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POPE KYRILLOS THE 6Th man of prayer.

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Presentation on theme: "POPE KYRILLOS THE 6Th man of prayer."— Presentation transcript:

1 POPE KYRILLOS THE 6Th man of prayer

2 He was an amazing Pope! Was Pope before Pope Shenouda III ( ) At the age of 25 he went to a monastery Became a monk at 26 yrs old

3 He lived in a cave at 30 yrs old
Later lived in an abandoned windmill It was dangerous with many wild animals nearby The wild beasts did him no harm!

4 He was ordained Pope at 57 yrs old
He was known as a man of prayer He spent long hours praying, early as 3 am! He also loved the Liturgy, which he celebrated every day! Communion was his strength

5 He loved the people, helped them, and prayed for them
Being Pope is a BIG job, but he had lots of help! He always asked for the intercessions of: ST. MARY & ST. MINA

6 St. Mary appeared to the Pope many times, once for 3 years over the church!
St. Mina was the Pope’s best friend, always helping the Pope with many miracles! Who do you see? Who do you see?

7 Because of the Pope’s great love for God, he possessed many amazing gifts:
Healing Miracles Knowledge The Pope always remained very humble He departed on March 9th, 1971 – March 9th is his Feast Day!

8 Miracles! Miracles! Miracles! Miracles!

9 Winds & storms At St. Mina’s monastery … a severe storm
The monks asked the Pope to pray He raised his Cross: “Put the air of the heavens in a good mood” The storm calmed, not even a breeze! The Pope said: “St. Mina, when we asked you to calm the storm, did you have to stop the breeze as well?” A gentle breeze started to blow!

10 Gift of Knowledge & saint MINA’S HELP 2 brothers were biking home
A car hit them! The Pope stepped out of his room: “God forbid – St. Mina, protect your sons” A “hand” grabbed older boy putting him on the curb The car had run over the younger boy & his bike He came out from under the car with only a bruise on his hand!

11 Healing after his departure
A little girl was often sick with bronchitis One day, her mother was alone, the girl needed medicine Her mom put on her holy oil from St. Mina’s monastery & Pope Kyrillos’ book on her head, and prayed The little girl slept peacefully … 3 hrs later her illness was gone Since then her illness never came back!

12 “Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments”
Psalm 119:164

13 1) WHAT 3 things were Pope Kyrillos famous for?
Man of prayer Loved the Liturgy Intercessions of St. Mary & St. Mina

14 2) WHY should we ask for intercession of the saints?
They are like our best friends They love us & pray for us before our Lord Jesus Christ

15 3) DO the saints need to be alive on earth to pray for us?
No, after the saints depart, they live forever with Christ in Paradise. They continue to pray & intercede for us. Pope Kyrillos & St. Mina continue to pray & perform miracles for their children today

16 This week …Let’s imitate Pope Kyrillos!
PRAYER & FASTING Choose 1 thing to pray for everyday Lent starting … choose 1 day/meal/food to try to fast from (parents’ permission & help) St. Mina’s intercession Ask St. Mina & Pope Kyrillos to intercede in all your prayers this week the LITURGY Get up a bit earlier for mass on Sundays Attend more liturgies during Lent

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