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Presentation on theme: "RISE OF CHRISTIANITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Where did Christianity start?

3 JUDEA (modern Israel) Home of Jews- taken by Romans.
Jews prayed for MESSIAH: Chosen by God to deliver freedom.

4 JESUS OF NAZARETH Preached throughout Judea.
PARABLES: used stories to teach. REPENT: God forgives is one is sorry for sins. DISCIPLES: Believers in Jesus. CHRIST: Title, meaning Messiah.

5 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did people react to Jesus?

6 ROMAN JEALOUSY Afraid Jesus would lead a rebellion.
PONTIUS PILATE: Roman governor of Judea, ordered Jesus crucified.

7 JUDAS ISCARIOT Betrayed Jesus to the Romans. LAST SUPPER:

8 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Christianity spread?

9 EASTER Disciples claim Jesus rose from the dead.
GOSPELS- followers wrote accounts of Jesus. PAUL- traveled to spread word of Jesus, wrote much of the New Testament.

10 PETER Follower went to Rome to establish Church.
CATHOLIC: first religion to worship Jesus. POPE: leader of Catholics (Peter was first) FISHERMAN’S RING: First worn by Peter, now worn by all Popes.

11 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Romans react to Christianity?

12 PERSECUTION Harassed for beliefs. Christians fed to lions.
MARTYR: Those who would die for beliefs.

13 CONSTANTINE Roman emperor who adopted Christianity.
Became most popular religion in Europe.

14 ESSENTIAL QUESTION How is the Catholic Church structured?

15 CHURCH HIERARCHY Pope- lives in Vatican City- Rome
Cardinals- elect the Pope Bishop- oversees a geographic area Priests- administer sacraments: Baptism, marriage, communion, confession.


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