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ECAs TEAM PROJECT by Axel Aerden & Mark Frederiks.

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Presentation on theme: "ECAs TEAM PROJECT by Axel Aerden & Mark Frederiks."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECAs TEAM PROJECT by Axel Aerden & Mark Frederiks

2 ECA's TEAM project | 2 I.What is TE@M? Transparent European Accreditation decisions and Mutual recognition agreements Call for proposals on Higher Education Reform (Socrates programme, Accompanying Measures) ECA project (applicant NVAO on behalf of ECA) Project steering group: ECA Coordinator (project manager), ANECA, FHR, NVAO, PKA & ECA Chairman

3 ECA's TEAM project | 3 II.Aim of the TE@M project To support the work of ECA To enhance the involvement of all ECAs members in all ECAs activities -Financial support of ECA members bilateral co- operations To try and do more than we would have been able with our own ECA budget To attract more attention to our shared goal of mutual recognition of accreditation decisions

4 ECA's TEAM project | 4 III.Objectives of the TE@M project Observation missions & reports Comparative analyses Publication: Advancing mutual recognition of accreditation decisions (ECAs London report) An online Information Tool Proposal regarding an Accreditation Supplement ECAs dissemination conference: Promoting mutual recognition of accreditation decisions

5 ECA's TEAM project | 5 IV.ECAs work and the TE@M project ECA Management Group Monitoring the TEAM project TEAM Steering Group Manages the activities of the project TEAM Stakeholder Group ENIC/NARICs, EUA, EURASHE, ESIB, UNICE Feedback ECA WG 3 Information Tool

6 ECA's TEAM project | 6 V.Observation missions & reports Observer takes part in an accreditation procedures Observation in the perspective of ECAs Code of Good Practice Working Group 1 Template and examples available

7 ECA's TEAM project | 7 VI.Comparative analyses Bilateral comparisons of higher education systems (~accreditation perspective) accreditation procedures accreditation standards publication policies Exploring substantial differences, i.e. differences that cause concern regarding mutual recognition Working Group 1 Template and example available

8 ECA's TEAM project | 8 VII. ECAs London Report Full report & summary for ministers Catalogue of achievements with regard to the work towards mutual recognition agreements Analysis of the relationship between accreditation and recognition of qualifications Exploration of the involvement of governments (legal issues) and stakeholders (respect for institutional autonomy) Management Group Outline of the publication

9 ECA's TEAM project | 9 VIII.Information Tool A database driven website based on members databases Information on qualifications from accredited programmes and institutions. Qualifications are presented in the perspective of the higher education system the accreditation organisation the recognition bodies Working Group 3 -Request for proposals

10 ECA's TEAM project | 10 IX.Accreditation Supplement ~Diploma Supplement Exploration of the possibility to introduce a supplement, in English, to the published accreditation results Exploration of the format of this supplement Integration into and published on the Information Tool website

11 ECA's TEAM project | 11 X.Dissemination Conference ECAs dissemination conference at the end of 2007 Open to a broad public of policy makers, stakeholders, recognition bodies and other European QA agencies Documentation on ECAs cooperation Publication of the outcomes of the conference (on the widening of mutual recognition)

12 ECA's TEAM project | 12 XI.TIMING 1.Primary phase (Sept. 2006 – March 2007) Activities Survey on the use of databases Start bilateral co-operations -Start of observer missions -Start comparative analyses Preparation of publication #3: Advancing mutual recognition of accreditation decisions Requests for proposals for the Information Tool Start of preparation of the dissemination conference

13 ECA's TEAM project | 13 XI.TIMING 1.Primary phase (Sept. 2006 – March 2007) Outputs Request for proposals for the Information Tool Comparative analyses Publication: ECAs London Report -Full report -Summary for the ministers

14 ECA's TEAM project | 14 XI.TIMING 2.Secondary phase (March. 2007 – Dec. 2007) Activities Start of development and design of the Information Tool Exploration of the Accreditation Supplement in combination with the Information Tool

15 ECA's TEAM project | 15 XI.TIMING 2.Secondary phase (March. 2007 – Dec. 2007) Outputs Reports of observer missions Conference registration website online Test version Information Tool online Two day conference (Dec. 2007)

16 ECA's TEAM project | 16 XI.TIMING 3.Tertiary phase (Dec. 2007 – March 2008) Activities Testing of the Information Tool Writing outcomes of the two day dissemination conference

17 ECA's TEAM project | 17 XI.TIMING 3.Tertiary phase (Dec. 2007 – March 2008) Outputs Information Tool Proposal Accreditation Supplements Publication: Promoting mutual recognition of accreditation decisions

18 ECA's TEAM project | 18 ?

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