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The Middle East Islam, Israel and Oil. Warm Up  Israel is the only Jewish country in a region of Muslim countries. How might this impact Israel’s relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle East Islam, Israel and Oil. Warm Up  Israel is the only Jewish country in a region of Muslim countries. How might this impact Israel’s relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Middle East Islam, Israel and Oil

2 Warm Up  Israel is the only Jewish country in a region of Muslim countries. How might this impact Israel’s relationship with it’s neighbors in the region?  Content Objective: I will analyze how conflict between differing groups has shaped the Middle East by writing a pro/con paragraph examining Israel’s effect on the region

3 An Islamic Region  Islam was founded in the early 7 th century in modern day Saudi Arabia  More than 90% of Middle Eastern people are Muslim  The Muslim holy lands of Mecca and Medina are located here

4 The Creation of Israel  Jewish people were forced to leave their ancient homeland during the Roman Empire and other times  For nearly 2000 years they spread across the world living in different countries

5 Video of Israel Map Throughout History Think/Ink/Pair/Share  As you watch this video write down how you see the area of Israel change over time.this video  When the video ends, compare your thoughts with that of you elbow partner  Volunteers share their ideas with the class

6 The Creation of Israel Cont.  During the Holocaust of WWII Jews fled Europe and wanted a homeland of their own to feel safe  The country of Israel is created in 1948 by the United Nations  Israel is created in a Palestinian area

7 Arab-Israeli Conflicts  Israel is a Jewish State in an Islamic region  The area where Israel was created was already inhabited by Palestinians  This leads to many conflicts  Israel fights in 6 wars against its neighbors

8 Arab-Israeli Wars Reshape Geography  Israel wins the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt  Israel wins the Golan Heights from Syria  Israel wins the West Bank and Gaza strip (not part of any countries before this, but inhabited by Palestinians)

9 Predict-Pair-Share  How do you think the Arab–Israeli Wars impacted future relationships between Israel and its neighbors?  Take a minute to think it over  Take another minute to share your ideas with your elbow partner  Volunteers share out their ideas

10 A Jewish State in an Islamic Region  Israel brought Western style democracy to the Middle East  It has been in a constant state of conflict with it neighbors for 60 years  Israel has introduced nuclear weapons to the region

11 Assignment  Use information from your notes to complete the pro and con chart on the creation of Israel in the Middle East.  What were the positives of creating Israel in the Middle East? (Pros)  What were the negatives of creating Israel in the Middle East? (Cons)  Once you have completed the pro and con chart use the back to construct a paragraph illustrating the pros and cons.  Sentence Starter: The creation of Israel has had both positive and negative impacts on the Middle East.

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