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ETEPS European Teacher Education for Primary Schools Linnaeus University Buskerud University College.

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Presentation on theme: "ETEPS European Teacher Education for Primary Schools Linnaeus University Buskerud University College."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETEPS European Teacher Education for Primary Schools Linnaeus University Buskerud University College

2 ETEPS Presentation Why Who History Structure of the programme Visitation process Challenges

3 ETEPS-WHY TE rooted in history and culture of the countries Globalizing world, working abroad ETEPS International education

4 ETEPS-WHO University College Zealand, Denmark Linnaeus University, Sweden Buskerud University College, Norway Stenden University, The Netherlands Unfortunately not: Charles University, Czech Republic Anadolu University, Turkey

5 ETEPS- Historie 2007-2009: Erasmus multilateral project 6 countries Objectives: - best practices in a joint programme - staff and student mobility - possibility of accreditation - recognitions of modules/ subjects / degrees - contribution to the global community of the European democratic values of social cohesion, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue TEAM II project, pressure of time

6 Structure of the programme 1 year2 Year3 Year4 Year Mandatory teaching subjects 30English as a second language30 ECTS Eligible teaching subjects to be offered year 2, 3 and 4 30Physical education and health 30 ECTS 30Intercultural understanding, religion and social cohesion 30Natural Science, Life Science and Technology 30Mathematics 30Special education 30Art and Culture Eligible teaching subjects only to be offerede in year 4 30Mother tongue 30 ECTS 30Foreign language 30English lower secondary Obligatory educational subjects 20Research and academic working methods 10 ECTS 35Educational Studies10 ECTS 5 ECTS 10Culture and society10 ECTS 40Teaching Experience10 ECTS 15Bachelor Thesis 15 ECTS

7 Visitation process Writing the self evaluation report, initial accreditation framework NVAO Interpretation, part of teacher education or totally new, new laws on joint degrees Site visit, panels, what is the context of the joint programme Procedure after the site visit

8 ETEPS-challenges 1 programme 4 national regulations Deep or broad Finance Implication accreditation different countries Flows of students Changing laws Etc.

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