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1 Strategic Framework Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor Division of Workforce and Economic Development or follow.

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1 1 Strategic Framework Van Ton-Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor Division of Workforce and Economic Development or follow on Twitter @WorkforceVan Version as of August 11, 2012 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGES CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE

2 Collective need Unemployment rate 2M+ out of work, many 6 months or more 67% voters focused on jobs and economy Outcry for skilled workforce by sectors California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students The call to action

3 San Diego/Imperial ----- Los Angeles Orange County ----- East Bay North Bay SF/Mid Peninsula Silicon Valley Santa Cruz/Monterey ----- Inland Empire ----- Greater Sacramento Northern Inland CA Northern Coastal CA ----- South Central ----- Central Mother Lode California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students California’s reality: many regional economies

4 TARGET investments By REGION At SECTORS – Priority – Emergent California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students WHAT IF?

5 State Chancellor’s Office workforce funds – EWD – SB70 – Perkins 1B Other resources – Private – Public – Foundation – Federal, state, regional, local California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students WHAT IF? Braid funds The feds are already doing it.

6 6 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students Thriving regions Thriving state California comeback

7 7 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students Thriving state A more competitive nation Not IF? But HOW. Other states are no longer debating.

8 8 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students A more competitive nation In a global economy America comeback NY Times Tom Friedman: “Average is over.”

9 California’s workforce system refocusing to train by sector by region. Governor California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) State Leadership Body CWIB, Labor Agency, CCCCO, ETP, EDD, DAS, CDE’s Adult Ed, HHS, GoBiz, and others Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Sector Partnership Develop shared goals for the system; Align and repurpose resources to achieve those goals; Establish metrics for success and develop “integrated” data collection system; Establish statewide communities-of-practice and support technical assistance (TA) to regions; Work together to develop an effective system of actionable labor market information; monitor progress; course correct. Regional Workforce & Econ Dev Network(s)

10 10 Jobs & Economy Goals: Supply in-demand skills for employers Create relevant pathways and stackable credentials Get Californians into open jobs Promote student success Community colleges refocusing to train by sector by region. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

11 11 California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students Doing What MATTERS for Jobs & the Economy Framework for California’s community colleges GIVE PRIORITY 1A. Consider labor market needs when making local decisions: budget, courses, programs. 1B. Decide on program capacity as a region. MAKE ROOM 2. Retool programs that are not working or not meeting a labor market need so that students can study what matters. STUDENT SUCCESS 3A. Braid funding and advance common metrics in CCCCO RFAs. 3B. Strengthen regions with four skillsets: data mining, convening, technology, and curriculum approval. INNOVATE 4. Solve a complex workforce training need so that our system can better deliver for employers and sectors.

12 Give us your feedback. Visit California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

13 Subscribe to eUpdates. Follow on Twitter @WorkforceVan. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

14 Braid state chancellor’s workforce funds to target investment. Proposal for 2013-14. 14 Regions Consortia Chair/Co-Chairs Collaborative Communities Mini Grants Sectors – Priority & Emergent Sector Lead Collaborative Community Mini Grants Programming Technical Assistance (TA) TA Expertise procured to support field’s attainment of regional sector priorities California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

15 Investment in regions. Proposed for 2013-14. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 15 Self-identify… Priority Sectors: 1. ? 2. ? 3. ? Emergent Sectors: 1. ? 2. ?

16 16 1. Advanced Manufacturing 2. Advanced Transportation & Renewables 3. Agriculture, Water & Environmental Technologies 4. Energy (Efficiency) & Utility 5. Health 6. Life Science/Biotech 7. Information Communications Technologies 8. International Trade & Exports 9. Small Business & Tourism 10. Retail/Hospitality “Learn-and-Earn” Resourced with Sector Lead + Collaborative Community + Mini Grants + Programming Investments in sectors. Proposal for 2013-14. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

17 17 Labor market information (e.g., Centers of Excellence) Navigating contract education (aka., Catherine Swenson) Enrollment management, data and accountability tools (e.g., Veratac, DCS) toolkits Veteran’s pathways; work-based learning Perkins special pops and non-traditionals With CCCAOE, Leadership Program on CTE/EWD/Perkins fundamentals With ASCCC, resources and professional development in instructional design & curricular approval With Basic Skills Initiative, resources and professional development contextualized basic skills Others As is prioritized by regions, sectors and funding TA Expertise procured by CCCCO to support field’s attainment of regional sector priorities Investments in Technical Assistance (TA). Proposal for 2013-14. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

18 Your region’s 10-year trend in career technical education (CTE) portfolio California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 18

19 Thank you! California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 19 Give us feedback: o o Twittter @WorkforceVan o

20 20 APPENDIX California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

21 TREND: California’s regions say… Train for sectors. Expand CTE. California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 21

22 Is our system trending the right way? California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students 22 Source: CCCCO MIS 10 year decline in “CTE as a % of FTES”

23 23 State apportionment not proportionally being used on CTE. Source: CCCCO MIS FTES California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

24 Crosswalk between 2012-13 to 2013-14 24 Formerly, 2013-14 Priority Sectors 2012-13 EWD Initiative2012-13 Perkins Advisory 1.HealthRegional Health Occup. Res. Ctr.Health Occupations; Family Consumer Science 2.Advanced ManufacturingCtr. for Applied Compet. TechnologiesIndustrial Tech Education 3.Advanced Transport & RenewablesAdv. Transportation Tech and EnergyIndustrial Tech Education 4.Energy (Efficiency) & UtilityAdv. Transportation Tech and EnergyIndustrial Tech Education 5.Information & Comm TechnologiesIntegrated Mobile ApplicationsInformation & Comm. Tech. 6.International Trade & ExportsInternational Trade & Development-- 7.Small Business & Tourism Business & Entrepreneurial Ctrs.Business Education 8.Life Sciences/BiotechApplied Biological Technologies Init.Health Occupations 9.Agriculture, Water & Environ TechEnvironmental Training CentersAgriculture & Natural Resources 10.Retail/Hospitality “Learn-and-Earn” Workplace Learning Resource Ctr.Non-Traditional Training; Work Based Learning; Family Consumer Science 2013-14 Knowledge Communities Only 11.Education, Child Dvlpmt, Family Svcs--Family Consumer Science 12.Construction Trades, Eng, Architecture--Industrial Consumer Science 13.Public Safety--Public Safety 14.Business Administration--Business Education; Real Estate 15.Interior Design, Fashion, the Arts--Family Consumer Science California Community Colleges – Chancellor’s Office | 112 Colleges | 72 Districts | 2.6 Million Students

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