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International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu, Nepal ICIMOD’s Regional Programme Framework and Collaboration Potentials (e.g., Abu.

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Presentation on theme: "International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu, Nepal ICIMOD’s Regional Programme Framework and Collaboration Potentials (e.g., Abu."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development Kathmandu, Nepal ICIMOD’s Regional Programme Framework and Collaboration Potentials (e.g., Abu Dhabi Knowledge Forum)

2 Outline of presentation ICIMOD’s programmatic framework Regional and national focus programmes Examples of regional research & national knowledge application work Knowledge management and data sharing platforms Abu Dhabi Knowledge Forum Final remarks

3 Strategic Programs Monitoring and impact assessment Outcomes/Impacts Implementation through Action Areas Rangeland management, community forestry Glaciers, climate change Biodiversity conservation Participatory watershed management Livelihood Ecosystem services Water & hazard Livelihoods - More sustainable Stable ecosystem services Sustainable trans- boundary water res. mgmt. Multi- disciplinary team People centered Regional approach IKM/ DSS tools Institutional Capacity building Multi- disciplinary team People centered Regional approach IKM/ DSS tools Institutional capacity building Information and knowledge management Livelihood Ecosystem services Sustainable Livelihoods & Poverty Reduction Environment Change & Ecosystem Services Integrated Water and Hazards Management ICIMOD’s Strategic Programs, Action Areas, Outcomes & Impacts

4 ICIMOD’s programmatic approaches Regional Approach: Research or Knowledge Development or Innovations activities National Approach: Outreaching or Mainstreaming program activities

5 Purpose and Nature of Regional Programmes Knowledge development is the goal Minimum of three countries are to be involved to cover trans-boundary issues Implemented with strategic partners and with support of resource centers outside RMC ICIMOD’s role: Sets common goal, methodology and protocols and prepares concept proposal with partners’ inputs ICIMOD coordinates implementation; Outputs: common data base, capacity dev., regional clearing house National partners: Implementation in regional framework

6 Ongoing regional action research activities of ICIMOD Integrated Water & Hazards Management: Cryosphere Monitoring HKH-HYCOS: Regional Flood Information and Management Env. Change & Ecosystem Services: Kailas Landscape Conservation Initiative Policy reforms in Shifting Cultivation areas Regional Rangeland Management Sustainable Livelihood & Poverty Reduction: Value chain development in High value products & services Livelihood adaptation in the Himalaya Knowledge Management & MENRIS: HKH Regional Information Platform HUC (EU-regional/Erasmus Mundus)

7 Purpose and Nature of National Programs Works with national level cooperation partners, Programs are of strategic importance with potentials for scaling up/outreaching, National priorities are the basis for design ICIMOD provides knowledge, skills, networking, training and in some cases seed money; National partners organize the in-country resources.

8 Current National Programs GTZ Indus Basin Project, Pakistan & Afghanistan; GLOF Monitoring Project in Nepal; REDD & Community Forestry, Nepal Medicinal plants conservation project, India (planned) Capacity Building of Afghan Universities GLOF Disaster Risk Reduction, Pakistan HIMALI project, Nepal

9 River Basin Approach: regional focus Aim: –To address u/s d/s linkages –To develop holistic understanding of impact of CC on diverse sectors and stakeholders –To address transboundary issues –To support basin-wide adaptation and mitigation strategies Indus Sapta Koshi Outcome: Improved understanding of the RMC partners about climate change impacts on hydrological regimes of river basins of HKH region and improved ability of partners for planning adaptation measures

10 Kabul Sutlej Beas Ravi Jhelum Chenab Indus Plain Upper Indus Glaciers in the Central Karakorum thickening and advancing, while glaciers in the adjacent areas to the North and West continue to diminish (Hewitt, 2005) The glacier area in Afghanistan and surrounding countries decreased by nearly 40% over the past 40 years (Zone, 2002) The vast majority of the studies on different glaciers in the Western Himalayas show retreating snouts and decreasing glacial mass balances (UNEP, 2009) Glacier dynamics Example: Indus Basin Programme

11 Multi scaling approach –Basin scale: Assessment of changes in water resources and demand dynamics –Sub-basin scale: process understanding, calibration of parameters (Pilot studies focusing on particular common sub-basins) Programme approach –Addressing key uncertainties –Coordination and exchange between & among partners –Integration of tools (models) –compatibility of methodology –Cost/benefit/advantages/disadvantages/impacts (how can research results can address these factors?) –Short-term benefits (How to provide short-term solutions for long-term plans?)

