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This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Introduction and objectives of the training session.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Introduction and objectives of the training session."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation Introduction and objectives of the training session Amman, 10-13 March 2008 Joint MEDSTAT II / UN-ESCWA Training session on Water accounts Cécile Roddier-Quefelec

2 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation programme MEDSTAT II MEDSTAT II environment sector Environmental statistics and accounts activities TABLE OF CONTENTS

3 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  MEDSTAT II Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation  Phase II : January 2006- January 2009  37 countries: 27 EU + 10 Mediterranean Partners countries  Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, West Bank & Gaza Strip, Tunisia and Turkey  9 statistical sectors  Agriculture, Energy, Environment, External trade, Migration, National Accounts, Social, Transport, Tourism  2 horizontal sectors  Training and Information systems

4 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  MEDSTAT II Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation  Overall objective:  Improve the quality of services and statistical data  Specific objectives  Institutional strengthening of the NSS  Harmonization  Data base and exchange  Visibility and dissemination  Satisfaction of user’s needs

5 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  MEDSTAT II Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation  Country orientations  Country orientation report  Country statistical situation report  Analysis of IT and IS situation and needs  Country road map  Coordination / Project orientations  National statistical offices (national coordinators)  Thematic working groups involving various institutional partners  Sectoral Task Force  Partnership Group / Directors Committee

6 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  MEDSTAT II Euro-Mediterranean statistical cooperation  Synergies  Between sectors (energy, transport, agriculture, social, tourism)  Pilot study on water consumption by the tourism sector (on- going, final report foreseen in April 08)  Joint publication (energy, transport, environment) end 08  Harmonisation (social, agri)  With other initiatives  EMWIS, SMAP, Plan Bleu  UNSD, UN-ESCWA/ECLAC  Tools  Data exchange protocols / agreements between the Mediterranean Partners countries and the EC  List of variables + standards definitions  Regular data transmission (data and meta data)  Information plateforme (CIRCA, gathering all documents, reports, etc)  Expert e-network

7 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  MEDSTAT II Visibility  WebSite MEDSTAT II  Visibility  Euro-Mediterranean Statistics (half-yearly bulletin)  First issue April 07, second issue March 08  Statistical synthesis (Eurostat Statistics in Focus collection)  The Mediterranean in 2020  The Mediterranean : a showcase of biodiversity  The European Union and its ten Mediterranean partner countries: growing trading links  Considerable growth in transport infrastructure in the Mediterranean partner countries

8 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  The Environment sector  Task Force in June 2007, Copenhagen  Validation of the work programme  to pave the way towards integrated economic-environment accounts (water accounts, Env. Protection expenditures statistics and accounts)  to consolidate existing know-how e.g. water, waste, air emissions (harmonisation of data collection methods, definitions, concepts, quality improvement)  to enhance the integration of environment into other sectors through the development of synergies with the other statistical fields  to strengthened inter-institutional partnership and develop solution to build- up effective and coordinated national statistical information system for environmental issues.  Validation of a core list of variables to be regularly transmitted to the EC  Next Task Force to be held in Cyprus, 9-10 April 08

9 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Integrated economic-environment accounts  Introductive regional workshop, February 07, Luxembourg  Sub-regional training session on water accounts 3 sessions: –English, Delft, UNESCO, Sept 07, –French, Tunis, Oct 07 –Arabic, Amman, March 08 ( organised jointly with UN-ESCWA)  Regional workshop on Environment Protection Expenditures (February 08, Nice)  Study Visits, Technical assistance missions

10 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Joint MEDSTAT II/UN-ESCWA training session on SEEAW  Cooperation between MEDSTAT II, UN-ESCWA and UNSD  Inter-regional synergies  Maximizes cost-effectiveness  Contributes to sub-regional, regional and interregional networking  9 countries involved  MEDSTAT II: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Jordan  ESCWA: Bahrain, Iraq, Oman and Yemen

11 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER  Joint MEDSTAT II/UN-ESCWA training session on SEEAW  Objectives:  Providing sound knowledge on the compilation and practical and operational use of the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting for Water ‘SEEAW’  Strengthen national statistical capacities  Enhance sub-regional networking  4 days: plenary session and practical session  Focus on SEEAW standards tables  Physical supply and use tables for water  Emissions accounts  Hybrid supply and use tables  Assets accounts  Brief overview of supplementary tables and implementation examples from selected countries  Resources  Standards tables in Arabic  Draft SEEAW chapters 3-4 in Arabic  Sample data table

12 This project is funded by the European Union M EDSTAT II Lot 2  Euro-Mediterranean Statistical Co-operation PAGE 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS RETURN TO CHAPTER Thank you Contact Cécile Roddier-Quefelec MEDSTAT II Environment key expert Tel: +33 4 92 38 71 35

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