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Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia (Nov 2008 – Feb 2009) Bradford Philips Director, Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia (Nov 2008 – Feb 2009) Bradford Philips Director, Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia (Nov 2008 – Feb 2009) Bradford Philips Director, Public Health Emergencies ADPC 9 November 2009 Project Activities, Key Outcomes/Accomplishments AHI-NGO-RC/RC Asia Partnership

2 Background of the Project Objectives, Key Activities/Outcomes Gaps/Priorities Video Showing Questions and Answers Outline of Presentation: AHI-NGO-RC/RC Asia Partnership

3 NGO/CBO experience & effective interventions in managing AHI in Asia - not systematically documented, collected, disseminated to benefit other AHI practitioners, organizations, communities, countries & regions Limited opportunity for collective sharing of experience – workshops Limited availability of evaluations, training material and courses for community based AHI practitioners Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Project Rationale:

4 Limited engagement with national policymakers or international technical agencies – small scale, fragmented nature of CB projects Regional AHI Forum – desire for value-adding to this experience Result: Formation of the AHI-NGO-RC/RC Asia Partnership and proposal to Asian Development Bank with funding from Canadian Government Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Project Rationale: Target Countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam

5 strengthened the role of NGOs and CBOs in combating AHI at the community level in the Asia region increased capacity of CBOs to engage with governments to include homegrown solutions into national policies for AHI control and prevention To strengthen community-based prevention & control of avian & human influenza (AHI) in Asia region. Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia The Project: Project Goal:

6 Representatives from 4 organizations + ADB Provide overall direction; guide implementation of activities; responsible for monitoring & review Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Project Steering Committee: Engagement with Partners: Project Activities: in line with global & country AHI strategies (WHO Global Influenza Preparedness Plan & national AHI plans Coordination: key stakeholders (country/regional levels) – prevented duplication & overlap of activities; enhanced info sharing & coordination of activities

7 1.A regional Resource Kit for Community-Based Management of AHI in Asia was developed, published and disseminated to agencies and organizations involved in the management of AHI in Asia to provide AHI Practitioners with a compilation of lessons learnt, key tools and resources. Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

8 Process: –Solicited, documented & collected good practices in CB AHI through experienced sharing at the Regional Practitioners Workshop – compiled into Resource Kit of resources & reference materials for AHI practitioners Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

9 –Resource Kit: lessons learned drawn, complemented existing guides & communication toolkits (e.g. UNICEF), contributed to multi-sector perspective in AHI control & prevention at community level, enhanced strategies (CBO/NGO) in engaging with international technical agencies and the government –Target Users: project managers (local, national, international NGOs), RC/RC, local government staff – working with communities to implement AHI programs Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

10 Resource Kit Title: Communities Respond: Experience –Sharing in Community-Based Management of AHI in Asia: 5 Thematic Areas/Chapters Easy-to-use set of key lessons, case studies and AHI resources (guidelines, reports, etc.) for community-based AHI management in Asia A DVD of resources for community-based management of AHI in Asia Electronic copy is available in the project website: Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

11 Resource Kit Thematic Areas: Chapter 1: Understanding Communities: From Knowledge into Practice Chapter 2: Communicating for Action: Mobilising Individual and Social Change through Communication Chapter 3: Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods through Health Community- Level Poultry Production and Trade Chapter 4: Participatory Surveillance at Community Level and Training of Animal/Human Health Workers Chapter 5: Community Preparedness Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

12 2.The sharing of experiences between community-level practitioners in Asia was promoted through Four Study Tours for community-based AHI practitioners Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

13 Process: –Facilitated exchange of experience among CB AHI practitioners in the region –4 one-week long study tours (participated by community, RC/RC, NGO reps) –Categories: cross-border (communities from neighboring countries), national (reps from communities within a country) Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

14 Process: –Cross-border Study Tour in Cambodia (June 2008) hosted by CelAgrid, IFRC and Cambodian Red Cross 23 participants, from 12 different organizations Focus on Rural Bio-security (impact of AI and family economics); field visit to rural development livelihoods project Sharing of experience and cross-learning across countries Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

15 Process: –National Study Tour in Vietnam (July 2008) hosted by Catholic Relief Services 23 representatives from NGOs, UN organizations & provincial government working at the community level Focus on Ensuring Safe & Sustainable Small-Scale Poultry and Livestock Raising Among Vulnerable Communities Field observations of CRS project sites in Thanh Hoa Province (North) Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

16 Process: –National Study Tour in Thailand (July 2008) hosted by International Office for Migration, ADPC and Intl. Rescue Com. Focus on Emergency Preparedness involving Vulnerable Groups (migrants, refugees) 17 participants (14 stakeholders (including representatives from migrant communities, village health workers, local government, etc) Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

17 Process: –Cross-border Study Tour in Indonesia (Feb 2009) hosted by GTZ Focus on Awareness-Raising And Life-Skills Development for AHI Prevention and Control in-Schools 28 participant representatives from CBOs, NGOs, INGOs donor organizations & Min. of National Education (MoNE) provincial government working at the community level (school community) Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

