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Tools: Digital Technology Remote Sensing – Data collected from aerial photography and satellite imagery. GPS – Global Positioning System – System of satellites.

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Presentation on theme: "Tools: Digital Technology Remote Sensing – Data collected from aerial photography and satellite imagery. GPS – Global Positioning System – System of satellites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools: Digital Technology Remote Sensing – Data collected from aerial photography and satellite imagery. GPS – Global Positioning System – System of satellites & receivers to plot location. GIS – Geographic Information System - System to manipulate & display spatial data.

2 Remote Sensing Aerial Photography

3 Remote Sensing Geostationary Satellites –GOES (Weather)

4 Global Positioning System –24 satellites orbit earth every 12 hours –Time of signal to receiver gives distance –Triangulation gives location

5 Geographic Information Systems –System for storing, analyzing and manipulating spatially referenced data –Data consists of layers of one variable such as: vegetation, landforms, or soils –Layers can be overlaid/combined for analysis or display –Applications include: resource management, planning, hazard assessment, etc.

6 GEOG 1112: Weather and Climate Earth-Sun Geometry Seasons

7 Our Place in Space Speed of Light 299,792 km/s (186,282 m/s) Milky Way Galaxy – 100,000 ly across Our Solar System – 11 ly across Moon is 1.28 light seconds away Gravity – mutual attracting force exerted by the mass of an object on all other objects

8 The Sun About 4.6 Billion Years Old Average Star, Nothing Special 100 times diameter of Earth Powers most natural processes on Earth 8.3 min. for Sun’s energy to reach Earth Strong Magnetic Fields/Sunspots

9 Solar Activity and Solar Wind Solar wind = clouds of electrically charged particles Sunspots are caused by magnetic storms. These cause changes in the solar output Sunspots have activity cycles

10 Auroras

11 Earth-Sun Relationship Most Physical Processes on Earth powered by incoming radiation from Sun Earth-Sun Relationship Complex – Depends on: –Latitude –Position of Sun in Sky –Time of Year –Earth’s Rotation/Axial Tilt

12 Shape of the Earth Insolation Variation in Sun Angle by Latitude Oblate Spheroid Subsolar Point



15 Atmospheric Beam Depletion  Solar radiation is diminished relative to the amount of atmosphere the radiation passes through.  High solar angles see little reduction in intensity as the path from the top of the atmosphere to the surface is short.

16 Earth’s Orbit Around the Sun Plane of the Ecliptic One Revolution = 365.24 Days Elliptical Orbit Perihelion/Aphelion Seasons not due to distance from Sun



19 Dimensions and Distances Earth’s orbit – Average distance from Earth to the Sun is 150,000,000 km (93,000,000 mi) – Perihelion – closest at January 3 147,255,000 km (91,500,000 mi) – Aphelion – farthest at July 4 152,083,000 km (94,500,000 mi) – Takes energy 8 min 20 sec to reach Earth – Plane of Earth’s orbit is the plane of the ecliptic

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