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Position of the Catholic Church on environmental issues.

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1 Position of the Catholic Church on environmental issues

2 Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)

3 Pope John Paul II Humanity has become more sensitive to the “catastrophe” it is facing, “we must therefore stimulate and sustain the ecological conversion.” Humanity has become more sensitive to the “catastrophe” it is facing, “we must therefore stimulate and sustain the ecological conversion.” (17 January, 2001)

4 Desertification in the Sahel


6 Australian Catholic Bishops “We now urge Catholics as an essential part of their faith commitment to respond with sound judgments and resolute action to the reality of climate change.” (November 2005)

7 Pope Benedict XVI "Before it is too late, it is necessary to make courageous decisions that reflect knowing how to re- create a strong alliance between man and the earth." (2 September 2007)

8 Pope Benedict XVI  climate change is a reality  “The Church has a responsibility towards creation,.... earth, water and air as gifts of God the Creator meant for everyone, and above all to save mankind from the danger of self-destruction.” (1 January, 2010)

9 Vatican, carbon neutral since 2012

10 Holy See’s observer to the UN “The scientific evidence for global warming and for humanity's role in the increase of greenhouse gasses becomes ever more unimpeachable,”.... (10 May, 2007)

11 Our Lady of Fatima, Kingsgrove  Care for creation in Pastoral Plan  Education via workshop + bulletin  Energy efficiency  2015, solar panels on presbytery roof.

12 St Charles Parish, Waverley  Implementing Catholic Earthcare’s environmental audit tool  Will reuse, reduce and recycle water, waste and energy as well as considering offsetting carbon emissions

13 Rahamim Ecological Learning Community, S’s of Mercy, Bathurst  Community garden  Rainwater harvesting harvesting  Join local climate action group  Minimum use of energy  Host workshops

14 Caloundra Catholic parish Seminar series Seminar series Energy audit Energy audit Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Joining actions with local group Joining actions with local groups

15 Solar panels, Caloundra Catholic Ch Solar panels

16 Mount St Benedict’s College, Pennant Hills

17 St Ignatius College, Riverview, Sustainability Festival Pedal powered electricity

18 Catholics participate in mining protests

19 Pope Francis & Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I “We acknowledge in repentance the wrongful mistreatment of our planet, which is tantamount to sin in the eyes of God.” (25 May 2014)

20 Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Parolin (States have) …. “a shared responsibility to protect our planet and the human family, ensuring present and future generations have the possibility of living in a safe and worthy environment.” (23 September, 2014)

21 Pope Francis Mankind has "slapped nature in the face" …. “God always forgives, we men sometimes forgive, nature never forgives. If you slap it, it will always slap you back.” (16 January, 2015)


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