18 3.A Training Package for community-based AHI Management Practitioners was developed to train AHI practitioners in participatory tools and methods for working with communities –Goal: to enhance the skills and knowledge in different technical areas of AHI management at the community level Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

19 Process: –developed based on the outputs all the project activities: the Regional Community-Based AHI Management Practitioners Workshop, the Resource Kit and Study Tours –was piloted and enhanced through 2 regional multi-agency workshops attended by a total of 42 practitioners from NGOs and community-based organizations in Asia Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

20 Training Package Modules (based from Resource Kit Framework): Module 0: Introduction & Basic Concepts of CB-AHI Management Module 1: Understanding Communities: From Knowledge to Practice Module 2: Safe and Sustainable Village Poultry Production and Trade Module 3: Communicating for Action: Mobilizing Individual & Social Change through Communication Module 4: Community-based AHI Surveillance Module 5: Community level Emergency Preparedness Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

21 Training Workshops: 42 community-level practitioners from NGOs, CBOs and Red Cross Societies acquiring enhanced knowledge and skills in the different technical areas of AHI management and training in the use of participatory tools and methods for community-based management of AHI strengthening the network of community-level practitioners involved in community-based management of AHI in Asia sharing of experiences, successes, challenges and lessons in community- based management of AHI (among participants from different countries and agencies, facilitators/resource persons) Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/ Key Activities Outcomes: Objectives/ Key Activities Outcomes:

22 4.Communication and coordination among organizations involved in the management of AHI in Asia is strengthened by a monthly Regional Inter-Agency Information Sharing/Coordination Forum on AHI –Goal: to contribute to the overall communication and coordination among different types of organizations working on the management of AHI in Asia Strengthening Community Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

23 Process: –SEA monthly Regional Forum (coordinator: IFRC 2006- 2008; ADPC 2008-2009); 50 organizations Bangkok- based –Quarterly newsletter: regional developments; availability of AHI-NGO-RC project outputs Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

24 –Web-page: provide links with other AHI website; inventory of CB AHI programs in the region; disseminate reports of regional events & tools developed under this project; facilitate networking for practitioners in CB management of AHI Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

25 sharing and dissemination of information on policies, guidelines, projects and activities in the management of AHI in Asia, that are being implemented by the different involved agencies and organizations highlighting and sharing of the experience of practitioners working at the community level in prevention and control of AHI – including successes, challenges and lessons Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

26 strengthening of the network of organisations(INGOs, NGOs, UN agencies, donors, academics, private sector, etc.) working with communities in the management of AHI in Asia through regular sharing of information and resources, both formally and informally, and upon which individuals and organizations can depend upon for assistance when needed; and improving coordination between individuals and organizations working to mitigate the threat of AHI in Southeast Asia, and other regions, through this regular networking and sharing of information Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

27 Community-based AHI practitioners shared best practices Strengthened community based and national surveillance Facilitated communication and collaboration between: –health and animal health –Ministries and local counterparts Strengthened capacities of national NGOs and CBOs, cross-border, regionally Served as a bridge between technical fields and sectors Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes: Objectives/Activities/ Outcomes:

28 Project Workshops: Regional Community-Based AHI Management Practitioners Workshop, Bangkok: 10-13 March 2008 Resource Kit Peer-Review Workshop, Bangkok: 16-17 June 2008 Regional Pilot Training Workshop, Bangkok: 27-31 October 2008 Second Practitioners Workshop, Bangkok: 26-31 January 2009 Strengthening Community Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Objectives/Key Activities/ Outcomes: Objectives/Key Activities/ Outcomes:

29 1.Community-level Surveillance: – Communities tend to be poorly linked into national systems for communicable disease surveillance, reporting and control, thereby increasing the risks of AHI at community level and weakening national, regional and international capacity to detect and control AHI. Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Addressing Gaps/Priorities:

30 2.Emergency preparedness at the community level: –Communities are still rarely directly involved in emergency preparedness planning activities and exercises (including preparedness planning for rapid response to outbreaks of AI, to human infection with H5N1, and to a possible pandemic influenza outbreak); such low levels or lack of community preparedness for and resilience to AHI-related emergencies, including a possible pandemic, increases national and regional risks. Strengthening Community Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Addressing Gaps/Priorities:

31 3.Capacity of national staff to develop, implement, assess and evaluate participatory community-based AHI management projects: – Country-level NGO and local government staff have limited capacity to develop, implement, assess and evaluate participatory projects in community-based management of the risk of AHI, resulting in frequent cases of project failure, lack of sustainability, and misdirected resources. Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Addressing Gaps/Priorities:

32 4.Private sector involvement in community-based management of AHI: –Private sector organizations at the local level are not sufficiently involved in community-based management of AHI. Strengthening Community-Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia Addressing Gaps/Priorities:

33 Video Showing: Bridging the Gap: Between HPAI Awareness and Practice in Cambodia By: FAO

34 Questions?

35 Public Health In Emergencies, ADPC Tel: +66-2 298 0681ext 400 Fax: +66-2 298 0012 to 13 E-mail: URL: Project Website: Strengthening Community Based Approaches to Management of Avian and Human Influenza (AHI) in Asia More Information:


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