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NAMASKAR Mr.Govinda Sharma Dhakal Quality Control Officer Dr. Madhab Prasad Lamsal Managing Director Singh Durbar Vaidyakhana Vikas Samiti, Ministry of.

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Presentation on theme: "NAMASKAR Mr.Govinda Sharma Dhakal Quality Control Officer Dr. Madhab Prasad Lamsal Managing Director Singh Durbar Vaidyakhana Vikas Samiti, Ministry of."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAMASKAR Mr.Govinda Sharma Dhakal Quality Control Officer Dr. Madhab Prasad Lamsal Managing Director Singh Durbar Vaidyakhana Vikas Samiti, Ministry of Health and population Nepal

2 Traditional Medicine and Ayurveda The Heritage of Nepal We are thankful to the organizers to have given us this opportunity to deliver the country experiences about traditional medicines.

3 Nepal is known as a country crown by the highest mountain of the world MT. Everest, the advocate of peace, and a country with interesting natural beauties. Ayurveda is the most truly recorded culturally based health system in Nepal. Furthermore, this traditional knowledge provides great wealth and heritage to our nation. The globalization of traditional knowledge and medicine has provided us with the opportunity to review the values and wisdom of our ancestors, seer and masters.

4 AYURVEDA: PRE-HISTORIC LEGENDS OF HIMALAYA  The root of Ayurveda dates back to the Vedic period  Vedas are the oldest recorded documents of human civilization.  The objective of Ayurveda is to achieve the highest goal of life, the inner and outer dynamic harmony  This knowledge of Ayurveda can be found in a number of manuscripts, books, healing practices, in cultural functions and ceremonies, and the teachings and practices of traditional healers.

5 Herbal resources 2100 species of medicinal plants has been reported belonging 938 genera 218 families. Majority of Nepalese people rely on these resources for their livelihood and health issues There are many rare and highly important plants available in Nepal. Some of these herbs species are rare and endangered. Need immediate intervention.

6 Herbal resources Contd. This resource is potential for: innovation of new drug. the improvement of the economic status of the community. the management of the primary health care problems provide solution to the difficult heath issues in the world. the preservation of the global environment

7 Classical Manuscripts There are more than four thousands classical manuscripts in Nepal. In Ayurveda there are than 14000 classical recipes, and several other therapeutic techniques. This resource is in severe threat due to lack of proper preservation, research work and lack of knowledge. There is a serious threat to preserve patenting

8 Traditional Practitioners/Healers and others Capable of managing a diversity of health problems with locally available resources. A large number of the population still depends upon these practitioners. The estimated number of these practitioners in Nepal is 400,000. This resource is a potential for: -health service challenge -drug innovation -technological development -conservation of knowledge and practice -economic growth -utilization of local resources

9 Organizations related to Ayurveda andTraditional Medicine in Nepal Ministry of Health and Population Government of Nepal has already set up a focal unit– Ayurveda & Alternative Medicine Section which is responsible to develop necessary planning, policies, rules & regulations regarding traditional medicine existing in country and play vital role in co-operation, co-ordination, direction and monitoring other organization related to TM under the ministry.

10 Organizations related to Ayurveda andTraditional Medicine in Nepal Contd.. Department of Ayurveda Ayurveda Hospitals 2 Zonal Ayurveda Dispensaries 14 District Ayurveda Health Centers 61 Local Ayurveda Dispensaries 214

11 Nepal Ayurveda Medical Council this council has begun its activities for national registration and regulation of Ayurveda professional and academic institutions Other activities

12 Academic Institutions:  Ayurveda campus, (under Tribhuvan University): (75years old the first formal health education) Kathmandu runs under graduate (BAMS) course.  Mahendra Sanskrit University runs Ayurveda Paramedical training course in 7 different colleges.  CTEVT runs basic training courses.

13 Ayurveda Pharmaceutical Sector Singha Durbar Baidhyakhana VikasSamiti (360 years old Governments Pharmaceutical company / Pharmacy)  is seriously seeking for technical collaboration and cooperation.  Is running in several constraints with limited capacity  Need to promote  32 other private Ayurveda pharmaceutical companies.

14 Institutions related to Herbal Research Nepal Health Research council Department of plant resource Central department of Chemistry Central department of Botany Central department of Microbiology Research centre for applied science and technology Nepal Academy for science and technology Inter and intra institutional linkages, collaboration, cooperation, and technical and financial constraints are serious issues of these institutions in relation to the Traditional Medicine in Nepal

15 Policy documents National Health Policy National Drug Policy National Ayurveda Policy Long term health Plan

16 Constraint in Ayurveda/TM in country context Traditional medicine in Nepal is still in shadow due to lack of priority and overall policy, and planning. Policies are formulated without enough exercise and discussion, lack of far-sight-ness. Budget allocation makes it impossible to run activities on a long-term basis. Similarly, there is extreme lack of sound interrelationship amongst public, development partners, I/NGOs and private organizations and institutions to develop policies, planning, and research work and services activities for primary health care services.

17 Nodal station in Nepal Singh Durbar Vaidyakhana Vikas Samiti, Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal Nodal officer Managing Director

18 Sub regional and regional cooperation Need for Documentation of Properties Intellectual Properties Right activities. Information Dissemination Training and Education Common Values of same medicine/plants and therapies Uniformities in Training and Education curriculum Capacity building Technical and Financial support

19 Thank you all From NEPAL

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