12 Example: Indus Basin Program (2) Engagement with partners: –Multiple stakeholders involvement in all riparian countries –Regular stock taking of relevant stakeholders –Engage decision makers for policy support and linkages Research gateway/Knowledge platform –Metadata and common database –Develop profiles –Create fora for sharing and refining methodologies ( to identify data/information gaps; –Platform for sharing transboundary issues, solutions and knowledge –Provide regular policy briefs to decision makers

13 Indus Basin Research Foci (3) –Downscaling of climate change scenarios –Hydrological modeling –Role of Black Carbon and aerosols –Study of avalanche and permafrost –Setting up representative observation stations (> 5000 m) –Application of internationally standardized research methods

14 HIMALI Programme: national focus Investment project by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (ADB financed): High Mountain Agribusiness and Livelihood Improvement (HIMALI). To improve incomes, livelihood security, and enhanced socio- ecological resilience of rural mountain population to future climatic impacts in three vulnerable target districts in Nepal focusing on value chains.

15 The Abu Dhabi Dialogue Group: The Abu Dhabi Dialogue Group (ADDG) is a partnership of senior members of government, academia and civil society from the seven countries that share the Rivers of the Greater Himalayas, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

16 The Abu Dhabi Knowledge Committee: The Abu Dhabi Knowledge Committee provides guidance on thematic research priorities to the Abu Dhabi Knowledge Forum and the selection committee of the Small Grants Fund to ensure that regional collaborative research topics have significant policy relevance.

17 Abu Dhabi Small Grants Fund : Purpose To facilitate collaboration among knowledge institutions from different Himalayan countries sharing Rivers and support them to work together Proposals will be called from research partnerships representing two or more countries to: a) initiate new knowledge generation, b) expand current (national) project activities across boundaries, c) disseminate knowledge within the region.

18 Grant Administration Mechanism ICIMOD will administer the Small Grants Fund and will: a) Calls for proposals b) Convene a selection committee (WB, ICIMOD) c) Manage the flow of funds, and monitor outputs

19 Integrated Data Platform Linking documents, images, photos, data Can be visualized/retrieved in spatial and non spatial way Layers of accessibility/ security Collection based upon minimum datasets and links/pointers to external databases Integration/extension of existing databases Map and data services

20 Public User 2Public User 1 Enterprise GIS/ Database Internet Local area network Data Services Map Services Spatial Non-spatial Metadata Online GIS Application Biodiversit y Land cover/use Poverty/ Livelihood Disaster Water / Cryosphere Water / Cryosphere Spatial Database - Vector - Image - MoDIS - Derivative Products Non-spatial Database - Census data - Monitoring (transect) - Economic and financial indicators - Environment, biodiversity related indicators ICIMOD Strategic Priorities ArcGIS Server

21 Snow and glaciers mapping Regional Landcover mapping Transboundary landscapes Various sector and thematic databases can not ‘talk’ to each other Biodiversity HKH-HYCOS-Flood info system Migration

22 SERVIR Himalaya - USAID / NASA, GEOSS, ICIMOD and RMCs partnership; - Five-year Framework 2010 - 2014 Augment capacity of ICIMOD and its partners; Earth observation and in-situ data combined with decision tools; Demand-driven applications; Monitoring, Assessment and Reporting; Regional status and trends;

23 SERVIR has been recognized by the Group on Earth Observations as an early achiever of the GEO vision


25 Final Remarks ICIMOD aims: to enhance socio-economic and ecological resilience of mountain population to climate change, water shortages and ecosystem degradation in the region. Key Areas: a.Himalayan river basins b.Sustainability of ecosystem services c.Livelihood improvement of mountain people d.Knowledge hub, capacity building and facilitation of regional dialogue

26 Thank you

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