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The Creation of Israel has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands people, thousands of people being killed and problems with war only rising.

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Presentation on theme: "The Creation of Israel has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands people, thousands of people being killed and problems with war only rising."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Creation of Israel has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands people, thousands of people being killed and problems with war only rising in the Middle East.

3  Before Israel was created there were 78,00 Jews compared to 650,000 non-Jews, the majority of which were Palestinians.  Hundreds of thousands forced to either fly overseas or spread out among the Gaza strip, go to Syria, refuge camps on both banks of the Jordan River or in Southern Lebanon.  Whether they went overseas or spread out among the area, they were left with nothing loosing all their possessions.

4  Map of Israel modern Israel Map of Palestinian land loss in Israel

5  Since September 29 th, 2000 to present day, there have been a reported 6,430 Palestinian deaths and 1,084 Israel deaths.  In statistics done by, it was stated that 1,457 Palestinian children and 124 Israel children have been killed since 2000.  While Palestine gets zero support, money and militarily wise from out side countries, Israel is one of the most supported countries in the world.

6  Graph showing number of Palestinian homes demolished compared to Israeli homes. Graph showing US daily military aid being sent between Israel and Palestine. Graph showing number of Palestinians injured compared to Israelis. Graph showing number of Palestinian children killed compared to Israeli children. Graph showing number of Palestinians killed compared to Israelis. Image showing a Palestinian going against an Israeli tank with only a rock.

7  In the past 50 years or so there have been a total of 7 wars located on and in the regions surrounding Israel.  The most recent of which, the Gaza war between Israel and the Hamas leaders located inside Gaza, Israel.  In total the Gaza war, which only lasted 22 days, lasting from December 27 2008 till January 18, 2009, a total of 1,115 to 1,416 Palestinians died compared to only 13 Israeli deaths.

8  One of the many war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza war. Palestinian children killed during the Gaza war by Israeli troops. A propaganda poster showing a injured child in the Gaza war.

9  How many Palestinians were killed sense September, 2000?  Why do you think these actions are allowed to go on?  What do you think people can do to stop this from happening?


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