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Accreditation of Joint Programmes new recipes for traditional ingredients traditional recipes with new ingredients ? or.. all new... a paradigm shift ?..

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1 Accreditation of Joint Programmes new recipes for traditional ingredients traditional recipes with new ingredients ? or.. all new... a paradigm shift ?.. Nick Harris..

2 what is a joint programme?! there are lots of combinations!.... typically.... they involve 2 – 20(!) full members – – typically all typically HEIs.. (public and private) – but also.. companies, NGOs and training organisations usually have a lead partner (which may rotate) spread over several countries (and even continents) – usually with different national QA requirements have associates.. other HEIs, placement providers etc

3 from consortia to programmes Lead HEI BCDE ABCDE zxy 2 - B 3 – C/D/E 1 - A

4 from consortia to programmes but where is the QA ?! @ the programme? the HEIs? and/or the consortium.... or ALL? Lead HEI BCDE ABCDE zxy 2 - B 3 – C/D/E 1 - A

5 finding the right touch not too heavy..... ?! University of Geneva but not too light !!

6 is a single accreditation possible ? YES! but what are the options for a single procedure? – one agency does it its way.. and others recognise – use one agencys procedure but anothers experts – use a shared procedure with traditional criteria – a shared procedure with new criteria (for jointness) – ??

7 but whatever the arrangement the key questions (should) be the same.. do they* have the authority to award a degree/degrees ? have they* agreed on their respective responsibilities ? is the programme coherent? – and set at the right level for the award**? are they* likely to be able to delver it? do they* deliver it OK ? do the students get a fair deal ? * the consortia collaborating to put the programme on ** joint /dual /? award

8 So.. for the QA agencies.. what is to be evaluated?... – not.. what can be evaluated ?... but – what MUST be evaluated ? when and how often evaluated?

9 core questions for evaluating... collaborative provision whose degree is it ? do they have power to award that degree? – selecting the partners; and getting written agreements – who / what is on the certificate / diploma who is responsible for what? – in programme design and delivery.. and internal monitoring – assessment and equivalence of academic standards – policies and information

10 and of course.. is the title appropriate? Budapest

11 core questions for evaluating collaborative provision what is the academic/professional level ? – including achieved LOs what is the quality of delivery ? is the student learning experience satisfactory ? [graded?] and how is it managed [ the teaching staff ? perhaps not !!! ] when and how often? – before a programme is offered.. ex ante ? – while a programme is being offered.. ex post

12 right now.. there are LOTS of QA agencies.. – with similar procedures (that differ in detail) but not applied to ALL equally.. – with LOTS of criteria.. that overlap.. but not exactly (some) options for the future.. ( status quo / evolution / paradigm shift ) we just go on doing as we do now.. in the crisis? we have multilateral mutual trust - ideal but with current laws? we seek mutual compromises.. on a case by case basis we go back to basics.. and seek what we all really need – and the extras individuals / groups

13 do we sit around - chatting.. ortest the water by diving in? Santander

14 so.. how is it for you ? what would you like ? what must you have ? regarding... national contexts and conditions procedural requirements... – and essential criteria what outcomes are essential ?

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