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Organisational response to climate change challenges Are we skilled to take on the challenge of responding to climate change challenges? Do we understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Organisational response to climate change challenges Are we skilled to take on the challenge of responding to climate change challenges? Do we understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organisational response to climate change challenges Are we skilled to take on the challenge of responding to climate change challenges? Do we understand what kind of organisations we need ? How do we start to think about organisational response ? How do we work with partners and clients on organisational response ? What can we learn from others? DFID /ADB Kathmandu Nepal June 2010

2 Why do we need to rethink our organisational response ? Nature of the CC challenge International Interconnected Long term Highly distributed Uncertain It is effecting people now

3 3 5 questions to support managing change 1 Where have we come from? 2 Where are we now? 3 Where are we going? 4 How are we going to get there? 5 How will we measure success? Charles Whitehead

4 Awareness Agency Association Action Reflection

5 Stages in response to CC response PACT framework Non responsive Compliant Effective management Breakthrough projects Strategic resilience The champion organisation Insider voices Performance acceleration for climate tool Increased levels of: Competence Sophistication Effectiveness

6 Development pathways Awareness Agency Leadership Agents of change Working together Learning Managing operations Programme scope and coherence Expertise D Ballard PACT

7 Examples from DFID to share It is about change Champions/ senior leadership is critical Networks, building and sustaining Distributed dialogue Resources (human and time) Tools and frameworks used Learning from elsewhere ?

8 Champions : Lesson from experience shared. Alexander Ballard Ltd. No champions no change Three types of champion –Formal – appointed ( often this can mean champion in name only) –Informal but recognised –Informal but not recognised by the organisation The ability to select champions and the ability to use them well is a strong signal to the response level the organisation is operating at ( Ballard 6 level model ) Characteristic Passion and they worked ahead of the organisation so could stimulate change Search for Agency ability to respond in a meaningful way Agency needs to be supported Keep your champions ahead of the game Real passionate champions can appear to be difficult to an organisation which values conformity Champions have energy Champions will earn faster and in a more relevant way than others, they can therefore make a fantastic resource for strategic programme development Lesson from Hampshire Country Council and Netherlands. Hand book and benchmarking tool kit

9 Objective To integrate climate change into development planning in country, to ensure programme and policy decisions respond strategically to the impacts of climate change: to make aid climate smart. Principles Strategic Programme Reviews will: Respond to country needs and timeframes Be designed, implemented and owned by the country team with support from consultants and CEG Be a participatory process and involve other Whitehall counterparts, donors and partners where possible Be piloted in 5-8 countries by the end of 2010, with a lesson sharing exercise in the autumn 2010 Result in new guidance or best practice for DFID country offices by end 2010 DFID Strategic Programme reviews

10 Early lessons SPR Needs time Started work before we build and secured leadership Worked well with good leaders Can not be tick box Needs to recognise different starting points Cant depend on linear bureaucratic processes Learning, refelction is essential

11 Subjective Objective Individual Collective Self and conscious I believe that……. Brain and organism Show me the evidence.. Culture and world view We need to change our behaviour ….. Social systems and environment What systems need to change Wilber

12 Level of Authority Control High Population dispersal Narrow Dispersed ?

13 Level of Authority Control High Population dispersal Narrow Dispersed DirectiveProactive up stream engagement Limited or no Public engagement Distributed dialogue Devolved Well promoted Collaborative Open Mixed methodology Influential Ref Talking for Change involve AE Anderson et al

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