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College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Mentoring Program.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Mentoring Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Mentoring Program

2 Tenure and Promotion

3 Univ. Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines     Bookmark it!

4 Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Policy “ISU is committed to providing   equal opportunity   educational and work environment free from discrimination

5 EO / AA Protected Classes RaceAge ColorMarital Status ReligionPhysical/mental disability SexSexual orientation AncestryNational origin Status as disabled Vet Unfavorable military discharge Status as Vietnam Era Vet

6 ISU Sexual Harassment Statement   Contrary to ISU standards and mission   Responsibility to maintain an academic and work environment free from sexual harassment   Sexual harassment is illegal and will not be tolerated

7 ISU Statement (continued)   ISU will take whatever action necessary to prevent, stop, correct, or discipline harassing behavior   Policy covers same-sex harassment   Policy shall not abridge academic freedom or educational mission

8 ISU Statement—Definition   Unwelcome sexual advances   Requests for sexual favors   Verbal, physical, or other form of expression of a sexual nature   When submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment or academic decisions

9 Definition (continued)   Or such conduct that interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance   Or that creates an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive work or academic environment

10 Sexual Harassment Examples   Sexual assault   Submission to sexual advances is explicitly or implicitly required as a condition or term of education or employment, e.g., grades   Repetitive sexual comments, questions, jokes, gestures or other forms of sexually explicit expression

11 Reporting Harassment   The Grievance Procedures list various ways to file a complaint   Report incidents promptly in the most comfortable manner

12 Consensual Relations   Ethical obligation to refrain from relationships that constitute conflicts of interest   Defined in terms of power differential   Evaluation or supervision of individual in amorous or sexual relationship

13 Consensual Relations Warnings (also in Faculty Code of Ethics)   Power differential can create subtle coercion even in apparently consensual relationships   Vulnerable to charges of sexual harassment   If allegation of sexual harassment is made, investigation will proceed even if relationship has been mediated per policy

14 Consensual Relations— Amendment to Faculty code of Ethics (2/18/04) Faculty members have an ethical obligation not to initiate nor enter into consensual amorous, romantic, and/or sexual relationships with students or others during the time that the faculty member is in a position to evaluate or supervise the partner in the relationship.

15 Consensual Relations Policy—3.1.44 If a University employee enters into, or already is involved in, a relationship that constitutes a conflict of interest, the employee must take steps to eliminate the conflict. Where a conflict of interest exists, or may exist, within the context of a consensual romantic and/or sexual relationship, the individual with the power or status advantage shall notify his or her immediate supervisor. The supervisor shall have the responsibility for making arrangements to eliminate or mitigate a conflict whose consequences might prove detrimental to the University or to either party in the relationship. These arrangements should be written with both parties agreeing to the terms. If the person with the power or status advantage does not report the relationship to his or her immediate supervisor, the individual can be subject to sanction by the supervisor.

16 Collegiality   Criterion for Tenure 4: “The candidate must have demonstrated the capability to work responsibly and knowledgeably toward the goals of the Department and the University.”   Committee work   Disagreements



19 PUBLICATIONS (% of credit)   Publications Published   Publications in Press   Publications Accepted for Publication   Publications Submitted for Review   Single-Authored Publications   Coauthored Publications   Edited Publications

20 Scholarly Books   University Presses Top Tier Second Tier   Commercial Scholarly Presses (Routledge, Greenwood, Ablex, Sage)   Trade Books

21 Scholarly Books and Monographs   Books Published   Books in Press   Books Accepted for Publication   Books Submitted for Review

22 Textbooks   Textbooks Published   Textbooks in Press   Textbooks Accepted for Publications   Textbooks Submitted for Review

23 Chapter or Segments of Books   Chapters/Segments of Books Published   Chapters/Segments of Books in Press   Chapter/Segments of Books Accepted for Publications   Chapters/Segments of Books Submitted for Review

24 Refereed Articles   First-, Second-, and Third-Tier Journals   International, national, regional   Circulation   Acceptance/Rejection Rate   Citation Rates   On-line Journals

25 Refereed Articles   Refereed Articles Published   Refereed Articles in Press   Refereed Articles Accepted for Publication   Refereed Articles Submitted for Review

26 Non-Refereed Publications   Non-Refereed Articles or Chapters Published   Non-Refereed Articles or Chapters in Press   Non-Refereed Articles or Chapters Accepted for Publication   Non-Refereed Articles or Chapters Submitted for Review

27 Other Publications   Technical Reports   Book Reviews Published   Other Research and Creative Activities

28 Creative Non-Published Works   (Exhibitions, Concerts, Commissioned Works, Productions, Performances)   Judged or not judged

29 Grants and Contracts   Grants and contracts you have directed as PI, director, and/or co-PI   Grants you have applied for   External vs. Internal

30 Papers/Major Speeches Papers at professional conventions International National Regional Local Invited Scholarly vs. Professional Posters Symposia Major Speeches

31 Issues for Future Sessions?

32 Reception Networking Cohort

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