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3 A’s How to use them in your essays.. What are the 3 A’s 0 Answer (thesis/ answer to the question or prompt) 0 Actual Evidence (Quote or paraphrase)

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Presentation on theme: "3 A’s How to use them in your essays.. What are the 3 A’s 0 Answer (thesis/ answer to the question or prompt) 0 Actual Evidence (Quote or paraphrase)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 A’s How to use them in your essays.

2 What are the 3 A’s 0 Answer (thesis/ answer to the question or prompt) 0 Actual Evidence (Quote or paraphrase) 0 Analysis (How does the evidence connect/relate back to the answer/thesis)

3 How to use it 0 Essay topic- What is one of Shrek’s characteristics? 0 Answer- One of Shrek’s characteristics in the movie is that he is shown to be “strong”, but he is actually quite sensitive. 0 Actual evidence- Shrek compares himself to an onion while speaking with Donkey. 0 Analysis- By using the analogy about the onion, he is proving that he has many layers of traits, one being sensitivity. On the outer layer he may seem strong, but inside he struggles with his emotions. He acknowledges this to Donkey.

4 How to use it based on “The Perfectionist” 0 Question- Should Charles have known earlier that Aunt Muriel had a dark side? 0 Answer- Charles should have known earlier that Aunt Muriel had a dark side and that he should leave. 0 Actual evidence- When Aunt Muriel asks Charles to cut down the peach tree because it was swaying in the wind and she wanted it to be still. 0 Analysis- Charles should have seen then that Aunt Muriel would go to extreme lengths to get what she wanted. She was willing to kill a living thing just so that it would not move while she was painting it.

5 0 Charles should have known earlier that Aunt Muriel had a dark side and that he should leave. The first clue to Aunt Muriel’s true nature can be seen when she asks Charles to cut down the peach tree because it was swaying in the wind and she wanted it to be still. Charles should have seen then that Aunt Muriel would go to extreme lengths to get what she wanted. She was willing to kill a living thing just so that it would not move while she was painting it.

6 REMINDER: 0 USE THE REMINDERS BELOW TO GUIDE YOU IN COMPLETING A 3-6 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH: 0 ANSWER - this is where you state the answer/thesis/ the point you are trying to prove! 0 ACTUAL EVIDENCE - you find quotes from the novel to support your example. Don’t forget to put the page number too! 0 ANALYSIS- this is the ANALYSIS– you must explain/show how the evidence (quote) supports your example (answer) COMBINE THE 3 STEPS ABOVE INTO A PARAGRAPH!!

7 How does this apply to an Essay? 0 Instead of using the 3A method for a short answer response, it can be expanded for the body paragraphs of an essay. 0 The Topic sentence = the Answer 0 Quotes/paraphrasing = the Actual Evidence 0 Connection that is made between quotes/paraphrasing and the topic sentence = Analysis Answer. Actual Evidence. Analysis. TRANSITION, Actual Evidence. Analysis. TRANSITION, Actual Evidence. Analysis. CONCLUDING SENTENCE AND TRANSITION TO NEXT PARAGRAPH. *Practice using the same question.

8 Now You Try 0 Question: What is one characteristic we can attribute to Charles? 0 Remember- Answer, Actual Evidence, and Analysis using transitions. 0 You have 10 minutes- GO!

9 0 One characteristic that can be attributed to Charles is that he is weak. For example, when Aunt Muriel asked Charles to cut down the peach tree he did. Charles says that he “felt like a murderer” when he cut down the tree, but he did not stand up for his feelings and he just did as he was told. Another example of Charles’ wimpy personality can be seen when Aunt Muriel pulls the frozen goldfish out to show Charles. Charles’ reaction was to go “upstairs as soon as “ he could. Instead of confronting her about killing the fish, Charles chose to run away from the situation. Finally, at the end of the story, Charles sneaks away in the cover of darkness. Once again he has avoided dealing directly with Aunt Muriel and having to stand up for his own feelings. All of these show the reader that Charles is weak and a true wimp.

10 Apply to Writing 0 How would you apply this to a writing prompt? 0 Example- 0 What are qualities of a good student? Let’s Practice together!

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