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F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Aladin V3 script mode for the VO.

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Presentation on theme: "F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Aladin V3 script mode for the VO."— Presentation transcript:

1 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Aladin V3 script mode for the VO

2 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Why a script mode ? An alternative to the graphical interface (ASCII console) An alternative to the graphical interface (ASCII console) A way to let other applications control Aladin : A way to let other applications control Aladin : For specifying the starting state (applet context) For specifying the starting state (applet context) For interfacing with other applications (VOPlot) For interfacing with other applications (VOPlot) For using Aladin as a "black-box" producing charts, images, postage stamp images... For using Aladin as a "black-box" producing charts, images, postage stamp images...

3 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Command > ? A script example step by step… In line help Console

4 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] A generic get command.. Command> ? get DSS.ESO(DSS2) NGC1055; get VizieR(USNO-B1) NGC1055; get SDSSDR3cat NGC1055 10'; Command> ? get DSS.ESO(DSS2) NGC1055; get VizieR(USNO-B1) NGC1055; get SDSSDR3cat NGC1055 10'; - give access to all VO resource (via GLU registry) - manage query parameters

5 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Processing commands… Command> ? xmatch USNO-B1 SDSS; export XMatch* votableResult.xml votable; Command> ? xmatch USNO-B1 SDSS; export XMatch* votableResult.xml votable; - CrossMatch by position - Save result in VOTable

6 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] UCD manipulations… Command> ? filter pm { draw pm($[POS_EQ_PMRA], $[POS_EQ_PMDEC]) }; save imageResult.bmp; Command> ? filter pm { draw pm($[POS_EQ_PMRA], $[POS_EQ_PMDEC]) }; save imageResult.bmp; - Draw arrows proportional to Xmatched object proper motion - Save image and overlays

7 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Multiview comparison… filter brighter { $[PHOT*] 3 || abs($[POS_EQ_PMDEC])>3) { draw } }; select A1 XMatch*; createROI 45"; modeview 9; filter brighter { $[PHOT*] 3 || abs($[POS_EQ_PMDEC])>3) { draw } }; select A1 XMatch*; createROI 45"; modeview 9; - Extract small images of selected objects - Compare them with multiview mode

8 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Scripts in Web context script=get+MyData(http://nedwww.ipac. fits.gz);sync;get+NED;get+VizieR(USNO2); get+VizieR(2MASS);get+VizieR(NVSS)

9 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Sites using Aladin scripts

10 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS]

11 Aladin as a remote black-box engine Existing implementation: the Aladin RGB generator: Existing implementation: the Aladin RGB generator: Aladin sessions are launched on a remote cluster of PCs Aladin sessions are launched on a remote cluster of PCs Inputs : script commands Inputs : script commands Output : RGB JPEG image Output : RGB JPEG image Could be integrated in a workflow Could be integrated in a workflow

12 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] The demo in live B1%29%20NGC1055%3bget%20SDSSDR3cat%20NGC1055%2010'%3bsync%3bxmatch%20USNO-B1%20SDSS%3bhide%20USNO- B1%20SDSS%3bpause%206%3bfilter%20pm%20%7b%20draw%20pm%28%24%5bPOS_EQ_PMRA%5d%2c%20%24%5bPOS_EQ_PMDEC%5d%29%20%7d%3bfilter%20p m%20on%3bpause%206%3bfilter%20pm%20off%3bfilter%20brighter%20%7b%20%24%5bPHOT%2a%5d%3c%2017mag%20%26%26%20%28abs%28%24%5bPOS_EQ_PM RA%5d%29%3e3%20%7c%7c%20abs%28%24%5bPOS_EQ_PMDEC%5d%29%3e3%29%20%7b%20draw%20%7d%20%7d%3bfilter%20brighter%20on%3bsync%3bmodevie w%209%3bselect%20A1%20XMatch%2a%3bcreateROI%2045%22%3b

13 F.Ochsenbein, P. Fernique [CDS] Some links Aladin site: Aladin site: http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr Aladin form for script launching URL edition: Aladin form for script launching URL edition: Manual: http://aladin.u- Manual: http://aladin.u-

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