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Central Texas College College Prep Mathematics and English Language Arts Courses 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Texas College College Prep Mathematics and English Language Arts Courses 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Texas College College Prep Mathematics and English Language Arts Courses 2014-2015

2 College Prep Mathematics and English Language Arts Courses Purpose 1.To establish a partnership between the ISD and CTC to meet the requirements as mandated by The State of Texas. 2.To create seamless pathways for students to enter into college level work in mathematics and English Language Arts without further remediation.

3 Format Semester format. The courses and learning outcomes are developed by CTC faculty. End of Course Exams are created by CTC faculty and provided to the ISD. Courses are taught by ISD instructors. Courses are not considered for Dual Credit or college credit. Students complete pre-course TSI.

4 College Preparatory Mathematics Three Departmental Final Exams administered as student progress through the three courses: Pre-Algebra, Beginning Algebra, and Intermediate Algebra (40-50 questions each with 50% Multiple Choice).

5 College Preparatory English Objective Final Examination – Seventy-five questions Multiple Choice. Writing prompt given for student to complete a five paragraph essay – Grading is completed using provided rubrics.

6 Grading o Essay Rubric: Organization, Development, Clarity, Structure. o Essays are graded from one (1) to four (4). o Essays are holistically graded by two readers (only student ID# is provided). o Essays with a score of 5 or greater are passing. o English Language Arts – 70/5 or 60/6 or better on the essay. o Mathematics – 70% o Student exams must be maintained for a period of one year.

7 Instructional Materials  Mathematics: – Martin-Gay, Pearson Education. – My Math Lab or My Foundations Lab. – Texts and materials already available at the ISD.  ELA: ‾McWhortner, Kathleen: Reflections: Patterns for Reading and Writing. ‾Lundsford, Andrea. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. ‾MySkills Lab or My Foundations Lab ‾Texts and materials already available at the ISD.

8 Services Provided by CTC 1.Grant Texas State testing requirement completion once student meets scores on final course. 2.Provide syllabi. 3.Provide Student Learning Outcomes to the ISD. 4.Provide exams equivalent to the departmental final exams. 5.Provide types of essays and rubric for grading of essays. 6.Randomly check exams of students to ensure proper grading procedures. 7.Provide training to the instructors.

9 ISD 1.Provide qualified instructors. 2.Identify students who are not college ready as stated in HB5. 3.Provide a curriculum consistent with CTC Student Learning Outcomes. 4.Require students to take the CTC departmental finals and a pre-TSI. Note: A post-TSI is not required, but recommended.


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