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Libraries and librarianship in Czech lands from 18th to 21st century Mgr. Ivanka Příbramská, IISL Summer Seminar, 27.05.2009.

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1 Libraries and librarianship in Czech lands from 18th to 21st century Mgr. Ivanka Příbramská, IISL Summer Seminar, 27.05.2009

2 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar2 Lecture outline Historical development Current state: Legislation Library network Education Associations

3 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar3 Situation in the 18th century Types of libraries Private libraries – aristocrats, individuals involved in cultural and societal area Public libraries – society, municipality, local libraries Semi-public libraries – school and parish libraries, lending libraries, reading rooms Emerging of professional librarians

4 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar4 Situation at the end of the 18th century Enlightment –sciences development Public reading rooms, private reading societies

5 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar5 Situation in the 19th century Municipal public libraries (local reading societies) Increase in public literacy Industrial revolution - impact on book production (“more and cheaper”) Libraries in state administration and local government, museum libraries

6 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar6 Libraries after 1918 1919 – First library act (library in every village) Increase in number of libraries (both public and special ones) Librarianship as an official field of study Bibliology (book science) Since 1922 Czech national bibliography International inter-library loan

7 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar7 Libraries after 1948 1959 – Second library act (centralization) Censorship (esp. after 1970) Lack of foreign (“Western”) literature

8 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar8 Libraries after 1989 Political and social changes Opening of the book market Widening of library services, automation In 1990: 8.364 public libraries; 4.600 other libraries 1.239 inhabitants per 1 library, 5.7 books per inhabitant Transformation: disintegration of the centralized system, budget and staff cuts, impact of privatization on technical libraries

9 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar9 Libraries after 2001 Third library act (public libraries as providers of information services) State administration and local government reform – new regional libraries 2005 – regional functions Library internetization program

10 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar10 Library legislation General public libraries act (1919) progressive; public library in every village within 1-2 years; minority library/department; financing; librarian profession  1 library per 813 inhabitants Unified system of libraries act (1959) Primary focus on centralized control over libraries; separate networks of libraries Libraries and terms of operating public library and information services (2001) Public libraries information services (“system of libraries”); equal access; about 6.000 registered libraries; basic services for free; state benefits; legal deposit (NK 2x, MZK, SVKOL; regional; compulsory periodicals in regional libraries)

11 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar11 Current network of libraries Libraries set up by the Ministry of Culture National Library Moravian Library K.E. Macan Library and Printing House for the Blind Regional libraries set up by regional governments Public libraries set up by relevant municipal bodies Special libraries set up by various institutes

12 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar12 Total number of public libraries5.518 includes: The National Library of the CR1 Moravian Library in Brno1 Regional libraries13 Health facilities122 University libraries121 School libraries4.204 Academy of Sciences of the CR62 Libraries of museums and galleries252

13 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar13 Regional libraries One “main” library in each region (mainly the former research libraries)

14 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar14 List of regional libraries Municipal Library in Prague Central Bohemia Research Library at Kladno The Research Library of South Bohemia in CB Plzeň Region Study and Research Library Karlovy Vary Regional Library North Bohemian Research Library in UnL Research Library in Liberec Hradec Králové Research Library Pardubice Regional Library Vysočina Regional Library at Havlíčkův Brod The Moravian Library in Brno The Research Library in Olomouc Moravian-Silesian Research Library in Ostrava František Bartoš Regional Library at Zlín

15 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar15 Regional libraries - functions Coordinating – expert advices, information, training, analytical and research services Preserving – legal deposit for the region Cooperative – with NL in building the Union catalogue Informative - building and providing access to regional information DB

16 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar16 Public libraries Operated by local authorities Basic providers of library and information services Trend – combining the tasks of traditional libraries with f.e. public access to Internet, municipal information and tourism centres, and local community services Evaluation of libraries – both quantitative and qualitative indicators

17 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar17 Special libraries Offering to libraries within certain specialisation Coordination and information Educational, analytical, research, methodological and consultancy activities

18 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar18 The Czech Academy of Sciences Library... and libraries of the AoS institutes Founded 1952 together with the AoS 1.2 mill. volumes including archival documents, manuscripts, incunabula and rare books; grey literature 55 institutes and their libraries (mathematics, physics and Earth sciences; life and chemical sciences; humanities and social sciences)

19 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar19 The State Technical Library Domestic and foreign literature, other information sources in the area of technology and applied natural and social sciences 1.2 mill. volumes including books, journals, newspapers, science dissertations, information about companies, electronic documents etc.; grey literature Seat of the Czech national centre of the ISSN New building – National technical library (opening on 9.9.2009)

20 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar20 University libraries New development after 1989 (ICT, foreign sources) New layout of the space and new buildings (free access to the collections, study rooms…) Building of institutional repositories Information education, information literacy Currently, 26 universities and HEI

21 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar21 Medical Libraries National Medical Library – largest medical library, dates back to 1841 National Health Information System – collects, processes and provides data from health care institutions Various libraries established by various ministries and other institutions 122 medical libraries – teaching hospitals and medical faculties, specialized medical centers, research institutes, balneological institutes, nursing colleges etc. National medical bibliography; Czech version of MeSH

22 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar22 Museum libraries Regional literature; books, manuscripts, historical collections and other materials and documents (photographs, posters, exhibition and auction catalogues) The National Museum Library (1818) – collection of Bohemian works from manuscripts to contemporary printed materials; vast collection of 19 th century Slavonic literature; two palace libraries (Nostický a Kinský); collection of Bohemian serials; 341 castle libraries; library culture documents; Museum of Book

23 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar23 Comenius National Library on Education Established 1919 Pedagogy, psychology and related fields Special collection of primary and secondary school textbooks (since the beginning of the19 th century); unique collection of national and foreign spelling-books; Comenius-related literature 4.204 school libraries

24 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar24 The K.E. Macan Library and Printing House for the Blind Mediating information to the visually impaired Digitizes texts; provides cultural services; publishes prints in Braille and relief graphics, enlarged prints; makes and distributes audio recordings

25 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar25 ISL education All kinds of professional education available Two secondary schools (Brno, Valašské Mez.) Higher (professional) schools Higher Professional School of Information Services, Prague (Business information systems, Library services, Museum and gallery services) High School and College for Vocational Studies in Library and Information Science, Brno (Information systems) Undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate studies IISL Charles University (Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. + cooperation with Higher School) Masaryk University Brno (Bc., Mgr.) Silesian University Opava (Bc., Mgr.) Life-long learning courses

26 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar26 Professional associations Association of library and information professionals (SKIP) The library association of the Czech Republic (SDRUK) Association of libraries of Czech universities (AKVŠ)

27 27.05.2009Lecture for Summer Seminar27 Any questions? Thank you for your attention...

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