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Henry VIII’s Problems By Mr Huggins

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1 Henry VIII’s Problems By Mr Huggins

2 The Church is very rich. I need money for my luxurious court
The Church is very rich. I need money for my luxurious court. If only I could get my hands on it. I spy an attractive lady called Anne Boleyn. If only I could marry her instead. Will the Pope give me a divorce? I need a son. My wife, Catherine of Aragon is too old to have any more children. Who will inherit my throne when I die? The new Protestant ideas are spreading in Germany. Princes there are reforming their churches and throwing out the Catholic Church. The Church takes money out my country in taxes to help build St Peter’s in Rome. What do I get in return? Some people in England like the new Protestant ideas. They believe that the Bible should be in English not Latin.

3 Katherine of Aragon V Anne Boleyn

4 Activity: Complete the diagram below and suggest how Henry VIII could solve his problems

5 Henry VIII and the English Reformation

6 The Balance of Power in Europe

7 ENGLISH REFORMATION A political struggle, not a religious one like Luther Henry VIII of England broke with the Catholic Church to keep power and take Church lands

8 Wife #1 – Catherine Aragon
Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon, aunt of Charles V Charles V had recently taken over Rome Catherine had only one daughter - Mary and no sons Henry needs a son to carry on his reign

9 Anne Boleyn Anne was a “lady in waiting” – began relationship with the King Henry sent his advisor Cardinal Wolsey to Rome to get an annulment from Pope Clement VII so Henry could marry Anne Boleyn (now pregnant) Pope refused (under pressure from Charles V) - Wolsey arrested

10 The English Reformation
Henry breaks with the Catholic Church, starts the Church of England (Anglican Church) with him as the head of the Church New Chancellor Sir Thomas More refuses to recognize Henry as above the Pope and is beheaded. Henry’s marriage to Catherine is annulled and he marries Anne Boleyn

11 Act of Supremacy Parliament officially makes Henry the head of the Church of England Henry takes control of Church land and money Bible is translated into English Church is very similar to the Catholic Church

12 Anne Boleyn’s demise Had one living child: Elizabeth, no sons
Anne was unpopular amongst English people and Henry’s advisors 1536 – accused of incest (definitely not guilty), treason (not guilty) and adultery (probably guilty) Imprisoned, tried and executed at the Tower of London

13 Jane Seymour Marriage to Anne is annulled
Jane gives birth to a boy (Edward) Dies in childbirth

14 Anne of Cleves Marriage was a political alliance with a German Duke’s daughter Henry was unimpressed with her looks and called her the “Mare (horse) of Flanders” Divorced soon after, no children She survives, but the advisor who put the marriage together, Thomas Cromwell is executed

15 Kathryn Howard 1st cousin of Anne Boleyn, very young (19)
Served in Anne of Cleves’ Court Rumors of her adultery began to surface (uh, Henry has kind of let himself go at this point…) Executed at the Tower of London in 1542

16 Catherine Parr Caretaker wife for Henry’s children Survives him

17 Life after Henry Edward VII becomes King at age 10, dies five years later Mary I (Bloody Mary) follows him as Queen after imprisoning Lady Jane Gray She is Catholic and spends her time going after Protestants Sends Elizabeth to the Tower Marries the King of Spain and sets of executing all Protestants not loyal to the Pope

18 Queen Elizabeth Protestant Queen – tolerant to moderate Catholics and Protestants Makes the Anglican Church more “Catholic” Avoids any bloody religious war

19 ASSIGNMENT Choice #1 Create a Facebook page for Henry VIII
Include at least 5 comments from his wives, friends or enemies (from the time) Update what his favorite things would be today Choice #2 Create a movie poster for a new movie about Henry VIII Cast the movie with today’s actors Describe the basic plot Include lines from the film and a title

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