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Improving Legislative Frameworks and Enforcement Measures Against IP Crime Mr. Khoo Boon Hui Commissioner, Singapore Police Force Vice-President for Asia,

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Legislative Frameworks and Enforcement Measures Against IP Crime Mr. Khoo Boon Hui Commissioner, Singapore Police Force Vice-President for Asia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Legislative Frameworks and Enforcement Measures Against IP Crime Mr. Khoo Boon Hui Commissioner, Singapore Police Force Vice-President for Asia, INTERPOL Executive Committee

2 Essentials of IPR Enforcement 3. Effective Enforcement Action 1. WTO-TRIPS Agreement 2. IPR Framework

3 Criminal Law provisions for IPR protection? Effective Enforcement Action Sufficient resources dedicated toward IP crime? Investigative Powers

4 IP crime is a new policing challenge No clear delineation of roles Customs? Police? Other agencies? Not a government priority Insufficient investment of resources Challenges of IPR Enforcement

5 INTERPOL against Intellectual Property Crime IP crime is a priority in INTERPOL INTERPOL works to… Raise the profile of IP crime globally Encourage investment of sufficient resources to protect IPR Coordinate transnational operations against IP crime

6 INTERPOL against Intellectual Property Crime Operation Jupiter – Southeast Asia Counterfeit malarial medicines Break-up of syndicated operations in China and Myanmar

7 INTERPOL against Intellectual Property Crime Operation Dragon Boat Counterfeit medical products Extending operations to the Greater Mekong Sub-region

8 Combating IP Criminals What gets measured gets done GovernmentsINTERPOL

9 IP Piracy Situation in Asia A major market for the consumption of counterfeit and pirated products. A major producer of counterfeit and pirated products. Software, music and movies piracy significant in all regions.

10 The Singapore Model IPR owners, enforcement agencies & industry work together within a conducive civil & criminal legislative framework IPR protection in Singapore has improved significantly since 1990s

11 The Singapore Model The 3 Es Approach ENGINEERING EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT

12 The Singapore Model 2-pronged approach: Police-initiated Piracy syndicates, Piracy icons, Hot spots Collaborative Combine resources to curb retail level piracy

13 The Singapore Model Successful cases 1 st in Asia for IP protection

14 Looking Ahead Improve enforcement efforts by government Keep IP legal framework relevant Closer collaboration between government & industry to tackle IP crime together


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