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Your “Do Now” Make a list of all the kinds of writing you do in a week.

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Presentation on theme: "Your “Do Now” Make a list of all the kinds of writing you do in a week."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your “Do Now” Make a list of all the kinds of writing you do in a week.

2 Learning to Write, Writing to Learn A Parent Academy Presentation: Sharon Suskin, Supervisor K-5 Jan Gleim, Supervisor 6-8 April Gonzalez, Supervisor 9-12

3 Thinking About Writing Share your lists. What kinds of writing do our children do in a typical week? What does the future of writing look like for our children?

4 We Are All Writers at Heart Heart Map WATERMELON TOPIC TO SEED IDEA Casey Meeting Casey Toilet Paper Pool Incident

5 Parents as Writers Your task:  On your heart map, fill in the things you care about -- things that are in your heart.  Choose one topic, and list three events related to that topic.  Turn to your neighbor and share one of the three events.  Write about it!

6 Debrief Describe your experience in choosing a topic, sharing it, and writing about it. How did you feel as you experienced this writing task?

7 “All students have stories to tell; they just don’t always know they do.” Lucy Calkins Becoming a Writer

8 The Writing Process Begin with this belief: “I am a WRITER!” Choose topics Build stamina for writing Learn the author’s craft for revision Edit for an audience or for publication to make good writing better

9 Our Budding Writers South Brunswick School District Grades K-5

10 K – 5 Writing Process Choosing a topic Planning stories through oral rehearsal (telling stories to each other), sketching, using graphic organizers Using mini-lessons to “lift the quality” of writing Learning from mentor authors Making good writing better through editing

11 Kinds of Writing, grades K-2 Narrative – Small moments – Personal narrative – Realistic Fiction Non-Narrative –How-To and All-About books –Poetry –Response to literature

12 Kinds of Writing, grades 3-5 Narrative –Personal narrative –Fiction –Memoir Non-Narrative –Essay –Response to literature –Research projects

13 Our Developing Writers CROSSROADS MIDDLE SCHOOL Grades 6 - 8

14 Writing Process, grades 6 - 8 Topics generated through curriculum: audience, mode, and purpose Build skills in organization and use of literary devices Explore voice and style Apply peer- and self-revision strategies Edit for an audience or for publication

15 Kinds of Writing, grades 6 - 8 INFORMATIONAL –Response to literature –Writing in content areas –Research EXPRESSIVE –Narrative –Poetry –Short Stories PERSUASIVE –Letters –Essays

16 Our Accomplished Writers

17 Writing to Learn Process, grades 9 - 12 Integrated / Interwoven with Literature: –Quick writes –Double-entry journals –Graphic organizers –Open-ended questions –Short analyses Writing in Response to Literature

18 Learning to Write Process, grades 9 - 12 Prewriting –Brainstorming –Outlining –Using graphic organizers –“Unpacking” rubric Multiple Drafts –Expository / quotations with citations Peer review via writer’s workshop – small group –teacher-student conferencing –whole group Final draft

19 Kinds of Writing, grades 9-12 CREATIVE Short stories Poems Screen plays Novel chapters EXPOSITORY Literary analysis Essays (SAT, HSPA) Memoirs/autobiographical (college essays) Research

20 Supporting Your Children as Writers Text-Rendering Activity: “An Open Letter to an Assessor” –Assign paragraphs to small groups –Capture the essence of your paragraph in a phrase –Share with group

21 Tips for Parents Tell your children the stories of your life; remind them about the stories of their lives (storytelling as the inspiration for writing) Model and share “parents as writers” pieces Communicate in writing to share important events, feelings, and moments Read together to discover the writer’s craft Value your child’s compositional risks

22 Resources: 6-12 Writing Guide (online) Nine Rights of Every Writer (V. Spandel) Thank You ~ Go Forth and WRITE!

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