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Synod’s Mind on New Evangelization as continuing rather than starting all over again with courage and sense of urgency in the spirit of Jesus and.

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4 Synod’s Mind on New Evangelization

5 as continuing rather than starting all over again with courage and sense of urgency in the spirit of Jesus and the apostles.

6 Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium: Blueprint of New Evangelization

7 1.Evangelization ad gentes is the announcement of the Gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ. 2.The continuing growth in faith that is the ordinary life of the Church. 3.The New Evangelization is directed especially to those who have become distant from the Church. Three principal settings where New Evangelization is carried out according to the Proposition #7 of the Synod

8 “cannot passively and calmly wait in our church buildings”; we need to move “from a pastoral ministry of mere conservation to a decidedly missionary pastoral ministry.” Latin American Bishops

9 Personal Encounter with Jesus: Foundation of All and New Evangelization

10 The work of the New Evangelization consists in presenting once more the beauty and perennial newness of the encounter with Christ to the often distracted and confused heart and mind of the men and women of our time, above all to ourselves.

11 Contemplate the face of the Lord Jesus Christ

12 Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium

13 The Vine and the Branches

14 Encounter with Jesus in the Church through What Jesus Gave the Church (Synod)

15 Youth and Family: Relevant Settings of New Evangelization for Salesians/Salesian Cooperators Youth and Family: Relevant Settings of New Evangelization for Salesians/Salesian Cooperators



18 Street Evangelization

19 Family Evangelization An emerging apostolic front that we have begun to take better care of is family ministry, and not only in parish or adult formation contexts. It is to be seen in strict connection with youth ministry (GC 27)

20 THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Proposition 48:


22 Conclusion

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