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HOW SCIENCE WORKS COSMIC UNIFORMITARIANISM. In geology…… UNIFORMITARIANISM is the assumption that the processes we observe today are the same that occurred.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW SCIENCE WORKS COSMIC UNIFORMITARIANISM. In geology…… UNIFORMITARIANISM is the assumption that the processes we observe today are the same that occurred."— Presentation transcript:


2 In geology…… UNIFORMITARIANISM is the assumption that the processes we observe today are the same that occurred in the past.

3 Short form-- The present is the key to the past.

4 For example-- We can SEE lava cooling to form igneous rock with certain shapes.

5 So when this type of formation is found elsewhere, It is assumed it formed the same way.

6 Modern blue-green algae produce oxygen

7 So it is assumed that ancient forms did as well.

8 Plant fossils in coal lead us to believe that coal formed where there is extensive plant growth.

9 So when ancient coal deposits are found, They are taken as evidence of a wet, warm climate.

10 Cosmic Uniformitarianism is the idea that our knowledge of how Earth features form transfers to other parts of the solar system.

11 Short form-- The Earth is the key to understanding the solar system.

12 Running water on Earth creates certain surface features.

13 If we see the same features on another planet, we assume it was produced in the same way

14 It is assumed that physical laws e.g. laws that govern motion, forces and energy

15 Are the same throughout the solar system. Spectra created in the lab on earth can tell us the chemical composition of celestial objects.

16 So, gravity varies with mass as predicted by Newton’s law…

17 CONCLUSION: At present, there is no reason to believe that things happen differently elsewhere. At the same time, there are unexplained mysteries!

18 The end. O4&feature=player_detailpage&safety_mode= true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active O4&feature=player_detailpage&safety_mode= true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

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