molecule Negative electrons repel each other and pairs want to be as far apart as possible

46 Linear Linear: 2 atoms around central atom, no unshared pairs on central atom With three atoms the farthest the two outer molecules can get apart is 180º. Will require 2 double bonds or one triple bond C O 180º

47 Trigonal Planar Trigonal planar: 3 atoms around central atom, no unshared pair on central atom. Angle = 120°

48 H H C H H Tetrahedral 4 molecules around a central atom
All single bonds Must think in 3-D! H H C H H

49 Tetrahedral Tetrahedral: 4 atoms around central atom, no unshared pair on central atom A pyramid with a triangular base. H 109.5º C H H H


51 Molecular Shapes But what if there are unshared pairs on the central atom? They still repel each other…

52 Bent Bent: 2 atoms around central atom, 1 or 2 unshared pair(s) on central atom. O H O H <109.5º H H

53 Bent Ball and stick model does not show unshared electron pairs

54 Pyramidal Pyramidal: 3 atoms around central atom, 1 unshared pair on central atom N H N H H H <109.5º H H

55 Pyrimidial Ball and stick model does not show unshared electron pairs

56 Trigonal Bipyramidal Trigonal bipyramidal: 5 atoms around central atom, no unshared pair on central atom Angles = 90° and 120°

57 Adding to the chart… 2 1 or 2 3 1 5 SHAPE

58 So how do I determine the shape of a given molecule?
Draw the Lewis diagram Count the shared and unshared pairs Use the VSEPR Theory to determine the shape

59 Which type of bond is it? Look at which elements are involved
Metal & nonmetal = ionic bond 2 nonmetals = covalent bond Electronegativity – measure of a tendency of an atom to attract a pair of electrons Influenced by amount of positive charge in the nucleus & electron shielding

60 Differences in Electronegativity.
Big difference between values (greater than 1.70) One atom REALLY wants the electrons and the other…not so much Ionic bonding  ionic compound Smaller difference between values (less than 1.70) Both have “equal” attraction for the e- Covalent bonding  molecule


62 Differences in Electronegativity
Medium difference Still a bit of a tug of war over e- Unequal sharing of electrons Results in a POLAR covalent bond Positive and negative poles Dipole – partially negative on one side, partially positive on the other

63 Polar Covalent Bond


65 Differences in Electronegativity
Very small difference Share electrons equally NONPOLAR covalent bond No positive and negative poles

66 Nonpolar Covalent Bond


68 Polar vs. nonpolar molecules
Look at polarity of each bond All nonpolar bonds = nonpolar molecule (O2) Look at the overall shape Symmetrical polar bonds cancel each other out so molecule = nonpolar (CO2, CCl4) Nonsymmetrical polar bonds = polar molecule (H2O)

69 Dipole-dipole attraction
Attraction between + part of one dipole and - part of another dipole Hydrogen bond - between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom bonded to another electronegative atom Often involves F, N, or O Strongest of the intermolecular forces

70 Hydrogen Bonding H O d+ d- H O d+ d-

71 Hydrogen Bonding

72 Van der Waals – London dispersion force
Weak intermolecular force caused by negative electrons on one side of a cloud being attracted to a nearby positive nucleus Constantly changing

73 Properties of Molecular Compounds
Poor conductors of heat & electricity Often found as liquids or gases Weaker attraction between atoms Low melting & boiling points


75 Carbon (Organic) Chemistry
Carbon plays a dominant role in the chemistry of living things Bonding stability 4 valence electrons Very unlikely to form ionic bonds Can form covalent bonds with LOTS of different elements (especially H & O) Small molecules link together resulting in the formation of a large variety of structures often with repeating subunits

76 Examples of carbon-based compounds
Simple hydrocarbons Small carbon molecules with functional groups Complex polymers Biological molecules

77 Simple Hydrocarbons Petrochemicals – Propane, Butane, Octane

78 Functional groups Specific groups of atoms that are responsible for chemical characteristics of a compound ALWAYS a close relationship between properties & structure (aspirin, vitamins, insulin)

79 Complex Polymers & Biological Molecules
Natural polymers Proteins, nucleic acids Synthetic polymers Polythene , Polystyrene Kevlar Nylon

80 Common organic molecules

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