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College Bound Presented by Trish Schneider Jefferson County Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education May 30, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "College Bound Presented by Trish Schneider Jefferson County Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education May 30, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Bound Presented by Trish Schneider Jefferson County Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education May 30, 2008

2 Aims of $10,000 grant: Transition 50 GED students to postsecondary by April 1, 2009 Train GED instructors in postsecondary options Distribute materials to learning centers Provide GE 100 online More about KentuckyCAN

3 What is Your Purpose? Are you preparing students for an exam, or are you providing an education?

4 What’s in it for you? Helps retention Helps performance indicators Provides motivation Attracts more than GED students

5 Why Do Students Walk Through Your Door? to get a job to get a better job to keep a job to earn more money to be an example to children court-ordered

6 Challenge

7 What is Postsecondary?

8 Activity

9 Technology –Use computers for essay lessons, math drills Math –Use degree earnings charts in math lessons Writing –Provide topics such as educational attainment, unemployment, etc. Reading –Use college textbooks for reading comprehension assignments Easy Ways to Incorporate Higher Education into Lesson Plans

10 Test Comparison COMPASS Computerized Calculator on all parts of math Untimed Covers reading, writing, math Writing is editing passages GED Pencil and paper Calculator on one part of math Timed Also covers science and social studies Writing is an essay and multiple choice

11 Goal-Setting Link career goals with education Take free interest inventories at Encourage the student to visit the CREW Center Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook to research educational needs Find Kentucky specific information at

12 Did you know... Facts about 10% of the 15,478 students are GED graduates? 42% are first-generation college students? The average age is 26? 53% are women? 70% work more than 20 hours per week? 22% are African-American?

13 The Need for Remediation at JCTC 83% of new students need one or more developmental classes GED graduates have to take developmental writing and math

14 Money Federal financial aid Kentuckiana College Access Center Scholarships: and Disabilities Contact disability office at local colleges Watch clip “You Can DO IT!” at Free book from the Office for Civil Rights Student Barriers

15 Introduction to College FREE to GED students 100% online Learn: Time Management Study Skills Test-taking Strategies Career Choices Financial Aid Options Self-advocacy GE 100

16 Trish Schneider (502)485-7279

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