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The Church Wields Power. After crowning Charlemagne in 800, the church’s goal was to influence both spiritual & political issuesAfter crowning Charlemagne.

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Presentation on theme: "The Church Wields Power. After crowning Charlemagne in 800, the church’s goal was to influence both spiritual & political issuesAfter crowning Charlemagne."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Church Wields Power

2 After crowning Charlemagne in 800, the church’s goal was to influence both spiritual & political issuesAfter crowning Charlemagne in 800, the church’s goal was to influence both spiritual & political issues In 500, Pope Gelasius I believed that the pope should yield to the political sword and the emperors should do the same to the religious sword.In 500, Pope Gelasius I believed that the pope should yield to the political sword and the emperors should do the same to the religious sword. But everyone had their own agendaBut everyone had their own agenda

3 Clergy – religious officialsClergy – religious officials The order went Pope, Bishops, PriestsThe order went Pope, Bishops, Priests For most people their chief contact would be the priestFor most people their chief contact would be the priest


5 Sacraments – important religious ceremoniesSacraments – important religious ceremonies An example of a sacrament would be baptism and performing the EucharistAn example of a sacrament would be baptism and performing the Eucharist Canon Law – the law of the church which provided a system to guide people’s livesCanon Law – the law of the church which provided a system to guide people’s lives

6 The most powerful tool the Pope possessed was excommunication – banishment from the Church.The most powerful tool the Pope possessed was excommunication – banishment from the Church. One could not enter heaven, nor could one commune with others at church.One could not enter heaven, nor could one commune with others at church. On top of that if the king or ruler was excommunicated then most sacraments could not be performed in that kingdom (and this would upset the entire population!)On top of that if the king or ruler was excommunicated then most sacraments could not be performed in that kingdom (and this would upset the entire population!)

7 Village’s daily live revolved around the church. There were many festivals celebrating the different saints

8 Canon Law Canon Law is the law of the Church. Created to direct people’s conduct in matters such as marriage and religious practices. The harshest punishments were excommunication ( no longer in communion) and interdict (which is the same thing but against an area or country

9 The Holy Roman Empire

10 One of the greatest of the Holy Roman Emperors was Otto I, or the Great But Otto controlled the Church of Germany (which other emperors would assume was their right Italian nobles resented German rule and the popes feared their power

11 During Otto’s reign the issue of lay investiture surfaced. This is where kings & nobles appointed church officials. Power ultimately was had by whomever made the appointments. In 1075 Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture.

12 Otto I final resting place in Magdeberg, Germany

13 Pope Gregory VII (shown) banned the practice of lay investiturePope Gregory VII (shown) banned the practice of lay investiture Henry IV shot back and ordered him to step down as Pope.Henry IV shot back and ordered him to step down as Pope. Gregory in turn excommunicated HenryGregory in turn excommunicated Henry Gregory’s remains (it is a wax coating over the bones)Gregory’s remains (it is a wax coating over the bones)

14 In a humbling act, Henry begged at the doors of the castle of Canossa where the Pope was a guest. Gregory made him wait in the snow for 3 days before seeing him and lifting the excommunication

15 At Worms Germany the two sides came to an agreementAt Worms Germany the two sides came to an agreement

16 The church would appoint officials, but the emperor had the veto power to prevent the appointment of a bishop

17 But the issue wasn’t resolved (Gregory actually was forced into exile and died and Henry would lose his crown to his son)

18 The German king, Frederick I, (Barbarossa) He was actually the 1 st to call the lands Holy Roman Empire He loosely held the German lands and whenever he left there was trouble brewing To raise money he would raid Italian cities

19 He drowned to death on his way to the 3 rd Crusades Eventually they did battle at Legnano in 1176 where the Italian foot soldiers using crossbows defeated an army of Knights for the 1 st time in history.

20 Germany continued to use election vs. domination in choosing their kings. This would be the major reason why Germany was never unified and the position of king was always weak (basically they were obligated to all the princes that elected them. Those that didn’t elect them would sometimes not play nice.

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